JSON = (loadfile "JSON.lua")() dofile("dumptable.lua") local basedir = "1Password/1Password.agilekeychain/data/default" -- !!! FIXME local password = argv[2] local items = nil local keyhookRunning = false local passwordTypeNameMap = { ["webforms.WebForm"] = "Logins", ["wallet.financial.CreditCard"] = "Credit cards", ["passwords.Password"] = "Passwords", ["wallet.financial.BankAccountUS"] = "Bank accounts", ["wallet.membership.Membership"] = "Memberships", ["wallet.government.DriversLicense"] = "Drivers licenses", ["system.Tombstone"] = "Dead items", ["securenotes.SecureNote"] = "Secure notes", -- !!! FIXME: more! } local passwordTypeOrdering = { "webforms.WebForm", "wallet.financial.CreditCard", "passwords.Password", "wallet.financial.BankAccountUS", "wallet.membership.Membership", "wallet.government.DriversLicense", "securenotes.SecureNote", -- never show "system.Tombstone", -- !!! FIXME: more! } local function load_json_str(str, desc) local retval = JSON:decode(str) return retval end local function load_json(fname) local f = io.open(fname, "rb") if (f == nil) then return nil end local str = f:read("*all") f:close() return load_json_str(str, fname) end local keys = {} local function loadKey(level, password) if keys[level] ~= nil then return keys[level] end local keysjson = load_json(basedir .. "/encryptionKeys.js") if (keysjson == nil) or (keysjson[level] == nil) then return nil end local identifier = keysjson[level] for i,v in ipairs(keysjson.list) do if v.identifier == identifier then local iterations = v.iterations if (iterations == nil) or (iterations < 1000) then iterations = 1000 end local decrypted = decryptUsingPBKDF2(v.data, password, iterations) if decrypted == nil then return nil end local validate = decryptBase64UsingKey(v.validation, decrypted) if validate ~= decrypted then return nil end keys[level] = decrypted return decrypted end end return nil end local function getHint() local f = io.open(basedir .. "/.password.hint", "r") if (f == nil) then return end local str = "(hint is '" .. f:read("*all") .. "')." f:close() --print(str) return str end local function loadContents() return load_json(basedir .. "/contents.js") end local function build_secret_menuitem(menu, type, str, hidden) if str == nil then return nil end local valuestr = str if hidden == true then valuestr = "*****" end local text = type .. " " .. valuestr local callback = function() copyToClipboard(str) --print("Copied data [" .. str .. "] to clipboard.") keyhookRunning = false end return appendGuiMenuItem(menu, text, callback) end local secret_menuitem_builders = {} local function build_secret_menuitem_webform(menu, info, secure) local addthis = false local username = nil local password = nil local email = nil if secure.fields == nil then print("no secure fields, don't know how to handle this item") return end for i,v in ipairs(secure.fields) do --print(info.name .. ": " .. v.type .. ", " .. v.value) local ignored = false if (v.type == "P") and (password == nil) and (v.value ~= "") then password = v.value elseif (v.type == "T") and (usenname == nil) and (v.value ~= "") then username = v.value elseif (v.type == "E") and (email == nil) and (v.value ~= "") then email = v.value else ignored = true end if not ignored then addthis = true end end if addthis then if (username ~= nil) and (email ~= nil) and (email == username) then email = nil end build_secret_menuitem(menu, "username", username) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "email", email) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "password", password, true) end end secret_menuitem_builders["webforms.WebForm"] = build_secret_menuitem_webform local function build_secret_menuitem_password(menu, info, secure) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "password", secure.password, true) end secret_menuitem_builders["passwords.Password"] = build_secret_menuitem_password local function build_secret_menuitem_bankacctus(menu, info, secure) -- !!! FIXME: there's more data than this in a generic dictionary. build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Account type", secure.accountType) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Routing number", secure.routingNo) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Account number", secure.accountNo) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Bank name", secure.bankName) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Owner", secure.owner) end secret_menuitem_builders["wallet.financial.BankAccountUS"] = build_secret_menuitem_bankacctus local function build_secret_menuitem_driverslic(menu, info, secure) -- !!! FIXME: there's more data than this in a generic dictionary. local birthdate = secure.birthdate_yy .. "/" .. string.sub("00" .. secure.birthdate_mm, -2) .. "/" .. string.sub("00" .. secure.birthdate_dd, -2) local expiredate = secure.expiry_date_yy .. "/" .. string.sub("00" .. secure.expiry_date_mm, -2) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "License number", secure.number) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Class", secure.class) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Expires", expiredate) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "State", secure.state) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Country", secure.country) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Conditions", secure.conditions) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Full name", secure.fullname) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Address", secure.address) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Gender", secure.sex) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Birthdate", birthdate) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Height", secure.height) end secret_menuitem_builders["wallet.government.DriversLicense"] = build_secret_menuitem_driverslic local function build_secret_menuitem_membership(menu, info, secure) -- !!! FIXME: there's more data than this in a generic dictionary. build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Membership number", secure.membership_no) end secret_menuitem_builders["wallet.membership.Membership"] = build_secret_menuitem_membership local function build_secret_menuitem_creditcard(menu, info, secure) -- !!! FIXME: there's more data than this in a generic dictionary. local expiredate = secure.expiry_yy .. "/" .. string.sub("00" .. secure.expiry_mm, -2) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Type", secure.type) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "CC number", secure.ccnum, true) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "CVV", secure.cvv, true) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Expires", secure.expirydate) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Card holder", secure.cardholder) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Bank", secure.bank) end secret_menuitem_builders["wallet.financial.CreditCard"] = build_secret_menuitem_creditcard local function build_secret_menuitem_securenote(menu, info, secure) build_secret_menuitem(menu, "Notes", secure.notesPlain, true) end secret_menuitem_builders["securenotes.SecureNote"] = build_secret_menuitem_securenote local function build_secret_menuitems(info, menu) local metadata = load_json(basedir .. "/" .. info.uuid .. ".1password") if metadata == nil then return end local securityLevel = metadata.securityLevel if securityLevel == nil then securityLevel = metadata.openContents.securityLevel end print("title: " .. metadata.title) if securityLevel == nil then --print("can't find security level, assuming SL5" .. metadata.title) securityLevel = "SL5" end local plaintext = decryptBase64UsingKey(metadata.encrypted, loadKey(securityLevel, password)) if plaintext == nil then return end local secure = load_json_str(plaintext, info.uuid) if secure == nil then return end --dumptable("secure " .. info.name, secure) local menuitem = appendGuiMenuItem(menu, info.name) if secret_menuitem_builders[info.type] == nil then print("WARNING: don't know how to handle items of type " .. info.type) dumptable("secure " .. info.type .. " (" .. info.name .. ")", secure) return end local submenu = makeGuiMenu() secret_menuitem_builders[info.type](submenu, info, secure) setGuiMenuItemSubmenu(menuitem, submenu) end local function prepItems() items = {} local contents = loadContents() for i,v in ipairs(contents) do local t = v[2] if items[t] == nil then items[t] = {} end local bucket = items[t] bucket[#bucket+1] = { uuid=v[1], type=t, name=v[3], url=v[4] } -- !!! FIXME: there are more fields, don't know what they mean yet. end end local passwordUnlockTime = nil function keyhookPressed() -- not local! Called from C! --print("keyhookPressed: running==" .. tostring(keyhookRunning)) -- if keyhookRunning then -- return -- end keyhookRunning = true if passwordUnlockTime ~= nil then local now = os.time() local maxTime = (15 * 60) -- !!! FIXME: don't hardcode. if os.difftime(now, passwordUnlockTime) > maxTime then -- lose the existing password and key, prompt user again. password = argv[2] -- might be nil, don't reset if on command line. keys["SL5"] = nil end end while password == nil do password = runGuiPasswordPrompt(getHint()) if password == nil then keyhookRunning = false return end if loadKey("SL5", password) == nil then password = nil -- wrong password local start = os.time() -- cook the CPU for three seconds. local now = start while os.difftime(now, start) < 3 do now = os.time() end else passwordUnlockTime = os.time() end end prepItems() local topmenu = makeGuiMenu() local lock_callback = function() password = argv[2] -- might be nil, don't reset if on command line. keys["SL5"] = nil passwordUnlockTime = nil keyhookRunning = false end appendGuiMenuItem(topmenu, "Lock keychain", lock_callback) for orderi,type in ipairs(passwordTypeOrdering) do local bucket = items[type] if bucket ~= nil then local realname = passwordTypeNameMap[type] if realname == nil then realname = type end local menuitem = appendGuiMenuItem(topmenu, realname) local submenu = makeGuiMenu() table.sort(bucket, function(a, b) return a.name < b.name end) for i,v in pairs(bucket) do build_secret_menuitems(v, submenu) end setGuiMenuItemSubmenu(menuitem, submenu) else print("no bucket found") end end popupGuiMenu(topmenu) end -- Mainline! --for i,v in ipairs(argv) do -- print("argv[" .. i .. "] = " .. v) --end -- !!! FIXME: message box, exit if basedir is wack. -- !!! FIXME: this can probably happen in C now (the Lua mainline is basically gone now). --print("Now waiting for keyhook.") giveControlToGui() -- end of 1pass.lua ...