/** * MojoShader; generate shader programs from bytecode of compiled * Direct3D shaders. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #define __MOJOSHADER_INTERNAL__ 1 #include "mojoshader_internal.h" #if DEBUG_PREPROCESSOR #define print_debug_token(token, len, val) \ MOJOSHADER_print_debug_token("PREPROCESSOR", token, len, val) #else #define print_debug_token(token, len, val) #endif #if DEBUG_LEXER static Token debug_preprocessor_lexer(IncludeState *s) { const Token retval = preprocessor_lexer(s); MOJOSHADER_print_debug_token("LEXER", s->token, s->tokenlen, retval); return retval; } // debug_preprocessor_lexer #define preprocessor_lexer(s) debug_preprocessor_lexer(s) #endif #if DEBUG_TOKENIZER static void print_debug_lexing_position(IncludeState *s) { if (s != NULL) printf("NOW LEXING %s:%d ...\n", s->filename, s->line); } // print_debug_lexing_position #else #define print_debug_lexing_position(s) #endif typedef struct Context { int isfail; int out_of_memory; char failstr[256]; int recursion_count; int asm_comments; int parsing_pragma; Conditional *conditional_pool; IncludeState *include_stack; IncludeState *include_pool; Define *define_hashtable[256]; Define *define_pool; Define *file_macro; Define *line_macro; StringCache *filename_cache; MOJOSHADER_includeOpen open_callback; MOJOSHADER_includeClose close_callback; MOJOSHADER_malloc malloc; MOJOSHADER_free free; void *malloc_data; } Context; // Convenience functions for allocators... static inline void out_of_memory(Context *ctx) { ctx->out_of_memory = 1; } // out_of_memory static inline void *Malloc(Context *ctx, const size_t len) { void *retval = ctx->malloc((int) len, ctx->malloc_data); if (retval == NULL) out_of_memory(ctx); return retval; } // Malloc static inline void Free(Context *ctx, void *ptr) { ctx->free(ptr, ctx->malloc_data); } // Free static void *MallocBridge(int bytes, void *data) { return Malloc((Context *) data, (size_t) bytes); } // MallocBridge static void FreeBridge(void *ptr, void *data) { Free((Context *) data, ptr); } // FreeBridge static inline char *StrDup(Context *ctx, const char *str) { char *retval = (char *) Malloc(ctx, strlen(str) + 1); if (retval != NULL) strcpy(retval, str); return retval; } // StrDup static void failf(Context *ctx, const char *fmt, ...) ISPRINTF(2,3); static void failf(Context *ctx, const char *fmt, ...) { ctx->isfail = 1; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(ctx->failstr, sizeof (ctx->failstr), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } // failf static inline void fail(Context *ctx, const char *reason) { failf(ctx, "%s", reason); } // fail #if DEBUG_TOKENIZER void MOJOSHADER_print_debug_token(const char *subsystem, const char *token, const unsigned int tokenlen, const Token tokenval) { printf("%s TOKEN: \"", subsystem); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < tokenlen; i++) { if (token[i] == '\n') printf("\\n"); else if (token[i] == '\\') printf("\\\\"); else printf("%c", token[i]); } // for printf("\" ("); switch (tokenval) { #define TOKENCASE(x) case x: printf("%s", #x); break TOKENCASE(TOKEN_UNKNOWN); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_IDENTIFIER); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_INT_LITERAL); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_FLOAT_LITERAL); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_STRING_LITERAL); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_ADDASSIGN); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_SUBASSIGN); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_MULTASSIGN); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_DIVASSIGN); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_MODASSIGN); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_XORASSIGN); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_ANDASSIGN); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_ORASSIGN); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_INCREMENT); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_DECREMENT); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_RSHIFT); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_LSHIFT); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_ANDAND); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_OROR); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_LEQ); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_GEQ); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_EQL); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_NEQ); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_HASH); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_HASHHASH); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_PP_INCLUDE); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_PP_LINE); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_PP_DEFINE); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_PP_UNDEF); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_PP_IF); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_PP_IFDEF); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_PP_IFNDEF); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_PP_ELSE); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_PP_ELIF); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_PP_ENDIF); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_PP_ERROR); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_PP_PRAGMA); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_INCOMPLETE_COMMENT); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_BAD_CHARS); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_EOI); TOKENCASE(TOKEN_PREPROCESSING_ERROR); #undef TOKENCASE case ((Token) '\n'): printf("'\\n'"); break; case ((Token) '\\'): printf("'\\\\'"); break; default: assert(((int)tokenval) < 256); printf("'%c'", (char) tokenval); break; } // switch printf(")\n"); } // MOJOSHADER_print_debug_token #endif #if !MOJOSHADER_FORCE_INCLUDE_CALLBACKS // !!! FIXME: most of these _MSC_VER should probably be _WINDOWS? #ifdef _MSC_VER #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 #include // GL headers need this for WINGDIAPI definition. #else #include #include #include #endif int MOJOSHADER_internal_include_open(MOJOSHADER_includeType inctype, const char *fname, const char *parent, const char **outdata, unsigned int *outbytes, MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d) { #ifdef _MSC_VER WCHAR wpath[MAX_PATH]; if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, fname, -1, wpath, MAX_PATH)) return 0; const DWORD share = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE; const HANDLE handle = CreateFileW(wpath, FILE_GENERIC_READ, share, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, NULL, NULL); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; const DWORD fileSize = GetFileSize(handle, NULL); if (fileSize == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { CloseHandle(handle); return 0; } // if char *data = (char *) m(fileSize, d); if (data == NULL) { CloseHandle(handle); return 0; } // if DWORD readLength = 0; if (!ReadFile(handle, data, fileSize, &readLength, NULL)) { CloseHandle(handle); f(data, d); return 0; } // if CloseHandle(handle); if (readLength != fileSize) { f(data, d); return 0; } // if *outdata = data; *outbytes = fileSize; return 1; #else struct stat statbuf; if (stat(fname, &statbuf) == -1) return 0; char *data = (char *) m(statbuf.st_size, d); if (data == NULL) return 0; const int fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { f(data, d); return 0; } // if if (read(fd, data, statbuf.st_size) != statbuf.st_size) { f(data, d); close(fd); return 0; } // if close(fd); *outdata = data; *outbytes = (unsigned int) statbuf.st_size; return 1; #endif } // MOJOSHADER_internal_include_open void MOJOSHADER_internal_include_close(const char *data, MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d) { f((void *) data, d); } // MOJOSHADER_internal_include_close #endif // !MOJOSHADER_FORCE_INCLUDE_CALLBACKS // !!! FIXME: maybe use these pool magic elsewhere? // !!! FIXME: maybe just get rid of this? (maybe the fragmentation isn't a big deal?) // Pool stuff... // ugh, I hate this macro salsa. #define FREE_POOL(type, poolname) \ static void free_##poolname##_pool(Context *ctx) { \ type *item = ctx->poolname##_pool; \ while (item != NULL) { \ type *next = item->next; \ Free(ctx, item); \ item = next; \ } \ } #define GET_POOL(type, poolname) \ static type *get_##poolname(Context *ctx) { \ type *retval = ctx->poolname##_pool; \ if (retval != NULL) \ ctx->poolname##_pool = retval->next; \ else \ retval = (type *) Malloc(ctx, sizeof (type)); \ if (retval != NULL) \ memset(retval, '\0', sizeof (type)); \ return retval; \ } #define PUT_POOL(type, poolname) \ static void put_##poolname(Context *ctx, type *item) { \ item->next = ctx->poolname##_pool; \ ctx->poolname##_pool = item; \ } #define IMPLEMENT_POOL(type, poolname) \ FREE_POOL(type, poolname) \ GET_POOL(type, poolname) \ PUT_POOL(type, poolname) IMPLEMENT_POOL(Conditional, conditional) IMPLEMENT_POOL(IncludeState, include) IMPLEMENT_POOL(Define, define) // Preprocessor define hashtable stuff... // !!! FIXME: why isn't this using mojoshader_common.c's code? // this is djb's xor hashing function. static inline uint32 hash_string_djbxor(const char *sym) { register uint32 hash = 5381; while (*sym) hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ *(sym++); return hash; } // hash_string_djbxor static inline uint8 hash_define(const char *sym) { return (uint8) hash_string_djbxor(sym); } // hash_define static int add_define(Context *ctx, const char *sym, const char *val, char **parameters, int paramcount) { const uint8 hash = hash_define(sym); Define *bucket = ctx->define_hashtable[hash]; while (bucket) { if (strcmp(bucket->identifier, sym) == 0) { failf(ctx, "'%s' already defined", sym); // !!! FIXME: warning? // !!! FIXME: gcc reports the location of previous #define here. return 0; } // if bucket = bucket->next; } // while bucket = get_define(ctx); if (bucket == NULL) return 0; bucket->definition = val; bucket->original = NULL; bucket->identifier = sym; bucket->parameters = (const char **) parameters; bucket->paramcount = paramcount; bucket->next = ctx->define_hashtable[hash]; ctx->define_hashtable[hash] = bucket; return 1; } // add_define static void free_define(Context *ctx, Define *def) { if (def != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; i < def->paramcount; i++) Free(ctx, (void *) def->parameters[i]); Free(ctx, (void *) def->parameters); Free(ctx, (void *) def->identifier); Free(ctx, (void *) def->definition); Free(ctx, (void *) def->original); put_define(ctx, def); } // if } // free_define static int remove_define(Context *ctx, const char *sym) { const uint8 hash = hash_define(sym); Define *bucket = ctx->define_hashtable[hash]; Define *prev = NULL; while (bucket) { if (strcmp(bucket->identifier, sym) == 0) { if (prev == NULL) ctx->define_hashtable[hash] = bucket->next; else prev->next = bucket->next; free_define(ctx, bucket); return 1; } // if prev = bucket; bucket = bucket->next; } // while return 0; } // remove_define static const Define *find_define(Context *ctx, const char *sym) { if ( (ctx->file_macro) && (strcmp(sym, "__FILE__") == 0) ) { Free(ctx, (char *) ctx->file_macro->definition); const IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; const char *fname = state ? state->filename : ""; const size_t len = strlen(fname) + 2; char *str = (char *) Malloc(ctx, len); if (!str) return NULL; str[0] = '\"'; memcpy(str + 1, fname, len - 2); str[len - 1] = '\"'; ctx->file_macro->definition = str; return ctx->file_macro; } // if else if ( (ctx->line_macro) && (strcmp(sym, "__LINE__") == 0) ) { Free(ctx, (char *) ctx->line_macro->definition); const IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; const size_t bufsize = 32; char *str = (char *) Malloc(ctx, bufsize); if (!str) return 0; const size_t len = snprintf(str, bufsize, "%u", state->line); assert(len < bufsize); ctx->line_macro->definition = str; return ctx->line_macro; } // else const uint8 hash = hash_define(sym); Define *bucket = ctx->define_hashtable[hash]; while (bucket) { if (strcmp(bucket->identifier, sym) == 0) return bucket; bucket = bucket->next; } // while return NULL; } // find_define static const Define *find_define_by_token(Context *ctx) { IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; assert(state->tokenval == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER); char *sym = (char *) alloca(state->tokenlen+1); memcpy(sym, state->token, state->tokenlen); sym[state->tokenlen] = '\0'; return find_define(ctx, sym); } // find_define_by_token static const Define *find_macro_arg(const IncludeState *state, const Define *defines) { const Define *def = NULL; char *sym = (char *) alloca(state->tokenlen + 1); memcpy(sym, state->token, state->tokenlen); sym[state->tokenlen] = '\0'; for (def = defines; def != NULL; def = def->next) { assert(def->parameters == NULL); // args can't have args! assert(def->paramcount == 0); // args can't have args! if (strcmp(def->identifier, sym) == 0) break; } // while return def; } // find_macro_arg static void put_all_defines(Context *ctx) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < STATICARRAYLEN(ctx->define_hashtable); i++) { Define *bucket = ctx->define_hashtable[i]; ctx->define_hashtable[i] = NULL; while (bucket) { Define *next = bucket->next; free_define(ctx, bucket); bucket = next; } // while } // for } // put_all_defines static int push_source(Context *ctx, const char *fname, const char *source, unsigned int srclen, unsigned int linenum, MOJOSHADER_includeClose close_callback) { IncludeState *state = get_include(ctx); if (state == NULL) return 0; if (fname != NULL) { state->filename = stringcache(ctx->filename_cache, fname); if (state->filename == NULL) { put_include(ctx, state); return 0; } // if } // if state->close_callback = close_callback; state->source_base = source; state->source = source; state->token = source; state->tokenval = ((Token) '\n'); state->orig_length = srclen; state->bytes_left = srclen; state->line = linenum; state->next = ctx->include_stack; state->asm_comments = ctx->asm_comments; print_debug_lexing_position(state); ctx->include_stack = state; return 1; } // push_source static void pop_source(Context *ctx) { IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; assert(state != NULL); // more pops than pushes! if (state == NULL) return; if (state->close_callback) { state->close_callback(state->source_base, ctx->malloc, ctx->free, ctx->malloc_data); } // if // state->filename is a pointer to the filename cache; don't free it here! Conditional *cond = state->conditional_stack; while (cond) { Conditional *next = cond->next; put_conditional(ctx, cond); cond = next; } // while ctx->include_stack = state->next; print_debug_lexing_position(ctx->include_stack); put_include(ctx, state); } // pop_source static void close_define_include(const char *data, MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d) { f((void *) data, d); } // close_define_include Preprocessor *preprocessor_start(const char *fname, const char *source, unsigned int sourcelen, MOJOSHADER_includeOpen open_callback, MOJOSHADER_includeClose close_callback, const MOJOSHADER_preprocessorDefine *defines, unsigned int define_count, int asm_comments, MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d) { int okay = 1; unsigned int i = 0; // the preprocessor is internal-only, so we verify all these are != NULL. assert(m != NULL); assert(f != NULL); Context *ctx = (Context *) m(sizeof (Context), d); if (ctx == NULL) return NULL; memset(ctx, '\0', sizeof (Context)); ctx->malloc = m; ctx->free = f; ctx->malloc_data = d; ctx->open_callback = open_callback; ctx->close_callback = close_callback; ctx->asm_comments = asm_comments; ctx->filename_cache = stringcache_create(MallocBridge, FreeBridge, ctx); okay = ((okay) && (ctx->filename_cache != NULL)); ctx->file_macro = get_define(ctx); okay = ((okay) && (ctx->file_macro != NULL)); if ((okay) && (ctx->file_macro)) okay = ((ctx->file_macro->identifier = StrDup(ctx, "__FILE__")) != 0); ctx->line_macro = get_define(ctx); okay = ((okay) && (ctx->line_macro != NULL)); if ((okay) && (ctx->line_macro)) okay = ((ctx->line_macro->identifier = StrDup(ctx, "__LINE__")) != 0); // let the usual preprocessor parser sort these out. char *define_include = NULL; unsigned int define_include_len = 0; if ((okay) && (define_count > 0)) { for (i = 0; i < define_count; i++) { define_include_len += strlen(defines[i].identifier); define_include_len += strlen(defines[i].definition); define_include_len += 10; // "#define" } // for define_include_len++; // for null terminator. define_include = (char *) Malloc(ctx, define_include_len); if (define_include == NULL) okay = 0; else { char *ptr = define_include; for (i = 0; i < define_count; i++) { ptr += sprintf(ptr, "#define %s %s\n", defines[i].identifier, defines[i].definition); } // for } // else } // if if ((okay) && (!push_source(ctx,fname,source,sourcelen,1,NULL))) okay = 0; if ((okay) && (define_include_len > 0)) { assert(define_include != NULL); okay = push_source(ctx, "", define_include, define_include_len-1, 1, close_define_include); } // if if (!okay) { preprocessor_end((Preprocessor *) ctx); return NULL; } // if return (Preprocessor *) ctx; } // preprocessor_start void preprocessor_end(Preprocessor *_ctx) { Context *ctx = (Context *) _ctx; if (ctx == NULL) return; while (ctx->include_stack != NULL) pop_source(ctx); put_all_defines(ctx); if (ctx->filename_cache != NULL) stringcache_destroy(ctx->filename_cache); free_define(ctx, ctx->file_macro); free_define(ctx, ctx->line_macro); free_define_pool(ctx); free_conditional_pool(ctx); free_include_pool(ctx); Free(ctx, ctx); } // preprocessor_end int preprocessor_outofmemory(Preprocessor *_ctx) { Context *ctx = (Context *) _ctx; return ctx->out_of_memory; } // preprocessor_outofmemory static inline void pushback(IncludeState *state) { #if DEBUG_PREPROCESSOR printf("PREPROCESSOR PUSHBACK\n"); #endif assert(!state->pushedback); state->pushedback = 1; } // pushback static Token lexer(IncludeState *state) { if (!state->pushedback) return preprocessor_lexer(state); state->pushedback = 0; return state->tokenval; } // lexer // !!! FIXME: parsing fails on preprocessor directives should skip rest of line. static int require_newline(IncludeState *state) { const Token token = lexer(state); pushback(state); // rewind no matter what. return ( (token == TOKEN_INCOMPLETE_COMMENT) || // call it an eol. (token == ((Token) '\n')) || (token == TOKEN_EOI) ); } // require_newline // !!! FIXME: didn't we implement this by hand elsewhere? static int token_to_int(IncludeState *state) { assert(state->tokenval == TOKEN_INT_LITERAL); char *buf = (char *) alloca(state->tokenlen+1); memcpy(buf, state->token, state->tokenlen); buf[state->tokenlen] = '\0'; return atoi(buf); } // token_to_int static void handle_pp_include(Context *ctx) { IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; Token token = lexer(state); MOJOSHADER_includeType incltype; char *filename = NULL; int bogus = 0; if (token == TOKEN_STRING_LITERAL) incltype = MOJOSHADER_INCLUDETYPE_LOCAL; else if (token == ((Token) '<')) { incltype = MOJOSHADER_INCLUDETYPE_SYSTEM; // can't use lexer, since every byte between the < > pair is // considered part of the filename. :/ while (!bogus) { if ( !(bogus = (state->bytes_left == 0)) ) { const char ch = *state->source; if ( !(bogus = ((ch == '\r') || (ch == '\n'))) ) { state->source++; state->bytes_left--; if (ch == '>') break; } // if } // if } // while } // else if else { bogus = 1; } // else if (!bogus) { state->token++; // skip '<' or '\"'... const unsigned int len = ((unsigned int) (state->source-state->token)); filename = (char *) alloca(len); memcpy(filename, state->token, len-1); filename[len-1] = '\0'; bogus = !require_newline(state); } // if if (bogus) { fail(ctx, "Invalid #include directive"); return; } // else const char *newdata = NULL; unsigned int newbytes = 0; if ((ctx->open_callback == NULL) || (ctx->close_callback == NULL)) { fail(ctx, "Saw #include, but no include callbacks defined"); return; } // if if (!ctx->open_callback(incltype, filename, state->source_base, &newdata, &newbytes, ctx->malloc, ctx->free, ctx->malloc_data)) { fail(ctx, "Include callback failed"); // !!! FIXME: better error return; } // if MOJOSHADER_includeClose callback = ctx->close_callback; if (!push_source(ctx, filename, newdata, newbytes, 1, callback)) { assert(ctx->out_of_memory); ctx->close_callback(newdata, ctx->malloc, ctx->free, ctx->malloc_data); } // if } // handle_pp_include static void handle_pp_line(Context *ctx) { IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; char *filename = NULL; int linenum = 0; int bogus = 0; if (lexer(state) != TOKEN_INT_LITERAL) bogus = 1; else linenum = token_to_int(state); if (!bogus) { Token t = lexer(state); if (t == ((Token) '\n')) { state->line = linenum; return; } bogus = (t != TOKEN_STRING_LITERAL); } if (!bogus) { state->token++; // skip '\"'... filename = (char *) alloca(state->tokenlen); memcpy(filename, state->token, state->tokenlen-1); filename[state->tokenlen-1] = '\0'; bogus = !require_newline(state); } // if if (bogus) { fail(ctx, "Invalid #line directive"); return; } // if const char *cached = stringcache(ctx->filename_cache, filename); state->filename = cached; // may be NULL if stringcache() failed. state->line = linenum; } // handle_pp_line static void handle_pp_error(Context *ctx) { IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; char *ptr = ctx->failstr; int avail = sizeof (ctx->failstr) - 1; int cpy = 0; int done = 0; const char *prefix = "#error"; const size_t prefixlen = strlen(prefix); strcpy(ctx->failstr, prefix); avail -= prefixlen; ptr += prefixlen; state->report_whitespace = 1; while (!done) { const Token token = lexer(state); switch (token) { case ((Token) '\n'): state->line--; // make sure error is on the right line. // fall through! case TOKEN_INCOMPLETE_COMMENT: case TOKEN_EOI: pushback(state); // move back so we catch this later. done = 1; break; case ((Token) ' '): if (!avail) break; *(ptr++) = ' '; avail--; break; default: cpy = Min(avail, (int) state->tokenlen); if (cpy) memcpy(ptr, state->token, cpy); ptr += cpy; avail -= cpy; break; } // switch } // while *ptr = '\0'; state->report_whitespace = 0; ctx->isfail = 1; } // handle_pp_error static void handle_pp_define(Context *ctx) { IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; int done = 0; if (lexer(state) != TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) { fail(ctx, "Macro names must be identifiers"); return; } // if char *definition = NULL; char *sym = (char *) Malloc(ctx, state->tokenlen+1); if (sym == NULL) return; memcpy(sym, state->token, state->tokenlen); sym[state->tokenlen] = '\0'; if (strcmp(sym, "defined") == 0) { Free(ctx, sym); fail(ctx, "'defined' cannot be used as a macro name"); return; } // if // Don't treat these symbols as special anymore if they get (re)#defined. if (strcmp(sym, "__FILE__") == 0) { if (ctx->file_macro) { failf(ctx, "'%s' already defined", sym); // !!! FIXME: warning? free_define(ctx, ctx->file_macro); ctx->file_macro = NULL; } // if } // if else if (strcmp(sym, "__LINE__") == 0) { if (ctx->line_macro) { failf(ctx, "'%s' already defined", sym); // !!! FIXME: warning? free_define(ctx, ctx->line_macro); ctx->line_macro = NULL; } // if } // else if // #define a(b) is different than #define a (b) :( state->report_whitespace = 1; lexer(state); state->report_whitespace = 0; int params = 0; char **idents = NULL; static const char space = ' '; if (state->tokenval == ((Token) ' ')) lexer(state); // skip it. else if (state->tokenval == ((Token) '(')) { IncludeState saved; memcpy(&saved, state, sizeof (IncludeState)); while (1) { if (lexer(state) != TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) break; params++; if (lexer(state) != ((Token) ',')) break; } // while if (state->tokenval != ((Token) ')')) { fail(ctx, "syntax error in macro parameter list"); goto handle_pp_define_failed; } // if if (params == 0) // special case for void args: "#define a() b" params = -1; else { idents = (char **) Malloc(ctx, sizeof (char *) * params); if (idents == NULL) goto handle_pp_define_failed; // roll all the way back, do it again. memcpy(state, &saved, sizeof (IncludeState)); memset(idents, '\0', sizeof (char *) * params); int i; for (i = 0; i < params; i++) { lexer(state); assert(state->tokenval == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER); char *dst = (char *) Malloc(ctx, state->tokenlen+1); if (dst == NULL) break; memcpy(dst, state->token, state->tokenlen); dst[state->tokenlen] = '\0'; idents[i] = dst; if (i < (params-1)) { lexer(state); assert(state->tokenval == ((Token) ',')); } // if } // for if (i != params) { assert(ctx->out_of_memory); goto handle_pp_define_failed; } // if lexer(state); assert(state->tokenval == ((Token) ')')); } // else lexer(state); } // else if pushback(state); Buffer *buffer = buffer_create(128, MallocBridge, FreeBridge, ctx); state->report_whitespace = 1; while ((!done) && (!ctx->out_of_memory)) { const Token token = lexer(state); switch (token) { case TOKEN_INCOMPLETE_COMMENT: case TOKEN_EOI: pushback(state); // move back so we catch this later. done = 1; break; case ((Token) '\n'): done = 1; break; case ((Token) ' '): // may not actually point to ' '. assert(buffer_size(buffer) > 0); buffer_append(buffer, &space, 1); break; default: buffer_append(buffer, state->token, state->tokenlen); break; } // switch } // while state->report_whitespace = 0; size_t buflen = buffer_size(buffer) + 1; if (!ctx->out_of_memory) definition = buffer_flatten(buffer); buffer_destroy(buffer); if (ctx->out_of_memory) goto handle_pp_define_failed; int hashhash_error = 0; if ((buflen > 2) && (definition[0] == '#') && (definition[1] == '#')) { hashhash_error = 1; buflen -= 2; memmove(definition, definition + 2, buflen); } // if if (buflen > 2) { char *ptr = (definition + buflen) - 2; if (*ptr == ' ') { ptr--; buflen--; } // if if ((buflen > 2) && (ptr[0] == '#') && (ptr[-1] == '#')) { hashhash_error = 1; buflen -= 2; ptr[-1] = '\0'; } // if } // if if (hashhash_error) fail(ctx, "'##' cannot appear at either end of a macro expansion"); assert(done); if (!add_define(ctx, sym, definition, idents, params)) goto handle_pp_define_failed; return; handle_pp_define_failed: Free(ctx, sym); Free(ctx, definition); while (params--) Free(ctx, idents[params]); Free(ctx, idents); } // handle_pp_define static void handle_pp_undef(Context *ctx) { IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; if (lexer(state) != TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) { fail(ctx, "Macro names must be indentifiers"); return; } // if char *sym = (char *) alloca(state->tokenlen+1); memcpy(sym, state->token, state->tokenlen); sym[state->tokenlen] = '\0'; if (!require_newline(state)) { fail(ctx, "Invalid #undef directive"); return; } // if if (strcmp(sym, "__FILE__") == 0) { if (ctx->file_macro) { failf(ctx, "undefining \"%s\"", sym); // !!! FIXME: should be warning. free_define(ctx, ctx->file_macro); ctx->file_macro = NULL; } // if } // if else if (strcmp(sym, "__LINE__") == 0) { if (ctx->line_macro) { failf(ctx, "undefining \"%s\"", sym); // !!! FIXME: should be warning. free_define(ctx, ctx->line_macro); ctx->line_macro = NULL; } // if } // if remove_define(ctx, sym); } // handle_pp_undef static Conditional *_handle_pp_ifdef(Context *ctx, const Token type) { IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; assert((type == TOKEN_PP_IFDEF) || (type == TOKEN_PP_IFNDEF)); if (lexer(state) != TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) { fail(ctx, "Macro names must be indentifiers"); return NULL; } // if char *sym = (char *) alloca(state->tokenlen+1); memcpy(sym, state->token, state->tokenlen); sym[state->tokenlen] = '\0'; if (!require_newline(state)) { if (type == TOKEN_PP_IFDEF) fail(ctx, "Invalid #ifdef directive"); else fail(ctx, "Invalid #ifndef directive"); return NULL; } // if Conditional *conditional = get_conditional(ctx); assert((conditional != NULL) || (ctx->out_of_memory)); if (conditional == NULL) return NULL; Conditional *parent = state->conditional_stack; const int found = (find_define(ctx, sym) != NULL); const int chosen = (type == TOKEN_PP_IFDEF) ? found : !found; const int skipping = ( (((parent) && (parent->skipping))) || (!chosen) ); conditional->type = type; conditional->linenum = state->line - 1; conditional->skipping = skipping; conditional->chosen = chosen; conditional->next = parent; state->conditional_stack = conditional; return conditional; } // _handle_pp_ifdef static inline void handle_pp_ifdef(Context *ctx) { _handle_pp_ifdef(ctx, TOKEN_PP_IFDEF); } // handle_pp_ifdef static inline void handle_pp_ifndef(Context *ctx) { _handle_pp_ifdef(ctx, TOKEN_PP_IFNDEF); } // handle_pp_ifndef static int replace_and_push_macro(Context *ctx, const Define *def, const Define *params) { char *final = NULL; // We push the #define and lex it, building a buffer with argument // replacement, stringification, and concatenation. Buffer *buffer = buffer_create(128, MallocBridge, FreeBridge, ctx); if (buffer == NULL) return 0; IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; if (!push_source(ctx, state->filename, def->definition, strlen(def->definition), state->line, NULL)) { buffer_destroy(buffer); return 0; } // if state = ctx->include_stack; while (lexer(state) != TOKEN_EOI) { int wantorig = 0; const Define *arg = NULL; // put a space between tokens if we're not concatenating. if (state->tokenval == TOKEN_HASHHASH) // concatenate? { wantorig = 1; lexer(state); assert(state->tokenval != TOKEN_EOI); } // if else { if (buffer_size(buffer) > 0) { if (!buffer_append(buffer, " ", 1)) goto replace_and_push_macro_failed; } // if } // else const char *data = state->token; unsigned int len = state->tokenlen; if (state->tokenval == TOKEN_HASH) // stringify? { lexer(state); assert(state->tokenval != TOKEN_EOI); // we checked for this. if (!buffer_append(buffer, "\"", 1)) goto replace_and_push_macro_failed; if (state->tokenval == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) { arg = find_macro_arg(state, params); if (arg != NULL) { data = arg->original; len = strlen(data); } // if } // if if (!buffer_append(buffer, data, len)) goto replace_and_push_macro_failed; if (!buffer_append(buffer, "\"", 1)) goto replace_and_push_macro_failed; continue; } // if if (state->tokenval == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) { arg = find_macro_arg(state, params); if (arg != NULL) { if (!wantorig) { wantorig = (lexer(state) == TOKEN_HASHHASH); pushback(state); } // if data = wantorig ? arg->original : arg->definition; len = strlen(data); } // if } // if if (!buffer_append(buffer, data, len)) goto replace_and_push_macro_failed; } // while final = buffer_flatten(buffer); if (!final) goto replace_and_push_macro_failed; buffer_destroy(buffer); pop_source(ctx); // ditch the macro. state = ctx->include_stack; if (!push_source(ctx, state->filename, final, strlen(final), state->line, close_define_include)) { Free(ctx, final); return 0; } // if return 1; replace_and_push_macro_failed: pop_source(ctx); buffer_destroy(buffer); return 0; } // replace_and_push_macro static int handle_macro_args(Context *ctx, const char *sym, const Define *def) { int retval = 0; IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; Define *params = NULL; const int expected = (def->paramcount < 0) ? 0 : def->paramcount; int saw_params = 0; IncludeState saved; // can't pushback, we need the original token. memcpy(&saved, state, sizeof (IncludeState)); if (lexer(state) != ((Token) '(')) { memcpy(state, &saved, sizeof (IncludeState)); goto handle_macro_args_failed; // gcc abandons replacement, too. } // if state->report_whitespace = 1; int void_call = 0; int paren = 1; while (paren > 0) { Buffer *buffer = buffer_create(128, MallocBridge, FreeBridge, ctx); Buffer *origbuffer = buffer_create(128, MallocBridge, FreeBridge, ctx); Token t = lexer(state); assert(!void_call); while (1) { const char *origexpr = state->token; unsigned int origexprlen = state->tokenlen; const char *expr = state->token; unsigned int exprlen = state->tokenlen; if (t == ((Token) '(')) paren++; else if (t == ((Token) ')')) { paren--; if (paren < 1) // end of macro? break; } // else if else if (t == ((Token) ',')) { if (paren == 1) // new macro arg? break; } // else if else if (t == ((Token) ' ')) { // don't add whitespace to the start, so we recognize // void calls correctly. origexpr = expr = " "; origexprlen = (buffer_size(buffer) == 0) ? 0 : 1; } // else if else if (t == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) { const Define *def = find_define_by_token(ctx); // don't replace macros with arguments so they replace correctly, later. if ((def) && (def->paramcount == 0)) { expr = def->definition; exprlen = strlen(def->definition); } // if } // else if else if ((t == TOKEN_INCOMPLETE_COMMENT) || (t == TOKEN_EOI)) { pushback(state); fail(ctx, "Unterminated macro list"); goto handle_macro_args_failed; } // else if assert(expr != NULL); if (!buffer_append(buffer, expr, exprlen)) goto handle_macro_args_failed; if (!buffer_append(origbuffer, origexpr, origexprlen)) goto handle_macro_args_failed; t = lexer(state); } // while if (buffer_size(buffer) == 0) void_call = ((saw_params == 0) && (paren == 0)); if (saw_params < expected) { char *origdefinition = buffer_flatten(origbuffer); char *definition = buffer_flatten(buffer); Define *p = get_define(ctx); if ((!origdefinition) || (!definition) || (!p)) { Free(ctx, origdefinition); Free(ctx, definition); buffer_destroy(origbuffer); buffer_destroy(buffer); free_define(ctx, p); goto handle_macro_args_failed; } // if // trim any whitespace from the end of the string... int i; for (i = (int) buffer_size(buffer) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (definition[i] == ' ') definition[i] = '\0'; else break; } // for for (i = (int) buffer_size(origbuffer) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (origdefinition[i] == ' ') origdefinition[i] = '\0'; else break; } // for p->identifier = def->parameters[saw_params]; p->definition = definition; p->original = origdefinition; p->next = params; params = p; } // if buffer_destroy(buffer); buffer_destroy(origbuffer); saw_params++; } // while assert(paren == 0); // "a()" should match "#define a()" ... if ((expected == 0) && (saw_params == 1) && (void_call)) { assert(params == NULL); saw_params = 0; } // if if (saw_params != expected) { failf(ctx, "macro '%s' passed %d arguments, but requires %d", sym, saw_params, expected); goto handle_macro_args_failed; } // if // this handles arg replacement and the '##' and '#' operators. retval = replace_and_push_macro(ctx, def, params); handle_macro_args_failed: while (params) { Define *next = params->next; params->identifier = NULL; free_define(ctx, params); params = next; } // while state->report_whitespace = 0; return retval; } // handle_macro_args static int handle_pp_identifier(Context *ctx) { if (ctx->recursion_count++ >= 256) // !!! FIXME: gcc can figure this out. { fail(ctx, "Recursing macros"); return 0; } // if IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; const char *fname = state->filename; const unsigned int line = state->line; char *sym = (char *) alloca(state->tokenlen+1); memcpy(sym, state->token, state->tokenlen); sym[state->tokenlen] = '\0'; // Is this identifier #defined? const Define *def = find_define(ctx, sym); if (def == NULL) return 0; // just send the token through unchanged. else if (def->paramcount != 0) return handle_macro_args(ctx, sym, def); const size_t deflen = strlen(def->definition); return push_source(ctx, fname, def->definition, deflen, line, NULL); } // handle_pp_identifier static int find_precedence(const Token token) { // operator precedence, left and right associative... typedef struct { int precedence; Token token; } Precedence; static const Precedence ops[] = { { 0, TOKEN_OROR }, { 1, TOKEN_ANDAND }, { 2, ((Token) '|') }, { 3, ((Token) '^') }, { 4, ((Token) '&') }, { 5, TOKEN_NEQ }, { 6, TOKEN_EQL }, { 7, ((Token) '<') }, { 7, ((Token) '>') }, { 7, TOKEN_LEQ }, { 7, TOKEN_GEQ }, { 8, TOKEN_LSHIFT }, { 8, TOKEN_RSHIFT }, { 9, ((Token) '-') }, { 9, ((Token) '+') }, { 10, ((Token) '%') }, { 10, ((Token) '/') }, { 10, ((Token) '*') }, { 11, TOKEN_PP_UNARY_PLUS }, { 11, TOKEN_PP_UNARY_MINUS }, { 11, ((Token) '!') }, { 11, ((Token) '~') }, }; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < STATICARRAYLEN(ops); i++) { if (ops[i].token == token) return ops[i].precedence; } // for return -1; } // find_precedence // !!! FIXME: we're using way too much stack space here... typedef struct RpnTokens { int isoperator; int value; } RpnTokens; static long interpret_rpn(const RpnTokens *tokens, int tokencount, int *error) { long stack[128]; size_t stacksize = 0; *error = 1; #define NEED_X_TOKENS(x) do { if (stacksize < x) return 0; } while (0) #define BINARY_OPERATION(op) do { \ NEED_X_TOKENS(2); \ stack[stacksize-2] = stack[stacksize-2] op stack[stacksize-1]; \ stacksize--; \ } while (0) #define UNARY_OPERATION(op) do { \ NEED_X_TOKENS(1); \ stack[stacksize-1] = op stack[stacksize-1]; \ } while (0) while (tokencount-- > 0) { if (!tokens->isoperator) { assert(stacksize < STATICARRAYLEN(stack)); stack[stacksize++] = (long) tokens->value; tokens++; continue; } // if // operators. switch (tokens->value) { case '!': UNARY_OPERATION(!); break; case '~': UNARY_OPERATION(~); break; case TOKEN_PP_UNARY_MINUS: UNARY_OPERATION(-); break; case TOKEN_PP_UNARY_PLUS: UNARY_OPERATION(+); break; case TOKEN_OROR: BINARY_OPERATION(||); break; case TOKEN_ANDAND: BINARY_OPERATION(&&); break; case '|': BINARY_OPERATION(|); break; case '^': BINARY_OPERATION(^); break; case '&': BINARY_OPERATION(&); break; case TOKEN_NEQ: BINARY_OPERATION(!=); break; case TOKEN_EQL: BINARY_OPERATION(==); break; case '<': BINARY_OPERATION(<); break; case '>': BINARY_OPERATION(>); break; case TOKEN_LEQ: BINARY_OPERATION(<=); break; case TOKEN_GEQ: BINARY_OPERATION(>=); break; case TOKEN_LSHIFT: BINARY_OPERATION(<<); break; case TOKEN_RSHIFT: BINARY_OPERATION(>>); break; case '-': BINARY_OPERATION(-); break; case '+': BINARY_OPERATION(+); break; case '%': BINARY_OPERATION(%); break; case '/': BINARY_OPERATION(/); break; case '*': BINARY_OPERATION(*); break; default: return 0; } // switch tokens++; } // while #undef NEED_X_TOKENS #undef BINARY_OPERATION #undef UNARY_OPERATION if (stacksize != 1) return 0; *error = 0; return stack[0]; } // interpret_rpn // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunting_yard_algorithm // Convert from infix to postfix, then use this for constant folding. // Everything that parses should fold down to a constant value: any // identifiers that aren't resolved as macros become zero. Anything we // don't explicitly expect becomes a parsing error. // returns 1 (true), 0 (false), or -1 (error) static int reduce_pp_expression(Context *ctx) { IncludeState *orig_state = ctx->include_stack; RpnTokens output[128]; Token stack[64]; Token previous_token = TOKEN_UNKNOWN; size_t outputsize = 0; size_t stacksize = 0; int matched = 0; int done = 0; #define ADD_TO_OUTPUT(op, val) \ assert(outputsize < STATICARRAYLEN(output)); \ output[outputsize].isoperator = op; \ output[outputsize].value = val; \ outputsize++; #define PUSH_TO_STACK(t) \ assert(stacksize < STATICARRAYLEN(stack)); \ stack[stacksize] = t; \ stacksize++; while (!done) { IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; Token token = lexer(state); int isleft = 1; int precedence = -1; if ( (token == ((Token) '!')) || (token == ((Token) '~')) ) isleft = 0; else if (token == ((Token) '-')) { if ((isleft = (previous_token == TOKEN_INT_LITERAL)) == 0) token = TOKEN_PP_UNARY_MINUS; } // else if else if (token == ((Token) '+')) { if ((isleft = (previous_token == TOKEN_INT_LITERAL)) == 0) token = TOKEN_PP_UNARY_PLUS; } // else if if (token != TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) ctx->recursion_count = 0; switch (token) { case TOKEN_EOI: if (state != orig_state) // end of a substate, or the expr? { pop_source(ctx); continue; // substate, go again with the parent state. } // if done = 1; // the expression itself is done. break; case ((Token) '\n'): done = 1; break; // we're done! case TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: if (handle_pp_identifier(ctx)) continue; // go again with new IncludeState. if ( (state->tokenlen == 7) && (memcmp(state->token, "defined", 7) == 0) ) { token = lexer(state); const int paren = (token == ((Token) '(')); if (paren) // gcc doesn't let us nest parens here, either. token = lexer(state); if (token != TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) { fail(ctx, "operator 'defined' requires an identifier"); return -1; } // if const int found = (find_define_by_token(ctx) != NULL); if (paren) { if (lexer(state) != ((Token) ')')) { fail(ctx, "Unmatched ')'"); return -1; } // if } // if ADD_TO_OUTPUT(0, found); continue; } // if // can't replace identifier with a number? It becomes zero. token = TOKEN_INT_LITERAL; ADD_TO_OUTPUT(0, 0); break; case TOKEN_INT_LITERAL: ADD_TO_OUTPUT(0, token_to_int(state)); break; case ((Token) '('): PUSH_TO_STACK((Token) '('); break; case ((Token) ')'): matched = 0; while (stacksize > 0) { const Token t = stack[--stacksize]; if (t == ((Token) '(')) { matched = 1; break; } // if ADD_TO_OUTPUT(1, t); } // while if (!matched) { fail(ctx, "Unmatched ')'"); return -1; } // if break; default: precedence = find_precedence(token); // bogus token, or two operators together. if (precedence < 0) { pushback(state); fail(ctx, "Invalid expression"); return -1; } // if else // it's an operator. { while (stacksize > 0) { const Token t = stack[stacksize-1]; const int p = find_precedence(t); if ( (p >= 0) && ( ((isleft) && (precedence <= p)) || ((!isleft) && (precedence < p)) ) ) { stacksize--; ADD_TO_OUTPUT(1, t); } // if else { break; } // else } // while PUSH_TO_STACK(token); } // else break; } // switch previous_token = token; } // while while (stacksize > 0) { const Token t = stack[--stacksize]; if (t == ((Token) '(')) { fail(ctx, "Unmatched ')'"); return -1; } // if ADD_TO_OUTPUT(1, t); } // while #undef ADD_TO_OUTPUT #undef PUSH_TO_STACK // okay, you now have some validated data in reverse polish notation. #if DEBUG_PREPROCESSOR printf("PREPROCESSOR EXPRESSION RPN:"); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < outputsize; i++) { if (!output[i].isoperator) printf(" %d", output[i].value); else { switch (output[i].value) { case TOKEN_OROR: printf(" ||"); break; case TOKEN_ANDAND: printf(" &&"); break; case TOKEN_NEQ: printf(" !="); break; case TOKEN_EQL: printf(" =="); break; case TOKEN_LEQ: printf(" <="); break; case TOKEN_GEQ: printf(" >="); break; case TOKEN_LSHIFT: printf(" <<"); break; case TOKEN_RSHIFT: printf(" >>"); break; case TOKEN_PP_UNARY_PLUS: printf(" +"); break; case TOKEN_PP_UNARY_MINUS: printf(" -"); break; default: printf(" %c", output[i].value); break; } // switch } // else } // for printf("\n"); #endif int error = 0; const long val = interpret_rpn(output, outputsize, &error); #if DEBUG_PREPROCESSOR printf("PREPROCESSOR RPN RESULT: %ld%s\n", val, error ? " (ERROR)" : ""); #endif if (error) { fail(ctx, "Invalid expression"); return -1; } // if return ((val) ? 1 : 0); } // reduce_pp_expression static Conditional *handle_pp_if(Context *ctx) { IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; const int result = reduce_pp_expression(ctx); if (result == -1) return NULL; Conditional *conditional = get_conditional(ctx); assert((conditional != NULL) || (ctx->out_of_memory)); if (conditional == NULL) return NULL; Conditional *parent = state->conditional_stack; const int chosen = result; const int skipping = ( (((parent) && (parent->skipping))) || (!chosen) ); conditional->type = TOKEN_PP_IF; conditional->linenum = state->line - 1; conditional->skipping = skipping; conditional->chosen = chosen; conditional->next = parent; state->conditional_stack = conditional; return conditional; } // handle_pp_if static void handle_pp_elif(Context *ctx) { const int rc = reduce_pp_expression(ctx); if (rc == -1) return; IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; Conditional *cond = state->conditional_stack; if (cond == NULL) fail(ctx, "#elif without #if"); else if (cond->type == TOKEN_PP_ELSE) fail(ctx, "#elif after #else"); else { const Conditional *parent = cond->next; cond->type = TOKEN_PP_ELIF; cond->skipping = (parent && parent->skipping) || cond->chosen || !rc; if (!cond->chosen) cond->chosen = rc; } // else } // handle_pp_elif static void handle_pp_else(Context *ctx) { IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; Conditional *cond = state->conditional_stack; if (!require_newline(state)) fail(ctx, "Invalid #else directive"); else if (cond == NULL) fail(ctx, "#else without #if"); else if (cond->type == TOKEN_PP_ELSE) fail(ctx, "#else after #else"); else { const Conditional *parent = cond->next; cond->type = TOKEN_PP_ELSE; cond->skipping = (parent && parent->skipping) || cond->chosen; if (!cond->chosen) cond->chosen = 1; } // else } // handle_pp_else static void handle_pp_endif(Context *ctx) { IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; Conditional *cond = state->conditional_stack; if (!require_newline(state)) fail(ctx, "Invalid #endif directive"); else if (cond == NULL) fail(ctx, "Unmatched #endif"); else { state->conditional_stack = cond->next; // pop it. put_conditional(ctx, cond); } // else } // handle_pp_endif static void unterminated_pp_condition(Context *ctx) { IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; Conditional *cond = state->conditional_stack; // !!! FIXME: report the line number where the #if is, not the EOI. switch (cond->type) { case TOKEN_PP_IF: fail(ctx, "Unterminated #if"); break; case TOKEN_PP_IFDEF: fail(ctx, "Unterminated #ifdef"); break; case TOKEN_PP_IFNDEF: fail(ctx, "Unterminated #ifndef"); break; case TOKEN_PP_ELSE: fail(ctx, "Unterminated #else"); break; case TOKEN_PP_ELIF: fail(ctx, "Unterminated #elif"); break; default: assert(0 && "Shouldn't hit this case"); break; } // switch // pop this conditional, we'll report the next error next time... state->conditional_stack = cond->next; // pop it. put_conditional(ctx, cond); } // unterminated_pp_condition static inline const char *_preprocessor_nexttoken(Preprocessor *_ctx, unsigned int *_len, Token *_token) { Context *ctx = (Context *) _ctx; while (1) { if (ctx->isfail) { ctx->isfail = 0; *_token = TOKEN_PREPROCESSING_ERROR; *_len = strlen(ctx->failstr); return ctx->failstr; } // if IncludeState *state = ctx->include_stack; if (state == NULL) { *_token = TOKEN_EOI; *_len = 0; return NULL; // we're done! } // if const Conditional *cond = state->conditional_stack; const int skipping = ((cond != NULL) && (cond->skipping)); const Token token = lexer(state); if (token != TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) ctx->recursion_count = 0; if (token == TOKEN_EOI) { assert(state->bytes_left == 0); if (state->conditional_stack != NULL) { unterminated_pp_condition(ctx); continue; // returns an error. } // if pop_source(ctx); continue; // pick up again after parent's #include line. } // if else if (token == TOKEN_INCOMPLETE_COMMENT) { fail(ctx, "Incomplete multiline comment"); continue; // will return at top of loop. } // else if else if (token == TOKEN_PP_IFDEF) { handle_pp_ifdef(ctx); continue; // get the next thing. } // else if else if (token == TOKEN_PP_IFNDEF) { handle_pp_ifndef(ctx); continue; // get the next thing. } // else if else if (token == TOKEN_PP_IF) { handle_pp_if(ctx); continue; // get the next thing. } // else if else if (token == TOKEN_PP_ELIF) { handle_pp_elif(ctx); continue; // get the next thing. } // else if else if (token == TOKEN_PP_ENDIF) { handle_pp_endif(ctx); continue; // get the next thing. } // else if else if (token == TOKEN_PP_ELSE) { handle_pp_else(ctx); continue; // get the next thing. } // else if // NOTE: Conditionals must be above (skipping) test. else if (skipping) continue; // just keep dumping tokens until we get end of block. else if (token == TOKEN_PP_INCLUDE) { handle_pp_include(ctx); continue; // will return error or use new top of include_stack. } // else if else if (token == TOKEN_PP_LINE) { handle_pp_line(ctx); continue; // get the next thing. } // else if else if (token == TOKEN_PP_ERROR) { handle_pp_error(ctx); continue; // will return at top of loop. } // else if else if (token == TOKEN_PP_DEFINE) { handle_pp_define(ctx); continue; // will return at top of loop. } // else if else if (token == TOKEN_PP_UNDEF) { handle_pp_undef(ctx); continue; // will return at top of loop. } // else if else if (token == TOKEN_PP_PRAGMA) { ctx->parsing_pragma = 1; } // else if if (token == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) { if (handle_pp_identifier(ctx)) continue; // pushed the include_stack. } // else if else if (token == ((Token) '\n')) { print_debug_lexing_position(state); if (ctx->parsing_pragma) // let this one through. ctx->parsing_pragma = 0; else { // preprocessor is line-oriented, nothing else gets newlines. continue; // get the next thing. } // else } // else if assert(!skipping); *_token = token; *_len = state->tokenlen; return state->token; } // while assert(0 && "shouldn't hit this code"); *_token = TOKEN_UNKNOWN; *_len = 0; return NULL; } // _preprocessor_nexttoken const char *preprocessor_nexttoken(Preprocessor *ctx, unsigned int *len, Token *token) { const char *retval = _preprocessor_nexttoken(ctx, len, token); print_debug_token(retval, *len, *token); return retval; } // preprocessor_nexttoken const char *preprocessor_sourcepos(Preprocessor *_ctx, unsigned int *pos) { Context *ctx = (Context *) _ctx; if (ctx->include_stack == NULL) { *pos = 0; return NULL; } // if *pos = ctx->include_stack->line; return ctx->include_stack->filename; } // preprocessor_sourcepos static void indent_buffer(Buffer *buffer, int n, const int newline) { static char spaces[4] = { ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' }; if (newline) { while (n--) { if (!buffer_append(buffer, spaces, sizeof (spaces))) return; } // while } // if else { if (!buffer_append(buffer, spaces, 1)) return; } // else } // indent_buffer static const MOJOSHADER_preprocessData out_of_mem_data_preprocessor = { 1, &MOJOSHADER_out_of_mem_error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // public API... const MOJOSHADER_preprocessData *MOJOSHADER_preprocess(const char *filename, const char *source, unsigned int sourcelen, const MOJOSHADER_preprocessorDefine *defines, unsigned int define_count, MOJOSHADER_includeOpen include_open, MOJOSHADER_includeClose include_close, MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d) { // !!! FIXME: what's wrong with ENDLINE_STR? #ifdef _WINDOWS static const char endline[] = { '\r', '\n' }; #else static const char endline[] = { '\n' }; #endif if (!m) m = MOJOSHADER_internal_malloc; if (!f) f = MOJOSHADER_internal_free; if (!include_open) include_open = MOJOSHADER_internal_include_open; if (!include_close) include_close = MOJOSHADER_internal_include_close; Preprocessor *pp = preprocessor_start(filename, source, sourcelen, include_open, include_close, defines, define_count, 0, m, f, d); if (pp == NULL) return &out_of_mem_data_preprocessor; ErrorList *errors = errorlist_create(MallocBridge, FreeBridge, pp); if (errors == NULL) { preprocessor_end(pp); return &out_of_mem_data_preprocessor; } // if Buffer *buffer = buffer_create(4096, MallocBridge, FreeBridge, pp); if (!buffer) { errorlist_destroy(errors); preprocessor_end(pp); return &out_of_mem_data_preprocessor; } // if Token token = TOKEN_UNKNOWN; const char *tokstr = NULL; int nl = 1; int indent = 0; unsigned int len = 0; while ((tokstr = preprocessor_nexttoken(pp, &len, &token)) != NULL) { int isnewline = 0; assert(token != TOKEN_EOI); if (preprocessor_outofmemory(pp)) { preprocessor_end(pp); buffer_destroy(buffer); errorlist_destroy(errors); return &out_of_mem_data_preprocessor; } // if // Microsoft's preprocessor is weird. // It ignores newlines, and then inserts its own around certain // tokens. For example, after a semicolon. This allows HLSL code to // be mostly readable, instead of a stream of tokens. if ( (token == ((Token) '}')) || (token == ((Token) ';')) ) { if ( (token == ((Token) '}')) && (indent > 0) ) indent--; indent_buffer(buffer, indent, nl); buffer_append(buffer, tokstr, len); buffer_append(buffer, endline, sizeof (endline)); isnewline = 1; } // if else if (token == ((Token) '\n')) { buffer_append(buffer, endline, sizeof (endline)); isnewline = 1; } // else if else if (token == ((Token) '{')) { buffer_append(buffer, endline, sizeof (endline)); indent_buffer(buffer, indent, 1); buffer_append(buffer, "{", 1); buffer_append(buffer, endline, sizeof (endline)); indent++; isnewline = 1; } // else if else if (token == TOKEN_PREPROCESSING_ERROR) { unsigned int pos = 0; const char *fname = preprocessor_sourcepos(pp, &pos); errorlist_add(errors, fname, (int) pos, tokstr); } // else if else { indent_buffer(buffer, indent, nl); buffer_append(buffer, tokstr, len); } // else nl = isnewline; } // while assert(token == TOKEN_EOI); preprocessor_end(pp); const size_t total_bytes = buffer_size(buffer); char *output = buffer_flatten(buffer); buffer_destroy(buffer); if (output == NULL) { errorlist_destroy(errors); return &out_of_mem_data_preprocessor; } // if MOJOSHADER_preprocessData *retval = (MOJOSHADER_preprocessData *) m(sizeof (MOJOSHADER_preprocessData), d); if (retval == NULL) { errorlist_destroy(errors); f(output, d); return &out_of_mem_data_preprocessor; } // if memset(retval, '\0', sizeof (*retval)); const int errcount = errorlist_count(errors); if (errcount > 0) { retval->error_count = errcount; retval->errors = errorlist_flatten(errors); if (retval->errors == NULL) { errorlist_destroy(errors); f(retval, d); f(output, d); return &out_of_mem_data_preprocessor; } // if } // if errorlist_destroy(errors); retval->output = output; retval->output_len = total_bytes; retval->malloc = m; retval->free = f; retval->malloc_data = d; return retval; } // MOJOSHADER_preprocess void MOJOSHADER_freePreprocessData(const MOJOSHADER_preprocessData *_data) { MOJOSHADER_preprocessData *data = (MOJOSHADER_preprocessData *) _data; if ((data == NULL) || (data == &out_of_mem_data_preprocessor)) return; MOJOSHADER_free f = (data->free == NULL) ? MOJOSHADER_internal_free : data->free; void *d = data->malloc_data; int i; f((void *) data->output, d); for (i = 0; i < data->error_count; i++) { f((void *) data->errors[i].error, d); f((void *) data->errors[i].filename, d); } // for f(data->errors, d); f(data, d); } // MOJOSHADER_freePreprocessData // end of mojoshader_preprocessor.c ...