/** * MojoShader; generate shader programs from bytecode of compiled * Direct3D shaders. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #define __MOJOSHADER_INTERNAL__ 1 #include "mojoshader_internal.h" #define DEBUG_TOKENIZER 0 // !!! FIXME: no #define support yet. typedef struct TokenizerContext { const char *source; int on_endline; unsigned int linenum; char prevchar; char token[64]; char pushedback; } TokenizerContext; typedef struct SourcePos { const char *filename; uint32 line; } SourcePos; // Context...this is state that changes as we assemble a shader... typedef struct Context { int isfail; int out_of_memory; int eof; MOJOSHADER_malloc malloc; MOJOSHADER_free free; void *malloc_data; int error_count; ErrorList *errors; TokenizerContext tctx; MOJOSHADER_parsePhase parse_phase; MOJOSHADER_shaderType shader_type; uint8 major_ver; uint8 minor_ver; uint32 version_token; uint32 tokenbuf[16]; int tokenbufpos; DestArgInfo dest_arg; uint32 *output; SourcePos *token_to_source; uint8 *ctab; uint32 ctab_len; uint32 ctab_allocation; size_t output_len; size_t output_allocation; } Context; // Convenience functions for allocators... static inline void out_of_memory(Context *ctx) { ctx->isfail = ctx->out_of_memory = 1; } // out_of_memory static inline void *Malloc(Context *ctx, const size_t len) { void *retval = ctx->malloc((int) len, ctx->malloc_data); if (retval == NULL) out_of_memory(ctx); return retval; } // Malloc static inline char *StrDup(Context *ctx, const char *str) { char *retval = (char *) Malloc(ctx, strlen(str) + 1); if (retval == NULL) out_of_memory(ctx); else strcpy(retval, str); return retval; } // StrDup static inline void Free(Context *ctx, void *ptr) { if (ptr != NULL) // check for NULL in case of dumb free() impl. ctx->free(ptr, ctx->malloc_data); } // Free static void failf(Context *ctx, const char *fmt, ...) ISPRINTF(2,3); static void failf(Context *ctx, const char *fmt, ...) { const char *fname = NULL; unsigned int linenum = 0; int error_position = 0; ctx->isfail = 1; switch (ctx->parse_phase) { case MOJOSHADER_PARSEPHASE_NOTSTARTED: error_position = -2; break; case MOJOSHADER_PARSEPHASE_WORKING: // !!! FIXME: fname == base source file if output_pos == 0. if (ctx->output_len > 0) { const size_t idx = ctx->output_len - 1; linenum = ctx->token_to_source[idx].line; fname = ctx->token_to_source[idx].filename; } // if error_position = linenum; break; case MOJOSHADER_PARSEPHASE_DONE: error_position = -1; break; default: assert(0 && "Unexpected value"); return; } // switch ErrorList *error = (ErrorList *) Malloc(ctx, sizeof (ErrorList)); if (error == NULL) return; char scratch = 0; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); const int len = vsnprintf(&scratch, sizeof (scratch), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); char *failstr = (char *) Malloc(ctx, len + 1); if (failstr == NULL) Free(ctx, error); else { va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(failstr, len + 1, fmt, ap); // rebuild it. va_end(ap); error->error.error = failstr; error->error.filename = fname ? StrDup(ctx, fname) : NULL; error->error.error_position = error_position; error->next = NULL; ErrorList *prev = NULL; ErrorList *item = ctx->errors; while (item != NULL) { prev = item; item = error->next; } // while if (prev == NULL) ctx->errors = error; else prev->next = error; ctx->error_count++; } // else } // failf static inline void fail(Context *ctx, const char *reason) { failf(ctx, "%s", reason); } // fail static inline int isfail(const Context *ctx) { return ctx->isfail; } // isfail static inline int tokeq(const TokenizerContext *tctx, const char *token) { return (strcasecmp(tctx->token, token) == 0); } // tokeq // Shader model version magic... static inline uint32 ver_ui32(const uint8 major, const uint8 minor) { return ( (((uint32) major) << 16) | (((minor) == 0xFF) ? 0 : (minor)) ); } // version_ui32 static inline int shader_version_atleast(const Context *ctx, const uint8 maj, const uint8 min) { return (ver_ui32(ctx->major_ver, ctx->minor_ver) >= ver_ui32(maj, min)); } // shader_version_atleast static inline int shader_is_pixel(const Context *ctx) { return (ctx->shader_type == MOJOSHADER_TYPE_PIXEL); } // shader_is_pixel static inline int shader_is_vertex(const Context *ctx) { return (ctx->shader_type == MOJOSHADER_TYPE_VERTEX); } // shader_is_vertex static int ui32fromstr(const char *str, uint32 *ui32) { //*ui32 = (uint32) atoi(minstr); char *endptr = NULL; const long val = strtol(str, &endptr, 10); *ui32 = (uint32) val; return ((val >= 0) && (*str != '\0') && (*endptr == '\0')); } // ui32fromstr static inline void add_token_sourcepos(Context *ctx, const size_t idx) { ctx->token_to_source[idx].line = ctx->tctx.linenum; ctx->token_to_source[idx].filename = NULL; } // add_token_sourcepos static void output_token_noswap(Context *ctx, const uint32 token) { if (isfail(ctx)) return; if (ctx->output_len >= ctx->output_allocation) { const size_t output_alloc_bump = 1024; // that's tokens, not bytes. const size_t newsize = ctx->output_allocation + output_alloc_bump; void *ptr; ptr = Malloc(ctx, newsize * sizeof (uint32)); if (ptr == NULL) return; if (ctx->output_len > 0) memcpy(ptr, ctx->output, ctx->output_len * sizeof (uint32)); Free(ctx, ctx->output); ctx->output = (uint32 *) ptr; ptr = Malloc(ctx, newsize * sizeof (SourcePos)); if (ptr == NULL) return; if (ctx->output_len > 0) memcpy(ptr, ctx->token_to_source, ctx->output_len * sizeof (SourcePos)); Free(ctx, ctx->token_to_source); ctx->token_to_source = (SourcePos *) ptr; ctx->output_allocation = newsize; } // if ctx->output[ctx->output_len] = token; add_token_sourcepos(ctx, ctx->output_len); ctx->output_len++; } // output_token_noswap static inline void output_token(Context *ctx, const uint32 token) { output_token_noswap(ctx, SWAP32(token)); } // output_token static void output_comment_bytes(Context *ctx, const uint8 *buf, size_t len) { if (len > (0xFFFF * 4)) // length is stored as token count, in 16 bits. fail(ctx, "Comment field is too big"); else if (!isfail(ctx)) { const uint32 tokencount = (len / 4) + ((len % 4) ? 1 : 0); output_token(ctx, 0xFFFE | (tokencount << 16)); while (len >= 4) { output_token_noswap(ctx, *((const uint32 *) buf)); len -= 4; buf += 4; } // while if (len > 0) // handle spillover... { union { uint8 ui8[4]; uint32 ui32; } overflow; overflow.ui32 = 0; memcpy(overflow.ui8, buf, len); output_token_noswap(ctx, overflow.ui32); } // if } // else if } // output_comment_bytes static inline void output_comment_string(Context *ctx, const char *str) { output_comment_bytes(ctx, (const uint8 *) str, strlen(str)); } // output_comment_string static int tokenize_ctx(Context *ctx, TokenizerContext *tctx) { int idx = 0; if (tctx->pushedback) { tctx->pushedback = 0; return 1; } // if if (tctx->on_endline) { tctx->on_endline = 0; tctx->linenum++; // passed a newline, update. } // if while (1) { // !!! FIXME: carefully crafted (but legal) comments can trigger this. if (idx >= sizeof (tctx->token)) { fail(ctx, "buffer overflow"); return 0; } // if char ch = *tctx->source; if (ch == '\t') ch = ' '; // collapse tabs into single spaces. else if (ch == '\r') { if (tctx->source[1] == '\n') continue; // ignore '\r' if this is "\r\n" ... ch = '\n'; } // else if if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) { // starting a number, but rest of current token was not number. if ((idx > 0) && ((tctx->prevchar < '0') || (tctx->prevchar > '9'))) { tctx->token[idx++] = '\0'; return 1; } // if } // if else { // starting a non-number, but rest of current token was numbers. if ((idx > 0) && ((tctx->prevchar >= '0') && (tctx->prevchar <= '9'))) { tctx->token[idx++] = '\0'; return 1; } // if } // else switch (ch) { case '/': case ';': // !!! FIXME: comment, right? if (idx != 0) // finish off existing token. tctx->token[idx] = '\0'; else { tctx->token[idx++] = ch; tctx->source++; if ((ch == '/') && (*tctx->source == '/')) { tctx->token[idx++] = '/'; tctx->source++; } // if tctx->token[idx++] = '\0'; } // else return 1; case ' ': if (tctx->prevchar == ' ') break; // multiple whitespace collapses into one. // intentional fall-through... case '_': case '[': case ']': case '(': case ')': case '!': case '+': case '-': case ',': case '.': case '\n': if (idx != 0) // finish off existing token. tctx->token[idx] = '\0'; else // this is a token in itself. { if (ch == '\n') tctx->on_endline = 1; tctx->source++; tctx->token[idx++] = ch; tctx->token[idx++] = '\0'; } // else return 1; case '\0': tctx->token[idx] = '\0'; if (idx != 0) // had any chars? It's a token. return 1; ctx->eof = 1; return 0; default: tctx->source++; tctx->token[idx++] = ch; break; } // switch tctx->prevchar = ch; } // while assert(0 && "Shouldn't hit this code"); return 0; } // tokenize_ctx static inline int tokenize(Context *ctx) { const int rc = tokenize_ctx(ctx, &ctx->tctx); #if DEBUG_TOKENIZER printf("TOKENIZE: %d '%s'\n", rc, (ctx->tctx.token[0] == '\n') ? "\\n" : ctx->tctx.token); #endif return rc; } // tokenize static void pushback_ctx(Context *ctx, TokenizerContext *tctx) { assert(!tctx->pushedback); tctx->pushedback = 1; } // pushback_ctx static inline void pushback(Context *ctx) { pushback_ctx(ctx, &ctx->tctx); #if DEBUG_TOKENIZER printf("PUSHBACK\n"); #endif } // pushback static int nexttoken_ctx(Context *ctx, TokenizerContext *tctx, const int ignoreeol, const int ignorewhitespace, const int eolok, const int eosok) { while (tokenize_ctx(ctx, tctx)) { if (tokeq(tctx, "\n")) { if (ignoreeol) continue; else if (!eolok) { fail(ctx, "Unexpected EOL"); return 0; } // else if } // if else if (tokeq(tctx, " ")) { if (ignorewhitespace) continue; } // else if // skip comments... else if (tokeq(tctx, "//") || tokeq(tctx, ";")) { while (tokenize_ctx(ctx, tctx)) { if (tokeq(tctx, "\n")) { pushback_ctx(ctx, tctx); break; } // if } // while continue; // pick up from newline, go again. } // if break; } // while if ((ctx->eof) && (!eosok)) { fail(ctx, "Unexpected EOF"); return 0; } // if return 1; } // nexttoken_ctx static inline int nexttoken(Context *ctx, const int ignoreeol, const int ignorewhitespace, const int eolok, const int eosok) { const int rc = nexttoken_ctx(ctx, &ctx->tctx, ignoreeol, ignorewhitespace, eolok, eosok); #if DEBUG_TOKENIZER printf("NEXTTOKEN: %d '%s'\n", rc, (ctx->tctx.token[0] == '\n') ? "\\n" : ctx->tctx.token); #endif return rc; } // nexttoken static void skip_line(Context *ctx) { if (!tokeq(&ctx->tctx, "\n")) { while (nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 1, 1)) { if (tokeq(&ctx->tctx, "\n")) break; } // while } // if } // skip_line static void require_endline(Context *ctx) { TokenizerContext *tctx = &ctx->tctx; const int rc = nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 1, 1); if (ctx->eof) return; // we'll call this an EOL. else if ((rc == 0) || (!tokeq(tctx, "\n"))) { fail(ctx, "Endline expected"); skip_line(ctx); } // else if } // require_endline static int require_comma(Context *ctx) { TokenizerContext *tctx = &ctx->tctx; const int rc = nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0); if ((rc == 0) || (!tokeq(tctx, ","))) { fail(ctx, "Comma expected"); return 0; } // if return 1; } // require_comma static int parse_register_name(Context *ctx, RegisterType *rtype, int *rnum) { TokenizerContext *tctx = &ctx->tctx; if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return 0; int neednum = 1; int regnum = 0; RegisterType regtype = REG_TYPE_TEMP; if (tokeq(tctx, "r")) regtype = REG_TYPE_TEMP; else if (tokeq(tctx, "v")) regtype = REG_TYPE_INPUT; else if (tokeq(tctx, "c")) regtype = REG_TYPE_CONST; else if (tokeq(tctx, "i")) regtype = REG_TYPE_CONSTINT; else if (tokeq(tctx, "b")) regtype = REG_TYPE_CONSTBOOL; else if (tokeq(tctx, "oC")) regtype = REG_TYPE_COLOROUT; else if (tokeq(tctx, "s")) regtype = REG_TYPE_SAMPLER; else if (tokeq(tctx, "oD")) regtype = REG_TYPE_ATTROUT; else if (tokeq(tctx, "l")) regtype = REG_TYPE_LABEL; else if (tokeq(tctx, "p")) regtype = REG_TYPE_PREDICATE; else if (tokeq(tctx, "oDepth")) { regtype = REG_TYPE_DEPTHOUT; neednum = 0; } // else if else if (tokeq(tctx, "aL")) { regtype = REG_TYPE_LOOP; neednum = 0; } // else if else if (tokeq(tctx, "o")) { if (!shader_is_vertex(ctx) || !shader_version_atleast(ctx, 3, 0)) fail(ctx, "Output register not valid in this shader type"); regtype = REG_TYPE_OUTPUT; } // else if else if (tokeq(tctx, "oT")) { if (shader_is_vertex(ctx) && shader_version_atleast(ctx, 3, 0)) fail(ctx, "Output register not valid in this shader type"); regtype = REG_TYPE_OUTPUT; } // else if else if (tokeq(tctx, "a")) { if (!shader_is_vertex(ctx)) fail(ctx, "Address register only valid in vertex shaders."); regtype = REG_TYPE_ADDRESS; } // else if else if (tokeq(tctx, "t")) { if (!shader_is_pixel(ctx)) fail(ctx, "Address register only valid in pixel shaders."); regtype = REG_TYPE_ADDRESS; } // else if else if (tokeq(tctx, "vPos")) { regtype = REG_TYPE_MISCTYPE; regnum = (int) MISCTYPE_TYPE_POSITION; neednum = 0; } // else if else if (tokeq(tctx, "vFace")) { regtype = REG_TYPE_MISCTYPE; regnum = (int) MISCTYPE_TYPE_FACE; neednum = 0; } // else if else if (tokeq(tctx, "oPos")) { regtype = REG_TYPE_RASTOUT; regnum = (int) RASTOUT_TYPE_POSITION; neednum = 0; } // else if else if (tokeq(tctx, "oFog")) { regtype = REG_TYPE_RASTOUT; regnum = (int) RASTOUT_TYPE_FOG; neednum = 0; } // else if else if (tokeq(tctx, "oPts")) { regtype = REG_TYPE_RASTOUT; regnum = (int) RASTOUT_TYPE_POINT_SIZE; neednum = 0; } // else if //case REG_TYPE_TEMPFLOAT16: // !!! FIXME: don't know this asm string else { fail(ctx, "expected register type"); regtype = REG_TYPE_CONST; regnum = 0; neednum = 0; } // else if (neednum) { // Make a temp TokenizerContext, since we need to skip whitespace here, // but if the next non-whitespace token isn't '[', we'll want to get // that whitespace back. TokenizerContext tmptctx; memcpy(&tmptctx, tctx, sizeof (TokenizerContext)); if (!nexttoken_ctx(ctx, &tmptctx, 0, 1, 1, 1)) return 0; else if (tokeq(&tmptctx, "[")) neednum = 0; } // if if (neednum) { if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; uint32 ui32 = 0; if (!ui32fromstr(tctx->token, &ui32)) fail(ctx, "Invalid register index"); regnum = (int) ui32; } // if // split up REG_TYPE_CONST if (regtype == REG_TYPE_CONST) { if (regnum < 2048) { regtype = REG_TYPE_CONST; regnum -= 0; } // if else if (regnum < 4096) { regtype = REG_TYPE_CONST2; regnum -= 2048; } // if else if (regnum < 6144) { regtype = REG_TYPE_CONST3; regnum -= 4096; } // if else if (regnum < 8192) { regtype = REG_TYPE_CONST4; regnum -= 6144; } // if else { fail(ctx, "Invalid const register index"); } // else } // if *rtype = regtype; *rnum = regnum; return 1; } // parse_register_name static void set_result_shift(Context *ctx, DestArgInfo *info, const int val) { if (info->result_shift != 0) fail(ctx, "Multiple result shift modifiers"); info->result_shift = val; } // set_result_shift static int parse_destination_token(Context *ctx) { TokenizerContext *tctx = &ctx->tctx; DestArgInfo *info = &ctx->dest_arg; memset(info, '\0', sizeof (DestArgInfo)); // See if there are destination modifiers on the instruction itself... while (1) { if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 1; else if (tokeq(tctx, " ")) break; // done with modifiers. else if (!tokeq(tctx, "_")) fail(ctx, "Expected modifier or whitespace"); else if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 1; // !!! FIXME: this can be cleaned up when tokenizer is fixed. else if (tokeq(tctx, "x")) { if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 1; else if (tokeq(tctx, "2")) set_result_shift(ctx, info, 0x1); else if (tokeq(tctx, "4")) set_result_shift(ctx, info, 0x2); else if (tokeq(tctx, "8")) set_result_shift(ctx, info, 0x3); else fail(ctx, "Expected modifier"); } // else if // !!! FIXME: this can be cleaned up when tokenizer is fixed. else if (tokeq(tctx, "d")) { if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 1; else if (tokeq(tctx, "8")) set_result_shift(ctx, info, 0xD); else if (tokeq(tctx, "4")) set_result_shift(ctx, info, 0xE); else if (tokeq(tctx, "2")) set_result_shift(ctx, info, 0xF); else fail(ctx, "Expected modifier"); } // else if else if (tokeq(tctx, "sat")) info->result_mod |= MOD_SATURATE; else if (tokeq(tctx, "pp")) info->result_mod |= MOD_PP; else if (tokeq(tctx, "centroid")) info->result_mod |= MOD_CENTROID; else fail(ctx, "Expected modifier"); } // while if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return 1; // !!! FIXME: predicates. if (tokeq(tctx, "(")) fail(ctx, "Predicates unsupported at this time"); // !!! FIXME: ... pushback(ctx); // parse_register_name calls nexttoken(). parse_register_name(ctx, &info->regtype, &info->regnum); if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 1, 1)) return 1; // !!! FIXME: can dest registers do relative addressing? int invalid_writemask = 0; int implicit_writemask = 0; if (!tokeq(tctx, ".")) { implicit_writemask = 1; info->writemask = 0xF; info->writemask0 = info->writemask1 = info->writemask2 = info->writemask3 = 1; pushback(ctx); // no explicit writemask; do full mask. } // if // !!! FIXME: Cg generates code with oDepth.z ... this is a bug, I think. //else if (scalar_register(ctx->shader_type, info->regtype, info->regnum)) else if ( (scalar_register(ctx->shader_type, info->regtype, info->regnum)) && (info->regtype != REG_TYPE_DEPTHOUT) ) fail(ctx, "Writemask specified for scalar register"); else if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return 1; else if (tokeq(tctx, "")) invalid_writemask = 1; else { char *ptr = tctx->token; info->writemask0 = info->writemask1 = info->writemask2 = info->writemask3 = 0; if (*ptr == 'x') { info->writemask0 = 1; ptr++; } if (*ptr == 'y') { info->writemask1 = 1; ptr++; } if (*ptr == 'z') { info->writemask2 = 1; ptr++; } if (*ptr == 'w') { info->writemask3 = 1; ptr++; } if ((ptr == tctx->token) && (shader_is_pixel(ctx))) { if (*ptr == 'r') { info->writemask0 = 1; ptr++; } if (*ptr == 'g') { info->writemask1 = 1; ptr++; } if (*ptr == 'b') { info->writemask2 = 1; ptr++; } if (*ptr == 'a') { info->writemask3 = 1; ptr++; } } // if if (*ptr != '\0') invalid_writemask = 1; info->writemask = ( ((info->writemask0 & 0x1) << 0) | ((info->writemask1 & 0x1) << 1) | ((info->writemask2 & 0x1) << 2) | ((info->writemask3 & 0x1) << 3) ); } // else if (invalid_writemask) fail(ctx, "Invalid writemask"); // !!! FIXME: Cg generates code with oDepth.z ... this is a bug, I think. if (info->regtype == REG_TYPE_DEPTHOUT) { if ( (!implicit_writemask) && ((info->writemask0 + info->writemask1 + info->writemask2 + info->writemask3) > 1) ) fail(ctx, "Writemask specified for scalar register"); } // if info->orig_writemask = info->writemask; if (ctx->tokenbufpos >= STATICARRAYLEN(ctx->tokenbuf)) { fail(ctx, "Too many tokens"); return 1; } // if ctx->tokenbuf[ctx->tokenbufpos++] = ( ((((uint32) 1)) << 31) | ((((uint32) info->regnum) & 0x7ff) << 0) | ((((uint32) info->relative) & 0x1) << 13) | ((((uint32) info->result_mod) & 0xF) << 20) | ((((uint32) info->result_shift) & 0xF) << 24) | ((((uint32) info->writemask) & 0xF) << 16) | ((((uint32) info->regtype) & 0x7) << 28) | ((((uint32) info->regtype) & 0x18) << 8) ); return 1; } // parse_destination_token static void set_source_mod(Context *ctx, const int negate, const SourceMod norm, const SourceMod negated, SourceMod *srcmod) { if ( (*srcmod != SRCMOD_NONE) || (negate && (negated == SRCMOD_NONE)) ) fail(ctx, "Incompatible source modifiers"); else *srcmod = ((negate) ? negated : norm); } // set_source_mod static int parse_source_token_maybe_relative(Context *ctx, const int relok) { TokenizerContext *tctx = &ctx->tctx; int retval = 1; if (ctx->tokenbufpos >= STATICARRAYLEN(ctx->tokenbuf)) { fail(ctx, "Too many tokens"); return 0; } // if // mark this now, so optional relative addressing token is placed second. uint32 *token = &ctx->tokenbuf[ctx->tokenbufpos++]; *token = 0; SourceMod srcmod = SRCMOD_NONE; int negate = 0; if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return 1; else if (tokeq(tctx, "1")) { if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return 1; else if (!tokeq(tctx, "-")) fail(ctx, "Unexpected value"); else srcmod = SRCMOD_COMPLEMENT; } // else else if (tokeq(tctx, "!")) srcmod = SRCMOD_NOT; else if (tokeq(tctx, "-")) negate = 1; else pushback(ctx); RegisterType regtype; int regnum; parse_register_name(ctx, ®type, ®num); if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 1, 1)) return 1; else if (!tokeq(tctx, "_")) pushback(ctx); else if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 1; else if (tokeq(tctx, "bias")) set_source_mod(ctx, negate, SRCMOD_BIAS, SRCMOD_BIASNEGATE, &srcmod); else if (tokeq(tctx, "bx2")) set_source_mod(ctx, negate, SRCMOD_SIGN, SRCMOD_SIGNNEGATE, &srcmod); else if (tokeq(tctx, "x2")) set_source_mod(ctx, negate, SRCMOD_X2, SRCMOD_X2NEGATE, &srcmod); else if (tokeq(tctx, "dz")) set_source_mod(ctx, negate, SRCMOD_DZ, SRCMOD_NONE, &srcmod); else if (tokeq(tctx, "dw")) set_source_mod(ctx, negate, SRCMOD_DW, SRCMOD_NONE, &srcmod); else if (tokeq(tctx, "abs")) set_source_mod(ctx, negate, SRCMOD_ABS, SRCMOD_ABSNEGATE, &srcmod); else fail(ctx, "Invalid source modifier"); if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 1, 1)) return 1; uint32 relative = 0; if (!tokeq(tctx, "[")) pushback(ctx); // not relative addressing? else { if (!relok) fail(ctx, "Relative addressing not permitted here."); else retval++; parse_source_token_maybe_relative(ctx, 0); relative = 1; if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return retval; else if (!tokeq(tctx, "+")) pushback(ctx); else if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return retval; else { if (regnum != 0) // !!! FIXME: maybe c3[a0.x + 5] is legal and becomes c[a0.x + 8] ? fail(ctx, "Relative addressing with explicit register number."); uint32 ui32 = 0; if (!ui32fromstr(tctx->token, &ui32)) fail(ctx, "Invalid relative addressing offset"); regnum += (int) ui32; } // else if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return retval; else if (!tokeq(tctx, "]")) fail(ctx, "Expected ']'"); } // else if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 1, 1)) return retval; int invalid_swizzle = 0; uint32 swizzle = 0; if (!tokeq(tctx, ".")) { swizzle = 0xE4; // 0xE4 == 11100100 ... 0 1 2 3. No swizzle. pushback(ctx); // no explicit writemask; do full mask. } // if else if (scalar_register(ctx->shader_type, regtype, regnum)) fail(ctx, "Swizzle specified for scalar register"); else if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return retval; else if (tokeq(tctx, "")) invalid_swizzle = 1; else { // deal with shortened form (.x = .xxxx, etc). if (tctx->token[1] == '\0') tctx->token[1] = tctx->token[2] = tctx->token[3] = tctx->token[0]; else if (tctx->token[2] == '\0') tctx->token[2] = tctx->token[3] = tctx->token[1]; else if (tctx->token[3] == '\0') tctx->token[3] = tctx->token[2]; else if (tctx->token[4] != '\0') invalid_swizzle = 1; tctx->token[4] = '\0'; uint32 val = 0; int saw_xyzw = 0; int saw_rgba = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const int component = (int) tctx->token[i]; switch (component) { case 'x': val = 0; saw_xyzw = 1; break; case 'y': val = 1; saw_xyzw = 1; break; case 'z': val = 2; saw_xyzw = 1; break; case 'w': val = 3; saw_xyzw = 1; break; case 'r': val = 0; saw_rgba = 1; break; case 'g': val = 1; saw_rgba = 1; break; case 'b': val = 2; saw_rgba = 1; break; case 'a': val = 3; saw_rgba = 1; break; default: invalid_swizzle = 1; break; } // switch swizzle |= (val << (i * 2)); } // for if (saw_xyzw && saw_rgba) invalid_swizzle = 1; else if (saw_rgba && !shader_is_pixel(ctx)) invalid_swizzle = 1; } // else if (invalid_swizzle) fail(ctx, "Invalid swizzle"); *token = ( ((((uint32) 1)) << 31) | ((((uint32) regnum) & 0x7ff) << 0) | ((((uint32) relative) & 0x1) << 13) | ((((uint32) swizzle) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((((uint32) srcmod) & 0xF) << 24) | ((((uint32) regtype) & 0x7) << 28) | ((((uint32) regtype) & 0x18) << 8) ); return retval; } // parse_source_token_maybe_relative static inline int parse_source_token(Context *ctx) { return parse_source_token_maybe_relative(ctx, 1); } // parse_source_token static int parse_args_NULL(Context *ctx) { return 1; } // parse_args_NULL static int parse_num(Context *ctx, const int floatok, uint32 *token) { TokenizerContext *tctx = &ctx->tctx; int32 negative = 1; union { float f; int32 si32; uint32 ui32; } cvt; cvt.si32 = 0; *token = 0; if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return 0; else if (tokeq(tctx, "-")) negative = -1; else pushback(ctx); uint32 val = 0; if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return 0; else if (!ui32fromstr(tctx->token, &val)) fail(ctx, "Expected number"); uint32 fraction = 0; if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 1, 1)) return 0; else if (!tokeq(tctx, ".")) pushback(ctx); // whole number else if (!floatok) fail(ctx, "Expected whole number"); else if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return 0; else if (!ui32fromstr(tctx->token, &fraction)) fail(ctx, "Expected number"); uint32 exponent = 0; int negexp = 0; if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 1, 1)) return 0; else if (!tokeq(tctx, "e")) pushback(ctx); else if (!floatok) fail(ctx, "Exponent on whole number"); // !!! FIXME: illegal? else if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return 0; else { if (!tokeq(tctx, "-")) pushback(ctx); else negexp = 1; if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return 0; else if (!ui32fromstr(tctx->token, &exponent)) fail(ctx, "Expected exponent"); } // else if (!floatok) cvt.si32 = ((int32) val) * negative; else { // !!! FIXME: this is lame. char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "%s%u.%u", (negative < 0) ? "-" : "", (uint) val, (uint) fraction); sscanf(buf, "%f", &cvt.f); cvt.f *= (float) negative; if (exponent) { int i; if (negexp) { for (i = 0; i > exponent; i--) cvt.f /= 10.0f; } // if else { for (i = 0; i < exponent; i++) cvt.f *= 10.0f; } // else } // if } // else *token = cvt.ui32; return 1; } // parse_num static int parse_args_DEFx(Context *ctx, const int isflt) { parse_destination_token(ctx); require_comma(ctx); parse_num(ctx, isflt, &ctx->tokenbuf[ctx->tokenbufpos++]); require_comma(ctx); parse_num(ctx, isflt, &ctx->tokenbuf[ctx->tokenbufpos++]); require_comma(ctx); parse_num(ctx, isflt, &ctx->tokenbuf[ctx->tokenbufpos++]); require_comma(ctx); parse_num(ctx, isflt, &ctx->tokenbuf[ctx->tokenbufpos++]); return 6; } // parse_args_DEFx static int parse_args_DEF(Context *ctx) { return parse_args_DEFx(ctx, 1); } // parse_args_DEF static int parse_args_DEFI(Context *ctx) { return parse_args_DEFx(ctx, 0); } // parse_args_DEFI static int parse_args_DEFB(Context *ctx) { TokenizerContext *tctx = &ctx->tctx; parse_destination_token(ctx); require_comma(ctx); if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return 1; else if (tokeq(tctx, "true")) ctx->tokenbuf[ctx->tokenbufpos++] = 1; else if (tokeq(tctx, "false")) ctx->tokenbuf[ctx->tokenbufpos++] = 0; else fail(ctx, "Expected 'true' or 'false'"); return 3; } // parse_args_DEFB static int parse_dcl_usage(Context *ctx, uint32 *val, int *issampler) { TokenizerContext *tctx = &ctx->tctx; int i; static const char *samplerusagestrs[] = { "2d", "cube", "volume" }; static const char *usagestrs[] = { "position", "blendweight", "blendindices", "normal", "psize", "texcoord", "tangent", "binormal", "tessfactor", "positiont", "color", "fog", "depth", "sample" }; static const char *ignorestrs[] = { "pp", "centroid", "saturate" }; // !!! FIXME: we need to clean this out in the tokenizer. char token[sizeof (tctx->token)]; strcpy(token, tctx->token); if (tokeq(tctx, "2")) // "2d" is two tokens. { if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 1, 1)) return 0; else if (!tokeq(tctx, "d") != 0) pushback(ctx); else strcpy(token, "2d"); } // if for (i = 0; i < STATICARRAYLEN(usagestrs); i++) { if (strcasecmp(usagestrs[i], token) == 0) { *issampler = 0; *val = i; return 1; } // if } // for for (i = 0; i < STATICARRAYLEN(samplerusagestrs); i++) { if (strcasecmp(samplerusagestrs[i], token) == 0) { *issampler = 1; *val = i + 2; return 1; } // if } // for // !!! FIXME: this probably isn't the smartest way to handle this. *issampler = 0; *val = 0; for (i = 0; i < STATICARRAYLEN(ignorestrs); i++) { if (strcasecmp(ignorestrs[i], token) == 0) { tctx->source -= strlen(token); // !!! FIXME: hack to move back strcpy(tctx->token, "_"); // !!! FIXME: hack to move back pushback(ctx); // !!! FIXME: hack to move back return 1; // if you have "dcl_pp", then "_pp" isn't a usage. } // if } // for return 0; } // parse_dcl_usage static int parse_args_DCL(Context *ctx) { TokenizerContext *tctx = &ctx->tctx; int issampler = 0; uint32 usage = 0; uint32 index = 0; ctx->tokenbufpos++; // save a spot for the usage/index token. ctx->tokenbuf[0] = 0; if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 1; else if (tokeq(tctx, " ")) pushback(ctx); else if (!tokeq(tctx, "_")) fail(ctx, "Expected register or usage"); else if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 1; else parse_dcl_usage(ctx, &usage, &issampler); if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 1; else if (tokeq(tctx, " ") || tokeq(tctx, "_")) pushback(ctx); // parse_destination_token() wants these. else if (!ui32fromstr(tctx->token, &index)) fail(ctx, "Expected usage index or register"); parse_destination_token(ctx); const int samplerreg = (ctx->dest_arg.regtype == REG_TYPE_SAMPLER); if (issampler != samplerreg) fail(ctx, "Invalid usage"); else if (samplerreg) ctx->tokenbuf[0] = (usage << 27) | 0x80000000; else ctx->tokenbuf[0] = usage | (index << 16) | 0x80000000; return 3; } // parse_args_DCL static int parse_args_D(Context *ctx) { int retval = 1; retval += parse_destination_token(ctx); return retval; } // parse_args_D static int parse_args_S(Context *ctx) { int retval = 1; retval += parse_source_token(ctx); return retval; } // parse_args_S static int parse_args_SS(Context *ctx) { int retval = 1; retval += parse_source_token(ctx); require_comma(ctx); retval += parse_source_token(ctx); return retval; } // parse_args_SS static int parse_args_DS(Context *ctx) { int retval = 1; retval += parse_destination_token(ctx); require_comma(ctx); retval += parse_source_token(ctx); return retval; } // parse_args_DS static int parse_args_DSS(Context *ctx) { int retval = 1; retval += parse_destination_token(ctx); require_comma(ctx); retval += parse_source_token(ctx); require_comma(ctx); retval += parse_source_token(ctx); return retval; } // parse_args_DSS static int parse_args_DSSS(Context *ctx) { int retval = 1; retval += parse_destination_token(ctx); require_comma(ctx); retval += parse_source_token(ctx); require_comma(ctx); retval += parse_source_token(ctx); require_comma(ctx); retval += parse_source_token(ctx); return retval; } // parse_args_DSSS static int parse_args_DSSSS(Context *ctx) { int retval = 1; retval += parse_destination_token(ctx); require_comma(ctx); retval += parse_source_token(ctx); require_comma(ctx); retval += parse_source_token(ctx); require_comma(ctx); retval += parse_source_token(ctx); require_comma(ctx); retval += parse_source_token(ctx); return retval; } // parse_args_DSSSS static int parse_args_SINCOS(Context *ctx) { // this opcode needs extra registers for sm2 and lower. if (!shader_version_atleast(ctx, 3, 0)) return parse_args_DSSS(ctx); return parse_args_DS(ctx); } // parse_args_SINCOS static int parse_args_TEXCRD(Context *ctx) { // added extra register in ps_1_4. if (shader_version_atleast(ctx, 1, 4)) return parse_args_DS(ctx); return parse_args_D(ctx); } // parse_args_TEXCRD static int parse_args_TEXLD(Context *ctx) { // different registers in px_1_3, ps_1_4, and ps_2_0! if (shader_version_atleast(ctx, 2, 0)) return parse_args_DSS(ctx); else if (shader_version_atleast(ctx, 1, 4)) return parse_args_DS(ctx); return parse_args_D(ctx); } // parse_args_TEXLD // one args function for each possible sequence of opcode arguments. typedef int (*args_function)(Context *ctx); // Lookup table for instruction opcodes... typedef struct { const char *opcode_string; args_function parse_args; } Instruction; static const Instruction instructions[] = { #define INSTRUCTION_STATE(op, opstr, s, a, t) { opstr, parse_args_##a }, #define INSTRUCTION(op, opstr, slots, a, t) { opstr, parse_args_##a }, #define MOJOSHADER_DO_INSTRUCTION_TABLE 1 #include "mojoshader_internal.h" #undef MOJOSHADER_DO_INSTRUCTION_TABLE #undef INSTRUCTION #undef INSTRUCTION_STATE }; static int parse_condition(Context *ctx, uint32 *controls) { TokenizerContext *tctx = &ctx->tctx; if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; else if (!tokeq(tctx, "_")) { pushback(ctx); return 0; } // else if if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; else { int i; static const char *comps[] = {"", "gt", "eq", "ge", "lt", "ne", "le"}; for (i = 1; i < STATICARRAYLEN(comps); i++) { if (tokeq(tctx, comps[i])) { *controls = i; return 1; } // if } // for fail(ctx, "Expected comparison token"); return 0; } // else if return 0; } // parse_condition static inline int valid_instruction_char(const char ch) { return ( ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) || ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) || ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) ); } // valid_instruction_char static int parse_instruction_token(Context *ctx) { TokenizerContext *tctx = &ctx->tctx; int coissue = 0; int predicated = 0; char opstr[32]; if (tokeq(tctx, "+")) { if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return 0; coissue = 1; } // if // All this tapdance is because some instructions mix letters and numbers, // like "dp4" or "texm3x2depth" and the tokenizer splits words and digits // into separate tokens, which makes parsing registers ("c31") easier. opstr[0] = '\0'; while (1) { if ( (strlen(opstr) + strlen(tctx->token)) >= (sizeof (opstr)-1) ) { fail(ctx, "Expected instruction"); return 0; } // if char *ptr; for (ptr = tctx->token; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) { if (!valid_instruction_char(*ptr)) break; } // for if ((ptr == tctx->token) || (*ptr != '\0')) { pushback(ctx); // an invalid char or EOS in this token. break; } // if strcat(opstr, tctx->token); if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 1, 1)) return 0; } // while uint32 controls = 0; // This might need to be TEXLD instead of TEXLDP. if (strcasecmp(opstr, "TEXLDP") == 0) { controls = CONTROL_TEXLDP; strcpy(opstr, "TEXLD"); } // if // This might need to be TEXLD instead of TEXLDB. if (strcasecmp(opstr, "TEXLDB") == 0) { controls = CONTROL_TEXLDB; strcpy(opstr, "TEXLD"); } // else if int i; int valid_opcode = 0; const Instruction *instruction = NULL; for (i = 0; i < STATICARRAYLEN(instructions); i++) { instruction = &instructions[i]; if (instruction->opcode_string == NULL) continue; // skip this. else if (strcasecmp(opstr, instruction->opcode_string) != 0) continue; // not us. valid_opcode = 1; break; } // for uint32 opcode = (uint32) i; if (!valid_opcode) { failf(ctx, "Unknown instruction '%s'", opstr); return 0; } // if // This might need to be IFC instead of IF. // !!! FIXME: compare opcode, not string if (strcmp(instruction->opcode_string, "IF") == 0) { if (parse_condition(ctx, &controls)) opcode = OPCODE_IFC; } // if // This might need to be BREAKC instead of BREAK. // !!! FIXME: compare opcode, not string else if (strcmp(instruction->opcode_string, "BREAK") == 0) { if (parse_condition(ctx, &controls)) opcode = OPCODE_BREAKC; } // else if // SETP has a conditional code, always. // !!! FIXME: compare opcode, not string else if (strcmp(instruction->opcode_string, "SETP") == 0) { if (!parse_condition(ctx, &controls)) fail(ctx, "SETP requires a condition"); } // else if instruction = &instructions[opcode]; // ...in case this changed. // !!! FIXME: predicated instructions ctx->tokenbufpos = 0; const int tokcount = instruction->parse_args(ctx); require_endline(ctx); // insttoks bits are reserved and should be zero if < SM2. const uint32 insttoks = shader_version_atleast(ctx, 2, 0) ? tokcount-1 : 0; // write out the instruction token. output_token(ctx, ((opcode & 0xFFFF) << 0) | ((controls & 0xFF) << 16) | ((insttoks & 0xF) << 24) | ((coissue) ? 0x40000000 : 0x00000000) | ((predicated) ? 0x10000000 : 0x00000000) ); // write out the argument tokens. for (i = 0; i < (tokcount-1); i++) output_token(ctx, ctx->tokenbuf[i]); return 1; } // parse_instruction_token static void parse_version_token(Context *ctx) { TokenizerContext *tctx = &ctx->tctx; if (!nexttoken(ctx, 1, 1, 0, 0)) return; uint32 shader_type = 0; if (tokeq(tctx, "vs")) { ctx->shader_type = MOJOSHADER_TYPE_VERTEX; shader_type = 0xFFFE; } // if else if (tokeq(tctx, "ps")) { ctx->shader_type = MOJOSHADER_TYPE_PIXEL; shader_type = 0xFFFF; } // if else { // !!! FIXME: geometry shaders? fail(ctx, "Expected version string"); } // else int bad_version = 0; uint32 major = 0; if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return; else if ( (!tokeq(tctx, "_")) && (!tokeq(tctx, ".")) ) bad_version = 1; else if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return; else if (!ui32fromstr(tctx->token, &major)) bad_version = 1; uint32 minor = 0; if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return; else if ( (!tokeq(tctx, "_")) && (!tokeq(tctx, ".")) ) bad_version = 1; else if (!nexttoken(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return; else if (tokeq(tctx, "x")) minor = 1; else if (tokeq(tctx, "sw")) minor = 255; else if (!ui32fromstr(tctx->token, &minor)) bad_version = 1; if (bad_version) fail(ctx, "Expected version string"); else require_endline(ctx); ctx->major_ver = major; ctx->minor_ver = minor; ctx->version_token = (shader_type << 16) | (major << 8) | (minor << 0); output_token(ctx, ctx->version_token); } // parse_version_token static void parse_phase_token(Context *ctx) { require_endline(ctx); output_token(ctx, 0x0000FFFD); // phase token always 0x0000FFFD. } // parse_phase_token static void parse_end_token(Context *ctx) { require_endline(ctx); // We don't emit the end token bits here, since it's valid for a shader // to not specify an "end" string at all; it's implicit, in that case. // Instead, we make sure if we see "end" that it's the last thing we see. nexttoken(ctx, 1, 1, 0, 1); if (!ctx->eof) fail(ctx, "Content after END"); } // parse_end_token static void parse_token(Context *ctx) { TokenizerContext *tctx = &ctx->tctx; if (tokeq(tctx, "end")) parse_end_token(ctx); else if (tokeq(tctx, "phase")) parse_phase_token(ctx); parse_instruction_token(ctx); } // parse_token static Context *build_context(const char *source, MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d) { if (m == NULL) m = internal_malloc; if (f == NULL) f = internal_free; Context *ctx = (Context *) m(sizeof (Context), d); if (ctx == NULL) return NULL; memset(ctx, '\0', sizeof (Context)); ctx->malloc = m; ctx->free = f; ctx->malloc_data = d; ctx->parse_phase = MOJOSHADER_PARSEPHASE_NOTSTARTED; ctx->tctx.source = source; ctx->tctx.linenum = 1; return ctx; } // build_context static void free_error_list(MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d, ErrorList *item) { while (item != NULL) { ErrorList *next = item->next; f((void *) item->error.error, d); f((void *) item->error.filename, d); f(item, d); item = next; } // while } // free_error_list static void destroy_context(Context *ctx) { if (ctx != NULL) { MOJOSHADER_free f = ((ctx->free != NULL) ? ctx->free : internal_free); void *d = ctx->malloc_data; free_error_list(f, d, ctx->errors); if (ctx->output != NULL) f(ctx->output, d); if (ctx->token_to_source != NULL) f(ctx->token_to_source, d); if (ctx->ctab != NULL) f(ctx->ctab, d); f(ctx, d); } // if } // destroy_context static MOJOSHADER_error *build_errors(Context *ctx) { int total = 0; MOJOSHADER_error *retval = (MOJOSHADER_error *) Malloc(ctx, sizeof (MOJOSHADER_error) * ctx->error_count); if (retval == NULL) return NULL; ErrorList *item = ctx->errors; while (item != NULL) { ErrorList *next = item->next; // reuse the string allocations memcpy(&retval[total], &item->error, sizeof (MOJOSHADER_error)); Free(ctx, item); item = next; total++; } // while ctx->errors = NULL; assert(total == ctx->error_count); return retval; } // build_errors static const MOJOSHADER_parseData *build_failed_assembly(Context *ctx) { assert(isfail(ctx)); if (ctx->out_of_memory) return &out_of_mem_data; MOJOSHADER_parseData *retval = NULL; retval = (MOJOSHADER_parseData*) Malloc(ctx, sizeof(MOJOSHADER_parseData)); if (retval == NULL) return &out_of_mem_data; memset(retval, '\0', sizeof (MOJOSHADER_parseData)); retval->malloc = (ctx->malloc == internal_malloc) ? NULL : ctx->malloc; retval->free = (ctx->free == internal_free) ? NULL : ctx->free; retval->malloc_data = ctx->malloc_data; retval->error_count = ctx->error_count; retval->errors = build_errors(ctx); if ((retval->errors == NULL) && (ctx->error_count > 0)) { Free(ctx, retval); return &out_of_mem_data; } // if return retval; } // build_failed_assembly static uint32 add_ctab_bytes(Context *ctx, const uint8 *bytes, const size_t len) { const size_t extra = CTAB_SIZE + sizeof (uint32); if (len <= (ctx->ctab_len - extra)) { void *ptr = ctx->ctab + extra; if (len == 0) return ( (uint32) (((uint8 *) ptr) - ctx->ctab) ) - sizeof (uint32); else if ((len == 1) && ((ptr = memchr(ptr, bytes[0], ctx->ctab_len - len)) != NULL)) return ( (uint32) (((uint8 *) ptr) - ctx->ctab) ) - sizeof (uint32); else // search for the string of bytes... { while ((ptr = memchr(ptr, bytes[0], ctx->ctab_len - len)) != NULL) { if (memcmp(ptr, bytes, len) == 0) // this is it? return ( (uint32) (((uint8 *) ptr) - ctx->ctab) ) - sizeof (uint32); ptr++; } // while } // else } // if // add it to the byte pile... // verify allocation. const size_t newsize = (ctx->ctab_len + len); if (ctx->ctab_allocation < newsize) { const size_t additional = 4 * 1024; while (ctx->ctab_allocation < newsize) ctx->ctab_allocation += additional; void *ptr = Malloc(ctx, ctx->ctab_allocation); if (ptr == NULL) return 0; if (ctx->ctab != NULL) { memcpy(ptr, ctx->ctab, ctx->ctab_len); Free(ctx, ctx->ctab); } // if ctx->ctab = (uint8 *) ptr; } // if const uint32 retval = ctx->ctab_len - sizeof (uint32); memcpy(ctx->ctab + ctx->ctab_len, bytes, len); ctx->ctab_len += len; return retval; } // add_ctab_bytes static inline uint32 add_ctab_string(Context *ctx, const char *str) { return add_ctab_bytes(ctx, (const uint8 *) str, strlen(str) + 1); } // add_ctab_string static uint32 add_ctab_typeinfo(Context *ctx, const MOJOSHADER_symbolTypeInfo *info); static uint32 add_ctab_members(Context *ctx, const MOJOSHADER_symbolTypeInfo *info) { unsigned int i; const size_t len = info->member_count * CMEMBERINFO_SIZE; uint8 *bytes = (uint8 *) Malloc(ctx, len); if (bytes == NULL) return 0; union { uint8 *ui8; uint16 *ui16; uint32 *ui32; } ptr; ptr.ui8 = bytes; for (i = 0; i < info->member_count; i++) { const MOJOSHADER_symbolStructMember *member = &info->members[i]; *(ptr.ui32++) = SWAP32(add_ctab_string(ctx, member->name)); *(ptr.ui32++) = SWAP32(add_ctab_typeinfo(ctx, &member->info)); } // for const uint32 retval = add_ctab_bytes(ctx, bytes, len); Free(ctx, bytes); return retval; } // add_ctab_members static uint32 add_ctab_typeinfo(Context *ctx, const MOJOSHADER_symbolTypeInfo *info) { uint8 bytes[CTYPEINFO_SIZE]; union { uint8 *ui8; uint16 *ui16; uint32 *ui32; } ptr; ptr.ui8 = bytes; *(ptr.ui16++) = SWAP16((uint16) info->parameter_class); *(ptr.ui16++) = SWAP16((uint16) info->parameter_type); *(ptr.ui16++) = SWAP16((uint16) info->rows); *(ptr.ui16++) = SWAP16((uint16) info->columns); *(ptr.ui16++) = SWAP16((uint16) info->elements); *(ptr.ui16++) = SWAP16((uint16) info->member_count); *(ptr.ui32++) = SWAP32(add_ctab_members(ctx, info)); return add_ctab_bytes(ctx, bytes, sizeof (bytes)); } // add_ctab_typeinfo static uint32 add_ctab_info(Context *ctx, const MOJOSHADER_symbol *symbols, const unsigned int symbol_count) { unsigned int i; const size_t len = symbol_count * CINFO_SIZE; uint8 *bytes = (uint8 *) Malloc(ctx, len); if (bytes == NULL) return 0; union { uint8 *ui8; uint16 *ui16; uint32 *ui32; } ptr; ptr.ui8 = bytes; for (i = 0; i < symbol_count; i++) { const MOJOSHADER_symbol *sym = &symbols[i]; *(ptr.ui32++) = SWAP32(add_ctab_string(ctx, sym->name)); *(ptr.ui16++) = SWAP16((uint16) sym->register_set); *(ptr.ui16++) = SWAP16((uint16) sym->register_index); *(ptr.ui16++) = SWAP16((uint16) sym->register_count); *(ptr.ui16++) = SWAP16(0); // reserved *(ptr.ui32++) = SWAP32(add_ctab_typeinfo(ctx, &sym->info)); *(ptr.ui32++) = SWAP32(0); // !!! FIXME: default value. } // for const uint32 retval = add_ctab_bytes(ctx, bytes, len); Free(ctx, bytes); return retval; } // add_ctab_info static void output_ctab(Context *ctx, const MOJOSHADER_symbol *symbols, unsigned int symbol_count, const char *creator) { ctx->ctab_len = CTAB_SIZE + sizeof (uint32); uint8 bytes[CTAB_SIZE + sizeof (uint32)]; uint32 *table = (uint32 *) bytes; *(table++) = SWAP32(CTAB_ID); *(table++) = SWAP32(CTAB_SIZE); *(table++) = SWAP32(add_ctab_string(ctx, creator)); *(table++) = SWAP32(ctx->version_token); *(table++) = SWAP32(((uint32) symbol_count)); *(table++) = SWAP32(add_ctab_info(ctx, symbols, symbol_count)); *(table++) = SWAP32(0); // build flags. *(table++) = SWAP32(add_ctab_string(ctx, "")); // !!! FIXME: target? memcpy(ctx->ctab, bytes, sizeof (bytes)); output_comment_bytes(ctx, ctx->ctab, ctx->ctab_len); Free(ctx, ctx->ctab); ctx->ctab = NULL; ctx->ctab_len = 0; ctx->ctab_allocation = 0; } // output_ctab static void output_comments(Context *ctx, const char **comments, unsigned int comment_count, const MOJOSHADER_symbol *symbols, unsigned int symbol_count) { if (isfail(ctx)) return; // make error messages sane if CTAB fails, etc. ctx->parse_phase = MOJOSHADER_PARSEPHASE_NOTSTARTED; const char *creator = "MojoShader revision " MOJOSHADER_CHANGESET; if (symbol_count > 0) output_ctab(ctx, symbols, symbol_count, creator); else output_comment_string(ctx, creator); int i; for (i = 0; i < comment_count; i++) output_comment_string(ctx, comments[i]); ctx->parse_phase = MOJOSHADER_PARSEPHASE_WORKING; } // output_comments // API entry point... const MOJOSHADER_parseData *MOJOSHADER_assemble(const char *source, const char **comments, unsigned int comment_count, const MOJOSHADER_symbol *symbols, unsigned int symbol_count, MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d) { int failed = 0; MOJOSHADER_parseData *retval = NULL; Context *ctx = NULL; if ( ((m == NULL) && (f != NULL)) || ((m != NULL) && (f == NULL)) ) return &out_of_mem_data; // supply both or neither. ctx = build_context(source, m, f, d); if (ctx == NULL) return &out_of_mem_data; // Version token always comes first. ctx->parse_phase = MOJOSHADER_PARSEPHASE_WORKING; parse_version_token(ctx); output_comments(ctx, comments, comment_count, symbols, symbol_count); if (isfail(ctx)) { failed = 1; ctx->isfail = 0; skip_line(ctx); // start fresh on next line. } // if // parse out the rest of the tokens after the version token... while ((nexttoken(ctx, 1, 1, 0, 1)) && (!ctx->eof)) { parse_token(ctx); if (isfail(ctx)) { failed = 1; ctx->isfail = 0; skip_line(ctx); // start fresh on next line. } // if } // while ctx->isfail = failed; output_token(ctx, 0x0000FFFF); // end token always 0x0000FFFF. if (failed) retval = (MOJOSHADER_parseData *) build_failed_assembly(ctx); else { // This validates the shader; there are lots of things that are // invalid, but will successfully parse in the assembler, generating // bad bytecode; this will catch them without us having to // duplicate most of the validation here. // It also saves us the trouble of duplicating all the other work, // like setting up the uniforms list, etc. retval = (MOJOSHADER_parseData *) MOJOSHADER_parse(MOJOSHADER_PROFILE_BYTECODE, (const unsigned char *) ctx->output, ctx->output_len * sizeof (uint32), NULL, 0, m, f, d); // on error, map the bytecode back to a line number. int i; for (i = 0; i < retval->error_count; i++) { MOJOSHADER_error *error = &retval->errors[i]; if (error->error_position >= 0) { assert(retval != &out_of_mem_data); const int pos = error->error_position / sizeof (uint32); if (pos >= ctx->output_len) error->error_position = -1; // oh well. else { const SourcePos *srcpos = &ctx->token_to_source[pos]; Free(ctx, (void *) error->filename); char *fname = (char *) Malloc(ctx, strlen(srcpos->filename) + 1); if (fname != NULL) { strcpy(fname, srcpos->filename); error->error_position = srcpos->line; } // if error->filename = fname; // may be NULL, that's okay. } // else } // if } // for } // if destroy_context(ctx); return retval; } // MOJOSHADER_assemble // end of mojoshader_assembler.c ...