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Initial support for macOS iMessage archives.
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icculus committed Jun 21, 2016
1 parent f789c68 commit 809e262
Showing 1 changed file with 218 additions and 70 deletions.
288 changes: 218 additions & 70 deletions
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
my $gaptime = (30 * 60);
my $timezone = strftime('%Z', localtime());
my $now = time();
my $homedir = $ENV{'HOME'};

# Fixes unicode dumping to stdio...hopefully you have a utf-8 terminal by now.
#binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ sub dbgprint {
my $allow_video_attachments = 1;
my $allow_attachments = 1;
my $allow_thumbnails = 1;
my $ios_archive = 0;

sub usage {
print STDERR "USAGE: $0 [...options...] <backupdir> <maildir>\n";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,12 +102,31 @@ sub usage {
sub archive_fname {
my $domain = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $combined = "$domain-$name";
my $hashed = sha1_hex($combined);
dbgprint("Hashed archived filename '$combined' to '$hashed'\n");
return "$archivedir/$hashed";
if ($ios_archive) {
my $combined = "$domain-$name";
my $hashed = sha1_hex($combined);
dbgprint("Hashed archived filename '$combined' to '$hashed'\n");
return "$archivedir/$hashed";

return "$archivedir/$name";

fail("ERROR: Directory '$archivedir' doesn't exist.") if (not -d $archivedir);
if (-f "$archivedir/Manifest.mbdb") {
$ios_archive = 1;
} elsif (-f "$archivedir/chat.db") {
$ios_archive = 0;
} else {
fail("ERROR: '$archivedir' isn't a macOS Messages directory or an iOS backup.\n");

if ($ios_archive) {
dbgprint("Chat database is in an iOS backup.\n");
} else {
dbgprint("Chat database is in a macOS install.\n");

my $startid = 0;
my %startids = ();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,7 +168,11 @@ sub slurp_archived_file {
my $hashedfname = archive_fname($domain, $fname);

if (not -f $hashedfname) {
print STDERR "WARNING: Missing attachment '$hashedfname' ('$domain', '$fname')\n";
if ($ios_archive) {
print STDERR "WARNING: Missing attachment '$hashedfname' ('$domain', '$fname')\n";
} else {
print STDERR "WARNING: Missing attachment '$hashedfname'\n";
$$fdataref = '[MISSING]';
return 0;
Expand All @@ -174,8 +199,8 @@ sub load_attachment {
$basefname =~ s#.*/##;
my $outfname = "$maildir/tmp/imessage-chatlog-tmp-$$-attachment-shrink-$basefname";
my $cmdline = "ffmpeg $fmt -i '$hashedfname' -vf \"scale='trunc(iw*$fract)+mod(trunc(iw*$fract),2)':'trunc(ih*$fract)+mod(trunc(ih*$fract),2)'\" '$outfname' 2>/dev/null";
print("shrinking attachment: $cmdline\n");
die('ffmpeg failed') if (system($cmdline) != 0);
dbgprint("shrinking attachment: $cmdline\n");
die("ffmpeg failed ('$cmdline')") if (system($cmdline) != 0);
read_file($outfname, buf_ref => $fdataref, binmode => ':raw', err_mode => 'carp');
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,16 +411,25 @@ sub flush_conversation {
my $mimetype = shift @output_attachments;
my $domain = 'MediaDomain';

$fname =~ s#\A\~/##;
$fname =~ s#\A/var/mobile/##;
$fname =~ s#\A\~/#$homedir/# if (not $ios_archive);
$fname =~ s#\A\~/## if ($ios_archive);
$fname =~ s#\A/var/mobile/## if ($ios_archive);
my $hashedfname = archive_fname($domain, $fname);

my $fdata = undef;
if (not -f $hashedfname) {
print STDERR "WARNING: Missing attachment '$hashedfname' ('$domain', '$fname')\n";
if ($ios_archive) {
print STDERR "WARNING: Missing attachment '$hashedfname' ('$domain', '$fname')\n";
} else {
print STDERR "WARNING: Missing attachment '$hashedfname'\n";
} else {
load_attachment($fname, $hashedfname, \$fdata, $mimetype);
print STDERR "WARNING: Failed to load '$hashedfname' ('$domain', '$fname')\n" if (not defined $fdata);
if ($ios_archive) {
print STDERR "WARNING: Failed to load '$hashedfname' ('$domain', '$fname')\n" if (not defined $fdata);
} else {
print STDERR "WARNING: Failed to load '$hashedfname'\n" if (not defined $fdata);

$fname =~ s#\A.*/##;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -503,20 +537,14 @@ sub split_date_time {

my $dbname = archive_fname('HomeDomain', 'Library/SMS/sms.db');
my $stmt;

my $dbname = archive_fname('HomeDomain', $ios_archive ? 'Library/SMS/sms.db' : 'chat.db');
dbgprint("message database is '$dbname'\n");
my $db = DBI->connect("DBI:SQLite:dbname=$dbname", '', '', { RaiseError => 0 })
or fail("Couldn't open message database at '$archivedir/$dbname': " . $DBI::errstr);

my $addressbookdbname = archive_fname('HomeDomain', 'Library/AddressBook/AddressBook.sqlitedb');
dbgprint("address book database is '$addressbookdbname'\n");
my $addressbookdb = DBI->connect("DBI:SQLite:dbname=$addressbookdbname", '', '', { RaiseError => 0 })
or fail("Couldn't open addressbook database at '$archivedir/$addressbookdbname': " . $DBI::errstr);

my $stmt;

dbgprint("Sorting out real names...\n");

sub parse_addressbook_name {
my @lookuprow = @_;
my $address = shift @lookuprow;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -559,19 +587,28 @@ sub parse_addressbook_name {
return ($longname, $shortname);

my $lookupstmt = $addressbookdb->prepare('select c15Phone, c16Email, c11Nickname, c0First, c2Middle, c1Last from ABPersonFullTextSearch_content where ((c15Phone LIKE ?) or (c16Email LIKE ?)) limit 1;')
or fail("Couldn't prepare name lookup SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);
my $addressbookdbname = undef; # only used on iOS archives right now.
my $addressbookdb = undef; # only used on iOS archives right now.
my $lookupstmt = undef; # only used on iOS archives right now.

if ($ios_archive) {
$addressbookdbname = archive_fname('HomeDomain', 'Library/AddressBook/AddressBook.sqlitedb');
dbgprint("address book database is '$addressbookdbname'\n");
$addressbookdb = DBI->connect("DBI:SQLite:dbname=$addressbookdbname", '', '', { RaiseError => 0 })
or fail("Couldn't open addressbook database at '$archivedir/$addressbookdbname': " . $DBI::errstr);

$lookupstmt = $addressbookdb->prepare('select c15Phone, c16Email, c11Nickname, c0First, c2Middle, c1Last from ABPersonFullTextSearch_content where ((c15Phone LIKE ?) or (c16Email LIKE ?)) limit 1;')
or fail("Couldn't prepare name lookup SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);

$stmt = $db->prepare('select m.handle_id, from handle as h inner join (select distinct handle_id from message) m on m.handle_id=h.ROWID;')
or fail("Couldn't prepare distinct address SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);
$stmt->execute() or fail("Couldn't execute distinct address SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);

while (my @row = $stmt->fetchrow_array()) {
my ($handleid, $address) = @row;
my $proper = undef;

sub lookup_ios_address {
my $address = shift;
my $like = "%$address%";
dbgprint("looking for $address...\n");

$lookupstmt->execute($like, $like) or fail("Couldn't execute name lookup SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);

Expand All @@ -584,7 +621,97 @@ sub parse_addressbook_name {
} else {
@lookuprow = (undef, undef, undef, undef);
return @lookuprow;

my %mac_addressbook = ();
if (not $ios_archive) {
%mac_addressbook = ();
open(HELPERIO, '-|', "./dump_mac_addressbook") or die("Can't run ./dump_mac_addressbook: $!\n");

my @lines = ();
while (<HELPERIO>) {
dbgprint("dump_mac_addressbook line: '$_'\n");
push @lines, $_;

my @person = ();
while (@lines) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ ) {
my $x = shift @lines;
last if not defined $x;
push @person, $x eq '' ? undef : $x;

if (scalar(@person) != 4) {
dbgprint("incomplete record from dump_mac_addressbook!\n");
} elsif ($debug) {
my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = @person;
$a = '' if not defined $a;
$b = '' if not defined $b;
$c = '' if not defined $c;
$d = '' if not defined $d;
dbgprint("Person from dump_mac_addressbook: [$a] [$b] [$c] [$d]\n");

# Phone numbers...flatten them down.
while (@lines) {
my $x = shift @lines;
last if (not defined $x) || ($x eq '');
$x =~ s/[^0-9]//g; # flatten.
$mac_addressbook{$x} = [ @person ];
dbgprint("Person phone: [$x]\n");

# Emails...lowercase them.
while (@lines) {
my $x = shift @lines;
last if (not defined $x) || ($x eq '');
$mac_addressbook{lc($x)} = [ @person ];
dbgprint("Person email: [$x]\n");

@person = ();

dbgprint("Done pulling in Mac address book.\n");

sub lookup_macos_address {
my $address = shift;

# !!! FIXME: this all sucks.
my $phone = $address;
$phone =~ s/\A\+1//;
$phone =~ s/[^0-9]//g; # flatten.
my $email = lc($address);

my @lookuprow = ();
foreach (keys(%mac_addressbook)) {
if ((index($_, $email) != -1) || (index($_, $phone) != -1)) {
my $person = $mac_addressbook{$_};
@lookuprow = @$person;

while (scalar(@lookuprow) < 4) {
push @lookuprow, undef;

return @lookuprow;

while (my @row = $stmt->fetchrow_array()) {
my ($handleid, $address) = @row;
my $proper = undef;

dbgprint("looking for $address...\n");
my @lookuprow = $ios_archive ? lookup_ios_address($address) : lookup_macos_address($address);
($longnames{$handleid}, $shortnames{$handleid}) = parse_addressbook_name($address, @lookuprow);
dbgprint("longname for $address ($handleid) == " . $longnames{$handleid} . "\n");
dbgprint("shortname for $address ($handleid) == " . $shortnames{$handleid} . "\n");
Expand All @@ -594,33 +721,40 @@ sub parse_addressbook_name {
fail('Already a handle_id of -1?!') if defined $longnames{-1};
fail('Already a handle_id of -1?!') if defined $shortnames{-1};

# !!! FIXME: is the owner always the first entry in the address book?
$lookupstmt = $addressbookdb->prepare('select ROWID, Nickname, First, Middle, Last from ABPerson order by ROWID limit 1;')
or fail("Couldn't prepare owner lookup SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);
if (not $lookupstmt->execute()) {
fail("Couldn't execute owner lookup SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);
} else {
my @lookuprow = $lookupstmt->fetchrow_array();
fail("Couldn't find iPhone owner's address book entry?!") if not @lookuprow;
my $rowid = shift @lookuprow;
($longnames{-1}, $shortnames{-1}) = parse_addressbook_name('me', @lookuprow);
# Ok, let's get the email address or phone number for this user.
$lookupstmt = $addressbookdb->prepare('select value from ABMultiValue where record_id=? and property=? order by UID limit 1;')
or fail("Couldn't prepare owner phone/email lookup SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);

# 4 is email address, 3 is phone number.
$lookupstmt->execute($rowid, 4) or fail("Couldn't execute owner phone/email lookup SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);
@lookuprow = $lookupstmt->fetchrow_array();
if (@lookuprow) {
$imessageuser = shift @lookuprow;
if ($ios_archive) {
# !!! FIXME: is the owner always the first entry in the address book?
$lookupstmt = $addressbookdb->prepare('select ROWID, Nickname, First, Middle, Last from ABPerson order by ROWID limit 1;')
or fail("Couldn't prepare owner lookup SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);
if (not $lookupstmt->execute()) {
fail("Couldn't execute owner lookup SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);
} else {
$lookupstmt->execute($rowid, 3) or fail("Couldn't execute owner phone/email lookup SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);
my @lookuprow = $lookupstmt->fetchrow_array();
fail("Couldn't find iPhone owner's address book entry?!") if not @lookuprow;
my $rowid = shift @lookuprow;
($longnames{-1}, $shortnames{-1}) = parse_addressbook_name('me', @lookuprow);
# Ok, let's get the email address or phone number for this user.
$lookupstmt = $addressbookdb->prepare('select value from ABMultiValue where record_id=? and property=? order by UID limit 1;')
or fail("Couldn't prepare owner phone/email lookup SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);

# 4 is email address, 3 is phone number.
$lookupstmt->execute($rowid, 4) or fail("Couldn't execute owner phone/email lookup SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);
@lookuprow = $lookupstmt->fetchrow_array();
fail("Couldn't find email or phone number of iPhone owner.") if not @lookuprow;
$imessageuser = shift @lookuprow;
$imessageuser =~ s/[^\d]//g;
$imessageuser = "phone-$imessageuser\";
if (@lookuprow) {
$imessageuser = shift @lookuprow;
} else {
$lookupstmt->execute($rowid, 3) or fail("Couldn't execute owner phone/email lookup SELECT statement: " . $DBI::errstr);
@lookuprow = $lookupstmt->fetchrow_array();
fail("Couldn't find email or phone number of iPhone owner.") if not @lookuprow;
$imessageuser = shift @lookuprow;
$imessageuser =~ s/[^\d]//g;
$imessageuser = "phone-$imessageuser\";
} else { # macOS, not iOS.
# !!! FIXME
$longnames{-1} = "me";
$shortnames{-1} = "me";
$imessageuser = "me\";

$imessageuserhost = $imessageuser;
Expand All @@ -630,8 +764,10 @@ sub parse_addressbook_name {
dbgprint("shortname for imessageuser ($imessageuser) == " . $shortnames{-1} . "\n");
dbgprint("imessageuserhost == $imessageuserhost\n");

%mac_addressbook = (); # dump all this, we're done with it.

$lookupstmt = undef;
$addressbookdb->disconnect() if (defined $addressbookdb);
$addressbookdb = undef;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -826,26 +962,38 @@ sub talk_gap {
if ($allow_html) {
if ($allow_thumbnails && ($is_image || $is_video)) {
my $fnameimg = $fname;
$fnameimg =~ s#\A\~/##;
$fnameimg =~ s#\A/var/mobile/##;
my $hashedfname = archive_fname('MediaDomain', $fnameimg);
$fnameimg =~ s#.*/##;
my $outfname = "$maildir/tmp/imessage-chatlog-tmp-$$-$msgid-$fnameimg.jpg";
my $fmt = ($mimetype eq 'image/jpeg') ? '-f mjpeg' : '';
my $cmdline = "ffmpeg $fmt -i '$hashedfname' -frames 1 -vf 'scale=235:-1' '$outfname' 2>/dev/null";
print("generating thumbnail: $cmdline\n");
die('ffmpeg failed') if (system($cmdline) != 0);
my $fdata = undef;
if ((not defined read_file($outfname, buf_ref => \$fdata, binmode => ':raw', err_mode => 'carp')) or (not defined $fdata)) {
print STDERR "Couldn't read scaled attachment '$outfname': $!";
$htmltext =~ s#\xEF\xBF\xBC#[Failed to scale image '$fnameimg']<br/>\n#;
$fnameimg =~ s#\A\~/#$homedir/# if (not $ios_archive);
$fnameimg =~ s#\A\~/## if ($ios_archive);
$fnameimg =~ s#\A/var/mobile/## if ($ios_archive);
my $domain = 'MediaDomain';
my $hashedfname = $ios_archive ? archive_fname($domain, $fnameimg) : $fnameimg;
if (not -f $hashedfname) {
if ($ios_archive) {
print STDERR "WARNING: Missing attachment '$hashedfname' ('$domain', '$fname')\n";
} else {
print STDERR "WARNING: Missing attachment '$hashedfname'\n";
$htmltext =~ s#\xEF\xBF\xBC#[Missing image '$fnameimg']<br/>\n#;
} else {
my $base64 = encode_base64($fdata);
$fdata = undef;
$htmltext =~ s#\xEF\xBF\xBC#<center><img src='data:$mimetype;base64,$base64'/></center><br/>\n#;
$base64 = undef;
$fnameimg =~ s#.*/##;
my $outfname = "$maildir/tmp/imessage-chatlog-tmp-$$-$msgid-$fnameimg.jpg";
my $fmt = ($mimetype eq 'image/jpeg') ? '-f mjpeg' : '';
my $transpose = $is_image ? 'transpose=1,' : '';
my $cmdline = "ffmpeg $fmt -i '$hashedfname' -frames 1 -vf '${transpose}scale=235:-1' '$outfname' 2>/dev/null";
dbgprint("generating thumbnail: $cmdline\n");
die("ffmpeg failed ('$cmdline')") if (system($cmdline) != 0);
my $fdata = undef;
if ((not defined read_file($outfname, buf_ref => \$fdata, binmode => ':raw', err_mode => 'carp')) or (not defined $fdata)) {
print STDERR "Couldn't read scaled attachment '$outfname': $!";
$htmltext =~ s#\xEF\xBF\xBC#[Failed to scale image '$fnameimg']<br/>\n#;
} else {
my $base64 = encode_base64($fdata);
$fdata = undef;
$htmltext =~ s#\xEF\xBF\xBC#<center><img src='data:$mimetype;base64,$base64'/></center><br/>\n#;
$base64 = undef;
} else {
$htmltext =~ s#\xEF\xBF\xBC#[attachment $shortfname]<br/>\n#;
Expand Down

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