/** * TheoraPlay; multithreaded Ogg Theora/Ogg Vorbis decoding. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ /* * This is meant to be a dirt simple test case. If you want a big, robust * version that handles lots of strange variations, try sdltheoraplay.c */ #include #include #include #include #include "theoraplay.h" #include "SDL.h" static Uint32 baseticks = 0; typedef struct AudioQueue { const THEORAPLAY_AudioPacket *audio; int offset; struct AudioQueue *next; } AudioQueue; static volatile AudioQueue *audio_queue = NULL; static volatile AudioQueue *audio_queue_tail = NULL; static void SDLCALL audio_callback(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len) { // !!! FIXME: this should refuse to play if item->playms is in the future. //const Uint32 now = SDL_GetTicks() - baseticks; Sint16 *dst = (Sint16 *) stream; while (audio_queue && (len > 0)) { volatile AudioQueue *item = audio_queue; AudioQueue *next = item->next; const int channels = item->audio->channels; const float *src = item->audio->samples + (item->offset * channels); int cpy = (item->audio->frames - item->offset) * channels; int i; if (cpy > (len / sizeof (Sint16))) cpy = len / sizeof (Sint16); for (i = 0; i < cpy; i++) { const float val = *(src++); if (val < -1.0f) *(dst++) = -32768; else if (val > 1.0f) *(dst++) = 32767; else *(dst++) = (Sint16) (val * 32767.0f); } // for item->offset += (cpy / channels); len -= cpy * sizeof (Sint16); if (item->offset >= item->audio->frames) { THEORAPLAY_freeAudio(item->audio); SDL_free((void *) item); audio_queue = next; } // if } // while if (!audio_queue) audio_queue_tail = NULL; if (len > 0) memset(dst, '\0', len); } // audio_callback static void queue_audio(const THEORAPLAY_AudioPacket *audio) { AudioQueue *item = (AudioQueue *) SDL_malloc(sizeof (AudioQueue)); if (!item) { THEORAPLAY_freeAudio(audio); return; // oh well. } // if item->audio = audio; item->offset = 0; item->next = NULL; SDL_LockAudio(); if (audio_queue_tail) audio_queue_tail->next = item; else audio_queue = item; audio_queue_tail = item; SDL_UnlockAudio(); } // queue_audio static void playfile(const char *fname) { THEORAPLAY_Decoder *decoder = NULL; const THEORAPLAY_VideoFrame *video = NULL; const THEORAPLAY_AudioPacket *audio = NULL; SDL_Surface *screen = NULL; SDL_Overlay *overlay = NULL; SDL_AudioSpec spec; SDL_Event event; Uint32 framems = 0; int initfailed = 0; int quit = 0; printf("Trying file '%s' ...\n", fname); decoder = THEORAPLAY_startDecodeFile(fname, 30, THEORAPLAY_VIDFMT_IYUV); if (!decoder) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start decoding '%s'!\n", fname); return; } // if if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL_Init() failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return; } // if // wait until we have video and/or audio data, so we can set up hardware. while (!audio || !video) { if (!audio) audio = THEORAPLAY_getAudio(decoder); if (!video) video = THEORAPLAY_getVideo(decoder); SDL_Delay(10); } // if SDL_WM_SetCaption(fname, "TheoraPlay"); framems = (video->fps == 0.0) ? 0 : ((Uint32) (1000.0 / video->fps)); screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(video->width, video->height, 0, 0); if (!screen) fprintf(stderr, "SDL_SetVideoMode() failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); else // software surface { // blank out the screen to start. SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0)); SDL_Flip(screen); overlay = SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(video->width, video->height, SDL_IYUV_OVERLAY, screen); if (!overlay) fprintf(stderr, "YUV Overlay failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } // else initfailed = quit = (!screen || !overlay); memset(&spec, '\0', sizeof (SDL_AudioSpec)); spec.freq = audio->freq; spec.format = AUDIO_S16SYS; spec.channels = audio->channels; spec.samples = 2048; spec.callback = audio_callback; initfailed = quit = (initfailed || (SDL_OpenAudio(&spec, NULL) != 0)); while (audio) { queue_audio(audio); audio = THEORAPLAY_getAudio(decoder); } // while baseticks = SDL_GetTicks(); if (!quit) SDL_PauseAudio(0); while (!quit && THEORAPLAY_isDecoding(decoder)) { const Uint32 now = SDL_GetTicks() - baseticks; if (!video) video = THEORAPLAY_getVideo(decoder); // Play video frames when it's time. if (video && (video->playms <= now)) { //printf("Play video frame (%u ms)!\n", video->playms); if ( framems && ((now - video->playms) >= framems) ) { // Skip frames to catch up, but keep track of the last one // in case we catch up to a series of dupe frames, which // means we'd have to draw that final frame and then wait for // more. const THEORAPLAY_VideoFrame *last = video; while ((video = THEORAPLAY_getVideo(decoder)) != NULL) { THEORAPLAY_freeVideo(last); last = video; if ((now - video->playms) < framems) break; } // while if (!video) video = last; } // if if (!video) // do nothing; we're far behind and out of options. { static int warned = 0; if (!warned) { warned = 1; fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Playback can't keep up!\n"); } // if } // if else if (SDL_LockYUVOverlay(overlay) == -1) { static int warned = 0; if (!warned) { warned = 1; fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't lock YUV overlay: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } // if } // else if else { SDL_Rect dstrect = { 0, 0, video->width, video->height }; const int w = video->width; const int h = video->height; const Uint8 *y = (const Uint8 *) video->pixels; const Uint8 *u = y + (w * h); const Uint8 *v = u + ((w/2) * (h/2)); Uint8 *dst; int i; dst = overlay->pixels[0]; for (i = 0; i < h; i++, y += w, dst += overlay->pitches[0]) memcpy(dst, y, w); dst = overlay->pixels[1]; for (i = 0; i < h/2; i++, u += w/2, dst += overlay->pitches[1]) memcpy(dst, u, w/2); dst = overlay->pixels[2]; for (i = 0; i < h/2; i++, v += w/2, dst += overlay->pitches[1]) memcpy(dst, v, w/2); SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay(overlay); if (SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(overlay, &dstrect) != 0) { static int warned = 0; if (!warned) { warned = 1; fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't display YUV overlay: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } // if } // if } // else THEORAPLAY_freeVideo(video); video = NULL; } // if else // no new video frame? Give up some CPU. { SDL_Delay(10); } // else while ((audio = THEORAPLAY_getAudio(decoder)) != NULL) queue_audio(audio); // Pump the event loop here. while (screen && SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE: if (overlay) { SDL_Rect dstrect = { 0, 0, screen->w, screen->h }; SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(overlay, &dstrect); } // if break; case SDL_QUIT: quit = 1; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) quit = 1; break; } // switch } // while } // while // Drain out the audio queue. while (!quit) { SDL_LockAudio(); quit = (audio_queue == NULL); SDL_UnlockAudio(); if (!quit) SDL_Delay(100); // wait for final audio packets to play out. } // while if (initfailed) printf("Initialization failed!\n"); else if (THEORAPLAY_decodingError(decoder)) printf("There was an error decoding this file!\n"); else printf("done with this file!\n"); if (overlay) SDL_FreeYUVOverlay(overlay); if (video) THEORAPLAY_freeVideo(video); if (audio) THEORAPLAY_freeAudio(audio); if (decoder) THEORAPLAY_stopDecode(decoder); SDL_CloseAudio(); SDL_Quit(); } // playfile int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) playfile(argv[i]); printf("done all files!\n"); return 0; } // main // end of sdltheoraplay.c ...