//--------------------------------------------------------- // A basic test of multiturtling capabilities. // // This should have four turtles each draw // a circle, so you get a diamond-like // cluster. The north circle should be blue, // the west green, east cyan, and south red. // // Written by Ryan C. Gordon. // Copyright (c) Lighting and Sound Technologies, 2000. //--------------------------------------------------------- function main() returns nothing number i number turtleId disableFence() addTurtle() addTurtle() addTurtle() setPenColor(3) useTurtle(1) turnRight(90) setPenColor(4) useTurtle(2) turnLeft(90) setPenColor(1) useTurtle(3) turnLeft(180) setPenColor(2) for i = 1 to 360 for turtleId = 0 to 3 useTurtle(turtleId) turnRight(1) goForward(1) endfor endfor endfunction