#define __MOJOSHADER_INTERNAL__ 1 #include "mojoshader_internal.h" typedef struct HashItem { const void *key; const void *value; struct HashItem *next; } HashItem; struct HashTable { HashItem **table; uint32 table_len; int stackable; void *data; HashTable_HashFn hash; HashTable_KeyMatchFn keymatch; HashTable_NukeFn nuke; MOJOSHADER_malloc m; MOJOSHADER_free f; void *d; }; static inline uint32 calc_hash(const HashTable *table, const void *key) { return table->hash(key, table->data) & (table->table_len-1); } // calc_hash int hash_find(const HashTable *table, const void *key, const void **_value) { HashItem *i; void *data = table->data; const uint32 hash = calc_hash(table, key); HashItem *prev = NULL; for (i = table->table[hash]; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if (table->keymatch(key, i->key, data)) { if (_value != NULL) *_value = i->value; // Matched! Move to the front of list for faster lookup next time. // (stackable tables have to remain in the same order, though!) if ((!table->stackable) && (prev != NULL)) { assert(prev->next == i); prev->next = i->next; i->next = table->table[hash]; table->table[hash] = i; } // if return 1; } // if prev = i; } // for return 0; } // hash_find int hash_insert(HashTable *table, const void *key, const void *value) { HashItem *item = NULL; const uint32 hash = calc_hash(table, key); if ( (!table->stackable) && (hash_find(table, key, NULL)) ) return 0; // !!! FIXME: grow and rehash table if it gets too saturated. item = (HashItem *) table->m(sizeof (HashItem), table->d); if (item == NULL) return -1; item->key = key; item->value = value; item->next = table->table[hash]; table->table[hash] = item; return 1; } // hash_insert HashTable *hash_create(void *data, const HashTable_HashFn hashfn, const HashTable_KeyMatchFn keymatchfn, const HashTable_NukeFn nukefn, const int stackable, MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d) { const uint32 initial_table_size = 256; const uint32 alloc_len = sizeof (HashItem *) * initial_table_size; HashTable *table = (HashTable *) m(sizeof (HashTable), d); if (table == NULL) return NULL; memset(table, '\0', sizeof (HashTable)); table->table = (HashItem **) m(alloc_len, d); if (table->table == NULL) { f(table, d); return NULL; } // if memset(table->table, '\0', alloc_len); table->table_len = initial_table_size; table->stackable = stackable; table->data = data; table->hash = hashfn; table->keymatch = keymatchfn; table->nuke = nukefn; table->m = m; table->f = f; table->d = d; return table; } // hash_create void hash_destroy(HashTable *table) { uint32 i; void *data = table->data; MOJOSHADER_free f = table->f; void *d = table->d; for (i = 0; i < table->table_len; i++) { HashItem *item = table->table[i]; while (item != NULL) { HashItem *next = item->next; table->nuke(item->key, item->value, data); f(item, d); item = next; } // while } // for f(table->table, d); f(table, d); } // hash_destroy int hash_remove(HashTable *table, const void *key) { HashItem *item = NULL; HashItem *prev = NULL; void *data = table->data; const uint32 hash = calc_hash(table, key); for (item = table->table[hash]; item != NULL; item = item->next) { if (table->keymatch(key, item->key, data)) { if (prev != NULL) prev->next = item->next; else table->table[hash] = item->next; table->nuke(item->key, item->value, data); table->f(item, table->d); return 1; } // if prev = item; } // for return 0; } // hash_remove // this is djb's xor hashing function. static inline uint32 hash_string_djbxor(const char *str, size_t len) { register uint32 hash = 5381; while (len--) hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ *(str++); return hash; } // hash_string_djbxor static inline uint32 hash_string(const char *str, size_t len) { return hash_string_djbxor(str, len); } // hash_string uint32 hash_hash_string(const void *sym, void *data) { (void) data; return hash_string(sym, strlen(sym)); } // hash_hash_string int hash_keymatch_string(const void *a, const void *b, void *data) { (void) data; return (strcmp((const char *) a, (const char *) b) == 0); } // hash_keymatch_string // string -> string map... static void stringmap_nuke_noop(const void *key, const void *val, void *d) {} static void stringmap_nuke(const void *key, const void *val, void *d) { StringMap *smap = (StringMap *) d; smap->f((void *) key, smap->d); smap->f((void *) val, smap->d); } // stringmap_nuke StringMap *stringmap_create(const int copy, MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d) { HashTable_NukeFn nuke = copy ? stringmap_nuke : stringmap_nuke_noop; StringMap *smap; smap = hash_create(0,hash_hash_string,hash_keymatch_string,nuke,0,m,f,d); smap->data = smap; return smap; } // stringmap_create void stringmap_destroy(StringMap *smap) { return hash_destroy(smap); } // stringmap_destroy int stringmap_insert(StringMap *smap, const char *key, const char *value) { assert(key != NULL); if (smap->nuke == stringmap_nuke_noop) // no copy? return hash_insert(smap, key, value); int rc = -1; char *k = (char *) smap->m(strlen(key) + 1, smap->d); char *v = (char *) v ? smap->m(strlen(value) + 1, smap->d) : NULL; if ( (!k) || ((!v) && (value)) || ((rc = hash_insert(smap, k, v)) <= 0) ) { smap->f(k, smap->d); smap->f(v, smap->d); } // if return rc; } // stringmap_insert int stringmap_remove(StringMap *smap, const char *key) { return hash_remove(smap, key); } // stringmap_remove int stringmap_find(const StringMap *smap, const char *key, const char **_value) { const void *value = NULL; const int retval = hash_find(smap, key, &value); *_value = (const char *) value; return retval; } // stringmap_find // The string cache... !!! FIXME: use StringMap internally for this. typedef struct StringBucket { char *string; struct StringBucket *next; } StringBucket; struct StringCache { StringBucket **hashtable; uint32 table_size; MOJOSHADER_malloc m; MOJOSHADER_free f; void *d; }; const char *stringcache(StringCache *cache, const char *str) { return stringcache_len(cache, str, strlen(str)); } // stringcache const char *stringcache_len(StringCache *cache, const char *str, const unsigned int len) { const uint8 hash = hash_string(str, len) & (cache->table_size-1); StringBucket *bucket = cache->hashtable[hash]; StringBucket *prev = NULL; while (bucket) { const char *bstr = bucket->string; if ((strncmp(bstr, str, len) == 0) && (bstr[len] == 0)) { // Matched! Move this to the front of the list. if (prev != NULL) { assert(prev->next == bucket); prev->next = bucket->next; bucket->next = cache->hashtable[hash]; cache->hashtable[hash] = bucket; } // if return bstr; // already cached } // if prev = bucket; bucket = bucket->next; } // while // no match, add to the table. bucket = (StringBucket *) cache->m(sizeof (StringBucket), cache->d); if (bucket == NULL) return NULL; bucket->string = (char *) cache->m(len + 1, cache->d); if (bucket->string == NULL) { cache->f(bucket, cache->d); return NULL; } // if memcpy(bucket->string, str, len); bucket->string[len] = '\0'; bucket->next = cache->hashtable[hash]; cache->hashtable[hash] = bucket; return bucket->string; } // stringcache_len const char *stringcache_fmt(StringCache *cache, const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[128]; // use the stack if reasonable. char *ptr = NULL; int len = 0; // number of chars, NOT counting null-terminator! va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); len = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (len > sizeof (buf)) { ptr = (char *) cache->m(len, cache->d); if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(ptr, len, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } // if const char *retval = stringcache_len(cache, ptr ? ptr : buf, len); if (ptr != NULL) cache->f(ptr, cache->d); return retval; } // stringcache_fmt StringCache *stringcache_create(MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d) { const uint32 initial_table_size = 256; const size_t tablelen = sizeof (StringBucket *) * initial_table_size; StringCache *cache = (StringCache *) m(sizeof (StringCache), d); if (!cache) return NULL; memset(cache, '\0', sizeof (StringCache)); cache->hashtable = (StringBucket **) m(tablelen, d); if (!cache->hashtable) { f(cache, d); return NULL; } // if memset(cache->hashtable, '\0', tablelen); cache->table_size = initial_table_size; cache->m = m; cache->f = f; cache->d = d; return cache; } // stringcache_create void stringcache_destroy(StringCache *cache) { MOJOSHADER_free f = cache->f; void *d = cache->d; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < cache->table_size; i++) { StringBucket *bucket = cache->hashtable[i]; cache->hashtable[i] = NULL; while (bucket) { StringBucket *next = bucket->next; f(bucket->string, d); f(bucket, d); bucket = next; } // while } // for f(cache->hashtable, d); f(cache, d); } // stringcache_destroy // end of mojoshader_common.c ...