#!/usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use strict; my %typesizes = ( 'LONG' => 4, 'ULONG' => 4, 'SHORT' => 2, 'USHORT' => 2, 'HVIO' => 2, 'HKBD' => 2, ); sub typesize { my $t = shift; return 4 if ($t =~ /\AP/); # pointers are 4 bytes (16:16). die("Unknown type '$t', please update \%typesizes\n") if not defined $typesizes{$t}; return $typesizes{$t}; } my $dirname = defined $ARGV[0] ? $ARGV[0] : 'native'; opendir(DIRH, $dirname) or die("Failed to opendir '$dirname': $!\n"); while (readdir(DIRH)) { next if not /\.h\Z/; next if /\Aos2/; next if /\-lx\.h\Z/; my $module = $_; my $header = "$dirname/$module"; $module =~ s/\.h\Z//; open(IN, '<', $header) or die("Failed to open '$header' for reading: $!\n"); print("$module ...\n"); my %ordinalmap = (); my $has16bitfns = 0; while () { chomp; next if not /OS2APIINFO/; my $line = $_; if (/\AOS2EXPORT\s+(.*?)\s+(OS2API|OS2API16)\s+(.*?)\((.*?)\)\s+OS2APIINFO\((.*?)\);/) { my %table = ( 'rettype' => $1, 'apitype' => $2, 'fn' => $3, 'args' => $4, ); my $apiinfo = $5; my $is16bit = $table{'apitype'} eq 'OS2API16'; $table{'is16bit'} = $is16bit; $has16bitfns |= $is16bit; #print("rettype='$rettype' fn='$fn' args='$args' apiinfo='$apiinfo'\n"); my $fn = $table{'fn'}; my $ordinal = undef; my $expname = undef; if ($apiinfo =~ /\A(\d+)\Z/) { $ordinal = int($1); } else { foreach (split(/,/, $apiinfo)) { #print("apiinfoarg: '$_'\n"); my ($infokey, $infoval) = /\A(.*?)\=(.*)\Z/; #print("apiinfo key='$infokey' val='$infoval'\n"); if ($infokey eq 'ord') { if ($infoval =~ /\A(\d+)\Z/) { $ordinal = int($1); } else { die("Invalid ordinal '$infoval' for '$fn'\n"); } } elsif ($infokey eq 'name') { $expname = $infoval; } else { die("unknown OS2APIINFO key '$infokey' for '$fn'\n"); } } } $table{'ordinal'} = $ordinal; $table{'expname'} = $expname if defined $expname; if (defined $ordinalmap{$ordinal}) { my $dupfn = $ordinalmap{$ordinal}{'fn'}; die("Duplicate ordinal #$ordinal between '$fn' and '$dupfn'\n"); } $ordinalmap{$ordinal} = \%table; } else { die ("Couldn't parse:\n\n $line\n\n") } } close(IN); next if (not %ordinalmap); # no exported items? #use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); print Dumper \%ordinalmap; # Here we go... my $finalfname = "$dirname/$module-lx.h"; my $outfname = "$finalfname-new"; open(OUT, '>', $outfname) or die("Failed to open '$outfname' for writing: $!\n"); print OUT < $b } keys(%ordinalmap) ) { my $tableref = $ordinalmap{$_}; my $fn = $tableref->{'fn'}; my $argstr = $tableref->{'args'}; my $rettype = $tableref->{'rettype'}; my $is16bit = $tableref->{'is16bit'}; my @args = (); if (($argstr ne 'VOID') and ($argstr ne 'void')) { @args = split /,/, $argstr; } # Build a little wrapper that'll pull arguments off the stack and # convert to whatever the native calling conventions are. if ($is16bit) { print OUT "static $rettype bridge16to32_$fn(uint8 *args) {\n"; #foreach (@args) { # arguments are listed backwards here. for my $i (reverse 0..$#args) { my $arg = $args[$i]; my ($t, $n) = $arg =~ /\A\s*(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s*\Z/; #print("arg='$_' t='$t' n='$n'\n"); my $a = ($t =~ /\AP/) ? 'PTRARG' : 'ARG'; # it's a pointer? print OUT " LX_NATIVE_MODULE_16BIT_BRIDGE_$a($t, $n);\n"; } print OUT " "; if (($rettype ne 'void') && ($rettype ne 'VOID')) { # Currently it's reasonable to assume the retval will land in EAX. print OUT "return "; } print OUT "$fn("; my $comma = ''; foreach (@args) { my ($t, $n) = /\A\s*(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s*\Z/; print OUT "$comma$n"; $comma = ', '; } print OUT ");\n"; print OUT "}\n\n"; } } if ($has16bitfns) { print OUT "LX_NATIVE_MODULE_16BIT_SUPPORT()\n"; foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%ordinalmap) ) { my $tableref = $ordinalmap{$_}; next if not $tableref->{'is16bit'}; my $fn = $tableref->{'fn'}; print OUT " LX_NATIVE_MODULE_16BIT_API($fn)\n"; } print OUT "LX_NATIVE_MODULE_16BIT_SUPPORT_END()\n"; print OUT "\n"; print OUT "LX_NATIVE_MODULE_DEINIT({\n"; print OUT " LX_NATIVE_MODULE_DEINIT_16BIT_SUPPORT();\n"; print OUT "})\n"; print OUT "\n"; print OUT "static int init16_$module(void) {\n"; print OUT " LX_NATIVE_MODULE_INIT_16BIT_SUPPORT()\n"; foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%ordinalmap) ) { my $tableref = $ordinalmap{$_}; next if not $tableref->{'is16bit'}; my $fn = $tableref->{'fn'}; my $argstr = $tableref->{'args'}; my $argbytes = 0; my @args = (); if (($argstr ne 'VOID') and ($argstr ne 'void')) { @args = split /,/, $argstr; } foreach (@args) { my ($t, $n) = /\A\s*(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s*\Z/; $argbytes += typesize($t); } print OUT " LX_NATIVE_INIT_16BIT_BRIDGE($fn, $argbytes)\n"; } print OUT " LX_NATIVE_MODULE_INIT_16BIT_SUPPORT_END()\n"; print OUT " return 1;\n"; print OUT "}\n\n"; } print OUT "LX_NATIVE_MODULE_INIT("; if ($has16bitfns) { print OUT "{ if (!init16_$module()) return 0; }"; } print OUT ")\n"; my $comma = ''; foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%ordinalmap) ) { my $tableref = $ordinalmap{$_}; my $fn = $tableref->{'fn'}; my $expname = $tableref->{'expname'}; my $ordinal = $tableref->{'ordinal'}; my $suffix = $tableref->{'is16bit'} ? '16' : ''; print OUT $comma; if (defined $expname) { print OUT " LX_NATIVE_EXPORT${suffix}_DIFFERENT_NAME($fn, \"$expname\", $ordinal)"; } else { print OUT " LX_NATIVE_EXPORT${suffix}($fn, $ordinal)"; } $comma = ",\n"; } print OUT "\n"; print OUT <