More immediate: - Fix the crappy rewind implementation in shn.c's SHN_rewind(). - Finish implementing seek() method in decoders, see below. - Add a sdlsound-config script? - Make sure we can build shared libs on Cygwin, BeOS, Mac OS X... - Move to CMake - Up default optimizations to -O3? Decoders still needing seek() method: (If decoder can't seek, clean up the stub and report an error.) - mikmod.c - shn.c - quicktime.c General stuff TODO: - Hack on the experimental audio conversion routines. - Add the altivec-optimized libvorbis to the project? - Handle compression and other chunks in WAV files. - Handle compression and other chunks in AIFF-C files. - Reduce malloc() pressure. - Maybe allow an external allocator? Quicktime stuff that'd be cool, but isn't crucial: - Integrate decoders/quicktime.c with build system (for OS X)? - Make decoders/quicktime.c more robust. - Make decoders/quicktime.c work on win32? - There's no seek() method. Ongoing: - look for "FIXME"s in the code. /* end of TODO ... */