number color function main() returns nothing disableFence() hideturtle() flower(50, 100, 1) endfunction function flower(number start, number end, number hop) returns nothing // nicki is cool number joe number color = 0 number direction = 1 for joe = start to end step hop color = color + direction if (color > 11) color = 11 direction = -1 endif if (color < 0) color = 0 direction = 1 endif setPenColor(color) webbox(joe) endfor endfunction function webbox(number size) returns nothing number x for x = 1 to 360 / 10 octogon(size) turnRight(15) endfor endfunction function octogon(number size) returns nothing number i for i = 1 to 8 goForward(size) turnRight(45) endfor endfunction