General stuff TODO: - Verify portability to various Unixes (BSD, etc) - Port to BeOS. - Port to MacOS Classic. - Man pages for the API. - Add Sound_Rewind(). More immediate: - Write a decent README. - Handle compression and other chunks in WAV files. - Handle compression and other chunks in AIFF-C files. - Cleanup up VOC decoder (seems messy to me). - Change SMPEG's URL to point to - Rename "test" directory to "playsound". - Have default make build playsound, and make install install it. - Make some of the SNDDBG() strings more uniform. - SMPEG only works after calling SDL_OpenAudio(). Why? - Shrink buffer in Sound_DecodeAll to fit exact size of sample after decoding. - Make Sound_SetError() and Sound_GetError() use their own buffers, so they don't piddle over SDL errors, and vice-versa. - Run through ElectricFence, dmalloc, etc... Decoders to implement: - .MID - .CDA (Does this need specific decoding? Or is a RWops needed?) - .AU - An mpglib MP3 decoder? (or backend mpglib into SMPEG?) - ...and more... Ongoing: - look for "FIXME"s in the code. /* end of TODO ... */