- md5sum of patchfile itself? - Move confirm() to UI abstraction. - Integrate xdelta into single binary? - Lots of tests for dir/notdir or file/notfile...no symlinks support, etc. - serialization of patchfile. - Standardize datatypes. - Make everything fit in 80 columns... - Split mojopatch.c into multiple files. - Get other platforms besides Mac updated and building again. - Look for FIXMEs... - "_fatal" isn't really appropriate anymore, since it might not be fatal. - We md5sum to compare files. A byte-by-byte compare that halts as soon as there's a difference would be much faster when creating the initial patch files. - Do a binary package for MacOS so people don't have to build from source. (But fix some other nasties first). - Windows port. - Linux port...gtk, qt? Besides some platform_unix things, the thing should mostly work with the stdio UI driver... - XCode project for MacOS - MacOS Classic? :) - "Patching successful" is said even if there's a catastropic failure, because of the nasty skip_patch code. - Ignore .DS_Store files by default on MacOS X? - Documentation! Anything at all! - Write a GUI for generating patches. /* end of TODO ... */