#!/usr/bin/perl -w #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (C) 2002 Ryan C. Gordon (icculus@icculus.org) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use File::Basename; #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: Change to suit your needs... # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # The ever important debug-spew-enabler... my $debug = 0; # File must have not been touch within this many minutes to be archived. # This prevents archiving of a file that is in the middle of being edited. my $update_delay = 60 * 24; # 24 hours old. my $use_homedir = 0; my $fingerspace = '/fingerspace'; my $dbhost = 'localhost'; my $dbuser = 'fingermgr'; # This is the maximum amount of data that IcculusFinger will read from a # planfile. If this cuts off in the middle of an opened formatting tag, # tough luck. IcculusFinger reads the entire planfile (up to the max you # specify here) into memory before processing tags. Theoretically, this could # be changed to handle tags on the fly, in which case users that would # otherwise be over the limit might not be after processing sections, etc, # but this is not the case here and now. # Note that images specified inside [img] tags, etc are not counted towards # this limit (since the web browser would be requesting those images # separately), and only applies to the max bytes to be read directly from the # planfile. This is merely here to prevent someone from symlinking their # planfile to /dev/zero or something that could fill all available memory. # This value is specified in bytes. Data read from the database has no # limit, but theoretically, if it had to pass through this script to get into # the database, this is a practical limit for that, too. my $max_plan_size = (100 * 1024); # The password can be entered in three ways: Either hardcode it into $dbpass, # (which is a security risk, but is faster if you have a completely closed # system), or leave $dbpass set to undef, in which case this script will try # to read the password from the file specified in $dbpassfile (which means # that this script and the database can be touched by anyone with read access # to that file), or leave both undef to have DBI get the password from the # DBI_PASS environment variable, which is the most secure, but least # convenient. my $dbpass = undef; my $dbpassfile = '/etc/IcculusFinger_dbpass.txt'; my $dbname = 'IcculusFinger'; my $dbtable_archive = 'finger_archive'; my $post_to_icculusnews = 1; my $newshost = 'localhost'; my $newsauthor = 'fingermaster'; my $newsposter = '/usr/local/bin/IcculusNews_post.pl'; my $newspass = undef; my $newspassfile = '/etc/IcculusFinger_newspass.txt'; #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # The rest is probably okay without you laying yer dirty mits on it. # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# my $force_archive = undef; my $replace_archive = 0; sub strip_tags { my $t = shift; 1 while ($t =~ s/\&(?!amp)/&/s); 1 while ($t =~ s//>/s); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[title\](.*?)\[\/title\](\n|\r\n|\b)//is); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[wittyremark\](.*?)\[\/wittyremark\](\n|\r\n|\b)//is); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/$1<\/b>/is); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\]/$1<\/u>/is); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/$1<\/i>/is); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[center\](.*?)\[\/center\]/
$1<\/center>/is); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[img=(".*?")\].*?\[\/img\]//is); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[link=(".*?")\](.*?)\[\/link\]/$2<\/a>/is); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[defaultsection=".*?"\](\n|\r\n|\b)//is); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[section=".*?"\](\n|\r\n|\b)(.*?)\[\/section\](\n|\r\n|\b)/$2/is); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[font(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/font\]/$2<\/font>/is); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[noarchive\](.*?)\[\/noarchive\]/$1/is); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[markdown\](.*?)\[\/markdown\]/$1/is); 1 while ($t =~ s/\[metadata=\].*?\[\/metadata\]//is); return $t; } sub run_external_updater { my $u = shift; my $d = shift; my $t = shift; if ($post_to_icculusnews) { print(" posting to IcculusNews's submission queue...\n") if $debug; $t = strip_tags($t); print(" parsed markup tags...\n") if $debug; my $newssubj = "Notable .plan update from $u"; $ENV{'ICCNEWS_POST_PASS'} = $newspass if defined $newspass; my $rc = open(PH, "|$newsposter '$newshost' '$newsauthor' '1' '$newssubj' -"); if (not $rc) { print(" No pipe to IcculusNews: $!\n"); } else { print PH "$u updated his .plan file at $d" . " with the following info:\n



\n"; close(PH); print(" posted to submission queue.\n") if $debug; } } } sub enumerate_planfiles { my $dirname = (($use_homedir) ? '/home' : $fingerspace); opendir(DIRH, $dirname) or return(undef); my @dirents = sort readdir(DIRH); closedir(DIRH); my @retval; if ($use_homedir) { foreach (@dirents) { next if (($_ eq '.') or ($_ eq '..')); push @retval, "/home/$_/.plan"; } } else { foreach (@dirents) { next if (($_ eq '.') or ($_ eq '..')); push @retval, "$fingerspace/$_"; } } return(@retval); } sub get_sqldate { my $mtime = shift; my @t = localtime($mtime); $t[5] = "0000" . ($t[5] + 1900); $t[5] =~ s/.*?(\d\d\d\d)\Z/$1/; $t[4] = "00" . ($t[4] + 1); $t[4] =~ s/.*?(\d\d)\Z/$1/; $t[3] = "00" . $t[3]; $t[3] =~ s/.*?(\d\d)\Z/$1/; $t[2] = "00" . $t[2]; $t[2] =~ s/.*?(\d\d)\Z/$1/; $t[1] = "00" . $t[1]; $t[1] =~ s/.*?(\d\d)\Z/$1/; $t[0] = "00" . $t[0]; $t[0] =~ s/.*?(\d\d)\Z/$1/; return('' . ($t[5]) . '-' . ($t[4]) . '-' . ($t[3]) . ' ' . ($t[2]) . ':' . ($t[1]) . ':' . ($t[0]) ); } sub read_plantext { my $link = shift; my $filename = shift; my $retval = ''; open(PLAN_IN, '<', $filename) or die("Can't open $filename: $!\n"); if (not defined read(PLAN_IN, $retval, $max_plan_size)) { die("Couldn't read planfile: $!"); } close(PLAN_IN); return($retval); } sub update_planfile { my $link = shift; my $filename = shift; if (-d $filename) { return; } my $modtime = (stat($filename))[9]; my $fdate = get_sqldate($modtime); my $sql = ''; my $plantext = undef; my $user = $filename; if ($use_homedir) { $user =~ s#\A/home/(.*?)/\.plan\Z#$1#; } else { $user = basename($filename); } my $replace = 0; if ((defined $force_archive) and ($force_archive eq $user)) { print(" * Forcing archival of $user\'s .planfile...\n") if $debug; $user = $link->quote($user); $replace = $replace_archive; } else { print(" * Examining $user\'s .planfile (modtime $fdate)...\n") if $debug; $user = $link->quote($user); # ... get date of the latest archived .plan ... $sql = "select postdate, text from $dbtable_archive where username=$user" . " order by postdate desc limit 1"; my $sth = $link->prepare($sql); $sth->execute() or die "can't execute the query: $sth->errstr"; my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); if (not @row) { print(" Don't seem to have a previous entry ...\n") if $debug; if ( (stat($filename))[7] == 0 ) { print(" ...but the .plan is empty. Skipping.\n") if $debug; return; } } else { my $t = time(); if ($t < $modtime) { print(" WARNING: file timestamp is in the future!\n") if $debug; `touch -c -m '$filename'`; # force to now, retest next time for content change. return; } else { if ( ($t - $modtime) < ($update_delay * 60) ) { if ($debug) { my $oktime = int($update_delay - (($t - $modtime) / 60)); print(" File update is too new to archive.\n"); print(" (Try again in $oktime minutes.)\n"); } return; } } if ($debug) { my $x = $row[0]; print(" dates: [$x] [$fdate]\n"); } if ($row[0] eq $fdate) { print(" Matches archive timestamp. Skipping.\n") if $debug; return; } else { $plantext = read_plantext($link, $filename); my $plancpy = $plantext; # Ditch [noarchive][/noarchive] tag blocks and strcmp rest. 1 while ($row[1] =~ s/\[noarchive\].*?\[\/noarchive\]//is); 1 while ($plancpy =~ s/\[noarchive\].*?\[\/noarchive\]//is); if ($row[1] ne $plancpy) { print(" Newer revision needs archiving.\n") if $debug; } else { print(" Newer revision only changed [noarchive] section(s). Skipping.\n") if ($debug); return; } } } } $plantext = read_plantext($link, $filename) if (not defined $plantext); my $metadatastr = $plantext; my %metadata = (); 1 while ($metadatastr =~ s/\r\n/\n/s); 1 while ($metadatastr =~ s/\r/\n/s); while ($metadatastr =~ s/\[metadata=\"(.*?)\"\](\n|\b)(.*?)\[\/metadata\](\n|\b)//) { my $k = $1; my $v = $3; $k =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $metadata{$k} = $v; } my $summary = $metadata{'summary'}; if (not defined $summary) { my $str = $metadatastr; 1 while ($str =~ s/\[title\](.*?)\[\/title\](\n|\r\n|\b)//is); 1 while ($str =~ s/\[wittyremark\](.*?)\[\/wittyremark\](\n|\r\n|\b)//is); 1 while ($str =~ s/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/$1/is); 1 while ($str =~ s/\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\]/$1/is); 1 while ($str =~ s/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/$1/is); 1 while ($str =~ s/\[center\](.*?)\[\/center\]/$1/is); 1 while ($str =~ s/\[img=(".*?")\].*?\[\/img\]//is); 1 while ($str =~ s/\[link=(".*?")\](.*?)\[\/link\]/$2/is); 1 while ($str =~ s/\[defaultsection=".*?"\](\n|\r\n|\b)//is); 1 while ($str =~ s/\[section=".*?"\](\n|\r\n|\b)(.*?)\[\/section\](\n|\r\n|\b)/$2/is); 1 while ($str =~ s/\[font(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/font\]/$2/is); 1 while ($str =~ s/\[noarchive\](.*?)\[\/noarchive\]/$1/is); 1 while ($str =~ s/\[markdown\](.*?)\[\/markdown\]/$1/is); 1 while ($str =~ s/\[metadata=".*?"\](\n|\r\n|\b).*?\[\/metadata\](\n|\r\n|\b)//is); $str =~ s/\A\s+//; $str =~ s/\s+\Z//; $str =~ s/\A(.*?)[\r\n].*\Z/$1/s; $str =~ s/\A\s+//; $str =~ s/\s+\Z//; $summary = $str; $summary =~ s/\A(.{1,80})\b.*\Z/$1/; $summary =~ s/\A(.{15,}?[.?!]).*\Z/$1/; # gross. } 1 while ($summary =~ s/\r\n/ /s); 1 while ($summary =~ s/\r/ /s); 1 while ($summary =~ s/\n/ /s); if (length($summary) > 80) { $summary =~ s/\A(.{1,80})\b.*\Z/$1/; $summary =~ s/\A(.{15,}?[.?!]).*\Z/$1/; # gross. } #print("SUMMARY: $summary\n"); exit(0); $summary = $link->quote($summary); my $ftext = $link->quote($plantext); my $lastpost = undef; if ($replace) { # ... get date of the latest archived .plan ... $sql = "select postdate from $dbtable_archive where username=$user" . " order by postdate desc limit 1"; my $sth = $link->prepare($sql); $sth->execute() or die "can't execute the query: $sth->errstr"; my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); if (not @row) { $replace = 0; # no previous entry. } else { $lastpost = $row[0]; } } if ($replace) { $sql = "update $dbtable_archive set text=$ftext, summary=$summary" . " where $user=$user and postdate='$lastpost'"; $lastpost =~ s/\d\d\d\d\-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d)\:(\d\d)\:(\d\d)/$1$2$3$4.$5/; `touch -c -m -t '$lastpost' '$filename'`; # force file to this date. } else { $sql = "insert into $dbtable_archive (username, postdate, summary, text)" . " values ($user, '$fdate', $summary, $ftext)"; } $link->do($sql) or die "can't execute the query: $link->errstr"; print(" Revision added to archives.\n") if $debug; run_external_updater(basename($filename), $fdate, $plantext); } # the mainline. for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ARGV); $i++) { my $arg = $ARGV[$i]; $debug = 1, next if ($arg eq '--debug'); $replace_archive = 1, next if ($arg eq '--replace'); $force_archive = $ARGV[++$i], next if ($arg eq '--force'); #$username = $arg, next if (not defined $username); #$subject = $arg, next if (not defined $subject); #$text = $arg, next if (not defined $text); #etc. print("Unknown argument \"$arg\".\n"); } if (($replace_archive) and (not defined $force_archive)) { die("--replace without --force") } my @planfiles = enumerate_planfiles(); die("Failed to enumerate planfiles: $!\n") if not @planfiles; if (not defined $dbpass) { if (defined $dbpassfile) { open(FH, $dbpassfile) or die("failed to open $dbpassfile: $!\n"); $dbpass = ; chomp($dbpass); $dbpass =~ s/\A\s*//; $dbpass =~ s/\s*\Z//; close(FH); } } if ((not defined $newspass) && (not defined $ENV{'ICCNEWS_POST_PASS'})) { if (defined $newspassfile) { open(FH, $newspassfile) or die("failed to open $newspassfile: $!\n"); $newspass = ; chomp($newspass); $newspass =~ s/\A\s*//; $newspass =~ s/\s*\Z//; close(FH); } } my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$dbhost"; print(" * Connecting to [$dsn] ...\n") if $debug; my $link = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass, {'RaiseError' => 1}); foreach (@planfiles) { update_planfile($link, "$_"); } $link->disconnect(); exit 0; # end of IcculusFinger_archiveplans.pl ...