#!/usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use strict; use Digest::SHA1; use Cwd; use FindBin qw($Bin); my $testdir = $Bin; undef $Bin; #print("testdir is $testdir\n"); my $binpath = getcwd(); #print("binpath is $binpath\n"); my $GPrintCmds = 0; my @modules = qw( preprocessor assembler compiler parser ); sub compare_files { my ($a, $b, $endlines) = @_; if (not open(FILE1, '<', $a)) { return (0, "Couldn't open '$a' for checksum"); } if (not open(FILE2, '<', $b)) { close(FILE1); return (0, "Couldn't open '$b' for checksum"); } my $sha1 = Digest::SHA1->new; my $sha2 = Digest::SHA1->new; if (not $endlines) { $sha1->addfile(*FILE1); $sha2->addfile(*FILE2); } else { while () { s/[\r\n]//g; $sha1->add($_); } while () { s/[\r\n]//g; $sha2->add($_); } } close(FILE1); close(FILE2); if ($sha1->hexdigest ne $sha2->hexdigest) { return (0, "Result doesn't match expectations"); } return (1); } my %tests = (); $tests{'output'} = sub { my ($module, $fname) = @_; my $output = 'unittest_tempoutput'; my $desired = $fname . '.correct'; my $cmd = undef; my $endlines = 1; # !!! FIXME: this should go elsewhere. if ($module eq 'preprocessor') { $cmd = "$binpath/mojoshader-compiler -P '$fname' -o '$output'"; } else { return (0, "Don't know how to do this module type"); } $cmd .= ' 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null'; print("$cmd\n") if ($GPrintCmds); if (system($cmd) != 0) { unlink($output) if (-f $output); return (0, "External program reported error"); } if (not -f $output) { return (0, "Didn't get any output file"); } my @retval = compare_files($desired, $output, $endlines); unlink($output); return @retval; }; $tests{'errors'} = sub { my ($module, $fname) = @_; my $error_output = 'unittest_temperroutput'; my $output = 'unittest_tempoutput'; my $desired = $fname . '.correct'; my $cmd = undef; my $endlines = 1; # !!! FIXME: this should go elsewhere. if ($module eq 'preprocessor') { $cmd = "$binpath/mojoshader-compiler -P '$fname' -o '$output'"; } else { return (0, "Don't know how to do this module type"); } $cmd .= " 2>$error_output 1>/dev/null"; print("$cmd\n") if ($GPrintCmds); system($cmd); unlink($output) if (-f $output); if (not -f $error_output) { return (0, "Didn't get any error output"); } my @retval = compare_files($desired, $error_output, $endlines); unlink($error_output); return @retval; }; my $totaltests = 0; my $pass = 0; my $fail = 0; my $skip = 0; my @fails = (); my $result = ''; chdir($testdir) or die("Failed to chdir('$testdir'): $!\n"); foreach (@modules) { my $module = $_; foreach (keys %tests) { my $testtype = $_; my $fn = $tests{$_}; my $d = "$module/$testtype"; next if (not -d $d); # no tests at the moment. opendir(TESTDIR, $d) || die("Failed to open dir '$d': $!\n"); print(" ... $module / $testtype ...\n"); my $fname = readdir(TESTDIR); while (defined $fname) { my $isfail = 0; my $origfname = $fname; $fname = readdir(TESTDIR); # set for next iteration. next if (-d $origfname); next if ($origfname =~ /\.correct\Z/); my $fullfname = "$d/$origfname"; my ($rc, $reason) = &$fn($module, $fullfname); if ($rc == 1) { $result = 'PASS'; $pass++; } elsif ($rc == 0) { $isfail = 1; $result = 'FAIL'; $fail++; } elsif ($rc == -1) { $result = 'SKIP'; $skip++; } if (defined $reason) { $reason = " ($reason)"; } else { $reason = ''; } my $output = "$result ${origfname}${reason}\n"; print($output); push(@fails, $output) if $isfail; $totaltests++; } closedir(TESTDIR); } } if (scalar(@fails)) { print("\n\n"); print("*************************************************************\n"); print("*************************************************************\n"); print("** SOME TESTS FAILED! PLEASE CORRECT THE FOLLOWING ISSUES. **\n"); print("*************************************************************\n"); print("*************************************************************\n"); print("\n"); foreach (@fails) { print $_; } print("\n\n"); } print("\n$totaltests tests, $pass passed, $fail failed, $skip skipped.\n\n"); exit(($fail > 0) ? 1 : 0); # end if run_tests.pl ...