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icculus committed Jan 8, 2001
1 parent 9f331af commit 02fa2bf
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Showing 2 changed files with 310 additions and 0 deletions.
230 changes: 230 additions & 0 deletions last/toby/localization/example.tobylang
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
# This text written by Ryan C. Gordon.
# If you are translating to a new language, do this:
# 1. Ask yourself, "Do I have a good enough grasp of Java and Toby to
# understand this file, and what its purpose is? Do I have sufficient
# translating skills? Do I have the ethics to NOT put naughty words that
# the Toby maintainers will not understand in here?" If you answered
# "no" to any of these questions, stop now.
# 2. Change the "This text written by" line above to contain your
# name. DO NOT CHANGE THE COPYRIGHT. You will be given credit for your
# work, but by submitting your work, the maintainers of Toby gain
# sole ownership of it. If you don't like that, stop now.
# 3. E-mail your completed work to Ryan at He'll
# incorporate it into the next release of Toby.
# 4. Lines beginning with '#' are ignored when this file is parsed.
# Lines with nothing but whitespace are also ignored.
# 5. Only translate the text after the equal sign on each line. That is,
# a line that reads: "last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUNAME_FILE = File"
# You would translate "File", and not "last.toby.util..."
# 6. Whitespace is trimmed from each side of the translated string at runtime.
# 7. Sometimes strings need dynamic content. For example, there might be
# a string that needs to convey, "error in "MyFunction" on line 15.",
# to accomodate this, such strings would have "%0" and "%1", with
# a description of what each represents. You may move the tokens to
# whatever order they need to be in; %1 can come before %0 if your
# language requires this, so long as all of those replacing tokens
# continue to exist somewhere in the translated string.
# 8. Please try out your translation in the program to make sure that the
# program parses the langfile correctly, and that everything looks good.
# 9. Expect to be notified if we have more translating work for you
# in the future. :)
# 10. Questions about context of strings and other concerns can be addressed
# to Please understand that I only speak English,
# and even that poorly. :)
# Have fun,
# --ryan.

# These are printed if there are problems in loading this langfile.
# Therefore, it's best to parse these at the top of the file.
# What the % values are suppose to represent are pretty obvious.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.LANGIOEXCEPT = LANGUAGE: IOException reading language data.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.LANGBOGUSLINE = LANGUAGE: Line %0 is bogus in %1.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.LANGNOSUCHCLASS = LANGUAGE: No such class [%0] on line %1 in %2.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.LANGNOSUCHFIELD = LANGUAGE: No such field [%0] on line %1 in %2.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.LANGNOTPUBLIC = LANGUAGE: Field [%0] is not public on line %1 in %2.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.LANGNOTSTATIC = LANGUAGE: Field [%0] is not static on line %1 in %2.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.LANGNOTSTRING = LANGUAGE: Field [%0] is not a string on line %1 in %2.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.LANGISFINAL = LANGUAGE: Field [%0] is final on line %1 in %2.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.LANGSETFAILED = LANGUAGE: Setting field [%0] failed with message [%1] on line %2 in %3.

# The usage/commandline information. Printed to stderr.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.USAGE = USAGE: Toby.class [--langfile=xxx] [sourceFile.toby]

# Please change this to be your name, and the language you translated to.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.TRANSLATION_BY = English language text by Ryan C. Gordon.

# Don't change my name. :)
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.WRITTENBY = Written by Ryan C. Gordon.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.COPYRIGHT = Copyright (C) 1999 Ryan C. Gordon

# This is a string in a message box's title bar.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.ERROR = Error

# This is a title bar string of a Yes/No "overwrite this file?" message box.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.FILE_EXISTS = File exists

# This is the string in the title bar of a Yes/No message box.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.PLEASE_CONFIRM = Please confirm

# Question in a yes/no message box.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.SAVE_MODIFIED_PROG = Save modified program?

# This is shown in the main window's title bar before a program is saved.
# Once saved, this is replaced with the filename where the program is stored.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NEW_PROGRAM = new program

# %0 is replaced with a filename at runtime in these strings...
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.FILE_NOT_FOUND = File "%0" not found.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.CANNOT_LOAD_FILE = Cannot load file "%0".
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.OVERWRITE_FILENAME = Overwrite "%0"?
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.CANNOT_WRITE_TO = Cannot write to "%0".

# These three are printed to stderr on three separate lines if there's
# a class loading problem. Try not to use more than 80 characters per string.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MISSING_CLASS1 = Cannot find a necessary .class file.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MISSING_CLASS2 = Perhaps you need to set your CLASSPATH?
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MISSING_CLASS3 = Also, make sure you have JDK 1.2 or later!

# These are three separate strings that make up one sentence:
# one string per line; try not to use more than 80 characters per string,
# as this is printed to stderr.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NO_GUI1 = Your Java Virtual Machine has thrown an error...chances are, you don't have
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NO_GUI2 = the GUI support you need. Please start your Window system before running this
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NO_GUI3 = program.

# This is printed to stderr after the NO_GUI strings, and is followed by
# whatever information is attached to the thrown error.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.HERES_THE_ERR = For record, here's the error:

# Other warnings and errors...
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MSG_BAD_JAVA = Your Java Virtual Machine is too old; goto ...
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.SETICON_BROKEN = WARNING: setIconImage() is broken on this Java Virtual Machine!
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.TOOMANYFILES = More than one file specified on commandline! Just using the first one.

# This is printed to stderr when a warning can be worked around (currently,
# the only warning is the setIconImage(), above).
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.WORK_AROUND_IT = (We will work around it, though.)

# Menu items.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUNAME_FILE = File
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_NEW = New
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_OPEN = Open...
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_SAVE = Save
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_SAVEAS = Save as...
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_PRINT = Print...
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_QUIT = Quit

last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUNAME_HELP = Help
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_HELP = Help...
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_ABOUT = About...

last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUNAME_RUN = Run
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_STARTCODE = Start program
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_STOPCODE = Stop program
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_CLEAR = Cleanup TurtleSpace

last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUNAME_DEBUG = Debug
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_TRACE = Trace
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_STEP = Step
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MENUITEM_WATCHVARS = Watch variables

# This is a file description for the file open dialog, and shows up in
# the dropdown for "show files of type" ...
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.TOBY_FILE_DESCRIPTION = TOBY source code

# This is the current position of the text cursor in the editing window.
# %0 and %1 are replaced with numbers at runtime.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.CARET_POSITION = line %0, column %1

# %0 is another string (probably one of the ones below), that tells what
# sort of error occurred, such as "Syntax error."
# %1 is a numeric. %2 is the name of a function in the user's Toby program.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.ERR_IN_FUNC = %0 on line %1 in function %2

# Same as above, but the error didn't occur inside a function.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.ERR_OUT_FUNC = %0 on line %1

# Error messages.
# Please note that the capitalized words are keywords
# in the Toby language, and should not be translated.
# (unless you are also translating the keywords in
# in last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser, too, but those
# changes will not be accepted in an official Toby
# distribution.)
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.INTERNAL_ERROR = Internal Error
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.EXPECTED_TOKEN = Expected token
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.SYNTAX_ERROR = Syntax error
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.BAD_ASSIGNMENT = Assignment not allowed
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.DOUBLE_DEF = Duplicate Definition
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.ORPHAN_CODE = Code outside function
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.INTERNAL = Internal error
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.BAD_TYPE = Bad variable type
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NOT_VAR = Expected variable
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NO_MAINLINE = Expected mainline
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NO_RPAREN = Expected ")"
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NO_LPAREN = Expected "("
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NO_ASSIGN = Expected "="
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NOT_A_FUNC = Undefined function
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.BADNUM_ARGS = Wrong arguments
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.BAD_IDENT = Invalid identifier
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NO_ENDFOR = FOR without ENDFOR
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NO_FOR = ENDFOR without FOR
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NO_ENDWHILE = WHILE without ENDWHILE
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NO_WHILE = ENDWHILE without WHILE
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.ORPHAN_ELIF = ELSEIF without IF
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.ORPHAN_ELSE = ELSE without IF
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.ORPHAN_ENDIF = ENDIF without IF
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.TYPE_MMATCH = Type mismatch
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.BAD_ARGUMENT = Invalid argument
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.MAIN_RETVAL = MAIN returns a value
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.BAD_GLOBAL = Expected variable or FUNCTION
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.EXPECTED_END = Expected ENDFUNCTION
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NO_RETTYPE = Expected RETURNS
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.ELIF_AFTER_ELSE = ELSEIF after ELSE
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.ELSE_AFTER_ELSE = Multiple ELSE statements
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NO_VAR_DECL = Can't declare variables here
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.FUNC_IN_FUNC = FUNCTION within function
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.DIV_BY_ZERO = Division by Zero
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NOCURTURTLE = No current turtle
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.TURTLE_FENCED = Turtle past fence

# This is an internal error alert message.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.SHOULDNOTBE = This should not happen. Email! (English only!)

# Other stuff.
last.toby.util.TobyLanguage.NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED = Feature not yet implemented.

# end of example.tobylang ...

80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions last/toby/localization/tobykeywords.tobylang
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# Don't change this unless you know what you are doing.
# Please refer to example.tobylang for basic instructions.
# --ryan c. gordon (

last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_LPAREN = (
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_RPAREN = )
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_SEPARATOR = ,
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_ASSIGNMENT = =
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_EQUALS = ==
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_MULTIPLY = *
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_DIVIDE = /
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_MODULO = %
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_ADD = +
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_SUBTRACT = -
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_GREATER = >
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_LESS = <
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_GREATEREQL = >=
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.OPER_LESSEQL = <=
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_NUMBER = number
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_BOOLEAN = boolean
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_NOTHING = nothing
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_IF = if
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_ELSEIF = elseif
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_ELSE = else
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_ENDIF = endif
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_BEGINFOR = for
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_TO = to
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_DOWNTO = downto
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_STEP = step
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_ENDFOR = endfor
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_RETURN = return
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_BEGINFUNC = function
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_ENDFUNC = endfunction
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_TRUE = true
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_FALSE = false
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_RETURNS = returns
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_BEGINWHILE = while
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_ENDWHILE = endwhile
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.KEYWORD_MAINLINE = main
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_ADDTURTLE = addturtle
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_USETURTLE = useturtle
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_REMTURTLE = removeturtle
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_REMALLTURTLES = removeallturtles
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_HIDETURTLE = hideturtle
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_SHOWTURTLE = showturtle
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_HIDEALLTURTLES = hideallturtles
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_SHOWALLTURTLES = showallturtles
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_FORWARD = goforward
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_BACKWARD = gobackward
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_RIGHT = turnright
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_LEFT = turnleft
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_SETPEN = setpencolor
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_SETPENRGB = setpencolorrgb
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_PENUP = setpenup
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_PENDOWN = setpendown
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_ISPENUP = ispenup
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_ISPENDOWN = ispendown
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_RANDOM = random
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_ROUND = round
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_TSPACEHIGH = getturtlespaceheight
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_TSPACEWIDE = getturtlespacewidth
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_STOP = stopprogram
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_SETANGLE = setangle
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_GETANGLE = getangle
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_PAUSE = pause
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_GETTURTLEX = getturtlex
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_GETTURTLEY = getturtley
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_SETTURTXY = setturtlexy
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_HOMETURTLE = hometurtle
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_HOMEALLTURTLES = homeallturtles
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_CLEANUP = cleanupturtlespace
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_ENABLEFENCE = enablefence
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_DISABLEFENCE = disablefence
last.toby.parsers.toby.TobyParser.PROCNAME_SETFENCE = setfence

# end of tobykeywords.tobylang ...

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