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Updated the documentation on the locking strategy.
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icculus committed Jun 29, 2019
1 parent 3dafa1d commit a08be74
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 71 deletions.
160 changes: 89 additions & 71 deletions mojoal.c
Expand Up @@ -85,79 +85,97 @@

The locking strategy for this OpenAL implementation is complicated.
Not only do we generally want you to be able to call into OpenAL from any
thread, we'll always have to compete with the SDL audio device thread.
However, we don't want to just throw a big mutex around the whole thing,
not only because can we safely touch two unrelated objects at the same
time, but also because the mixer might make your simple state change call
on the main thread block for several milliseconds if your luck runs out,
killing your framerate. Here's the basic plan:
- Devices are expected to live for the entire life of your OpenAL experience,
so deleting one while another thread is using it is your own fault. Don't
do that.
- Creating or destroying a context will lock the SDL audio device, serializing
these calls vs the mixer thread while we add/remove the context on the
device's list. So don't do this in time-critical code.
- The current context is an atomic pointer, so even if there's a MakeCurrent
while an operation is in progress, the operation will either get the new
context or the previous context and set state on whichever. This should
protect everything but context destruction, but if you are still calling
into the AL while destroying the context, shame on you (even there, the
first thing context destruction will do is make the context no-longer
current, which means the race window is pretty small).
- Source and Buffer objects, once generated, aren't freed. If deleted, we
atomically mark them as available for reuse, but the pointers never change
or go away until the AL context (for sources) or device (for buffers) does.
- Since we have a maximum source count, to protect against apps that allocate
sources in a loop until they fail, the source name array is static within
the ALCcontext object, and thus doesn't need a lock for access. Buffer
objects can be generated until we run out of memory, so that array needs to
be dynamic and have a lock, though. When generating sources, we walk the
static array and compare-and-swap the "allocated" field from 0 (available)
to 2 (temporarily claimed), filling in the temporarily-claimed names in
the array passed to alGenSources(). If we run out of sources, we walk back
over this array, setting all the allocated fields back to zero for other
threads to be able to claim, set the error state, and zero out the array.
If we have enough sources, we walk the array and set the allocated fields
to 1 (permanently claimed).
- Buffers are allocated in blocks of OPENAL_BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE, each block
linked-listed to the next, as allocated. These blocks are never deallocated
as long as the device lives, so they don't need a lock to access (and adding
a new block is an atomic pointer compare-and-swap). Allocating buffers uses
the same compare-and-swap marking technique that allocating sources does,
just in these buffer blocks instead of a static array. We don't (currently)
keep a ALuint name index array of buffers, but instead walk the list of
blocks, OPENAL_BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE at a time, until we find our target block,
and then index into that.
The locking strategy for this OpenAL implementation:
- The initial work on this implementation attempted to be completely
lock free, and it lead to fragile, overly-clever, and complicated code.
Attempt #2 is making more reasonable tradeoffs: namely, keeping the
mixer thread lock free and minimizing locks in the API entry points.
- All API entry points are protected by a global mutex, which means that
calls into the API are serialized, but we expect this to not be a
serious problem; most AL calls are likely to come from a single thread
and uncontended mutexes generally aren't very expensive. This mutex
is not shared with the mixer thread, so there is never a point where
an innocent "fast" call into the AL will block because of the bad luck
of a high mixing load and the wrong moment.
- There are rare cases we'll lock the mixer thread; as a playing source
is mixed, it is atomically flagged as in-use. In a few cases, if we
happen to need to change a source in unsafe ways _while it's mixing_,
we will lock the mixer thread and immediately unlock, so we know
the mixer thread is no longer touching the source. The likelihood of
hitting this case is extremely small, even on a playing source, as
the mixer needs to be running and mixing a specific source at the time.
Things that might do this, only on currently-playing sources:
alDeleteSources, alSourceStop, alSourceRewind. alSourcePlay and
alSourcePause never need to lock.
- Devices are expected to live for the entire life of your OpenAL
experience, so closing one while another thread is using it is your own
fault. Don't do that. Devices are allocated pointers, and the AL doesn't
know if you've deleted it, making the pointer invalid. Device open and
close are not meant to be "fast" calls.
- Creating or destroying a context will lock the mixer thread, so we can
add/remove the context on the device's list without racing. So don't do
this in time-critical code.
- Generating an object (source, buffer, etc) might need to allocate
memory, which can always take longer than you would expect. We allocate in
blocks, so not every call will allocate more memory. Generating an object
does not lock the mixer thread.
- Deleting a buffer does not lock the mixer thread (in-use buffers can
not be deleted per API spec). Deleting a source will lock the mixer
if the source is still visible to the mixer (if it is literally mixing
at the very moment). We don't believe this will be a serious issue in
normal use cases. Deleted objects' memory is marked for reuse, but no
memory is free'd by deleting sources or buffers until the context or
device, respectively, are destroyed.
- alBufferData needs to allocate memory to copy new audio data. Often,
you can avoid doing these things in time-critical code. You can't set
a buffer's data when it's attached to a source (either with AL_BUFFER
or buffer queueing), so there's never a chance of contention with the
mixer thread here.
- Buffers and sources are allocated in blocks of OPENAL_BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE
(or OPENAL_SOURCE_BLOCK_SIZE). These blocks are never deallocated as long
as the device (for buffers) or context (for sources) lives, so they don't
need a lock to access as the pointers are immutable once they're wired in.
We don't keep a ALuint name index array, but rather an array of block
pointers, which lets us find the right offset in the correct block without
iteration. The mixer thread never references the blocks directly, as they
get buffer and source pointers to objects within those blocks. Sources keep
a pointer to their specifically-bound buffer, and the mixer keeps a list of
pointers to playing sources. Since the API is serialized and the mixer
doesn't touch them, we don't need to tapdance to add new blocks.
- Buffer data is owned by the AL, and it's illegal to delete a buffer or
alBufferData() its contents while queued on a source with either AL_BUFFER
or alSourceQueueBuffers(). We keep an atomic refcount for each buffer,
and you can't change its state or delete it when its refcount is > 0, so
there isn't a race with the mixer, and multiple racing calls into the API
will generate an error and return immediately from all except the thread
that managed to get the first reference count increment.
- Buffer queues are a hot mess. alSourceQueueBuffers will build a linked
list of buffers, then atomically move this list into position for the
mixer to obtain it. The mixer will process this list without the need
to be atomic (as it owns it once it atomically claims it from from the
just_queue field where alSourceQueueBuffers staged it). As buffers are
processed, the mixer moves them atomically to a linked list that other
threads can pick up for alSourceUnqueueBuffers. The problem with unqueueing
is that multiple threads can compete. Unlike queueing, where we don't care
which thread wins the race to queue, unqueueing _must_ return buffer names
in the order they were mixed, according to the spec, which means we need a
lock. But! we only need to serialize the alSourceUnqueueBuffers callers,
not the mixer thread, and only long enough to obtain any newly-processed
buffers from the mixer thread and unqueue items from the actual list.
alBufferData() its contents while attached to a source with either
AL_BUFFER or alSourceQueueBuffers(). We keep an atomic refcount for each
buffer, and you can't change its state or delete it when its refcount is
> 0, so there isn't a race with the mixer. Refcounts only change when
changing a source's AL_BUFFER or altering its buffer queue, both of which
are protected by the api lock. The mixer thread doesn't touch the
refcount, as a buffer moving from AL_PENDING to AL_PROCESSED is still
attached to a source.
- alSource(Stop|Pause|Rewind)v with > 1 source used will always lock the
mixer thread to guarantee that all sources change in sync (!!! FIXME?).
The non-v version of these functions do not lock the mixer thread.
alSourcePlayv never locks the mixer thread (it atomically appends to a
linked list of sources to be played, which the mixer will pick up all
at once).
- alSourceQueueBuffers will build a linked list of buffers, then atomically
move this list into position for the mixer to obtain it. The mixer will
process this list without the need to be atomic (as it owns it once it
atomically claims it from from the just_queued field where
alSourceQueueBuffers staged it). As buffers are processed, the mixer moves
them atomically to a linked list that other threads can pick up for
- Capture just locks the SDL audio device for everything, since it's a very
lightweight load and a much simplified API; good enough. The capture device
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