/* cdecode.h - c header for a base64 decoding algorithm This is part of the libb64 project, and has been placed in the public domain. For details, see http://sourceforge.net/projects/libb64 */ #ifndef _INCL_BASE64_H_ #define _INCL_BASE64_H_ #include typedef enum { step_a, step_b, step_c, step_d } base64_decodestep; typedef struct { base64_decodestep step; char plainchar; } base64_decodestate; void base64_init_decodestate(base64_decodestate* state_in); int base64_decode_value(char value_in); int base64_decode_block(const char* code_in, const int length_in, uint8_t* plaintext_out, base64_decodestate* state_in); typedef enum { step_A, step_B, step_C } base64_encodestep; typedef struct { base64_encodestep step; char result; int stepcount; } base64_encodestate; void base64_init_encodestate(base64_encodestate* state_in); char base64_encode_value(char value_in); int base64_encode_block(const uint8_t* plaintext_in, int length_in, char* code_out, base64_encodestate* state_in); int base64_encode_blockend(char* code_out, base64_encodestate* state_in); #endif