/** * MojoShader; generate shader programs from bytecode of compiled * Direct3D shaders. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #include #include #include "mojoshader.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #define snprintf _snprintf #endif #if MOJOSHADER_DEBUG_MALLOC static void *Malloc(int len) { void *ptr = malloc(len + sizeof (int)); int *store = (int *) ptr; printf("malloc() %d bytes (%p)\n", len, ptr); if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; *store = len; return (void *) (store + 1); } // Malloc static void Free(void *_ptr) { int *ptr = (((int *) _ptr) - 1); int len = *ptr; printf("free() %d bytes (%p)\n", len, ptr); free(ptr); } // Free #else #define Malloc NULL #define Free NULL #endif static inline void do_indent(const unsigned int indent) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) printf(" "); } #define INDENT() do { if (indent) { do_indent(indent); } } while (0) static const char *shader_type(const MOJOSHADER_shaderType s) { switch (s) { case MOJOSHADER_TYPE_UNKNOWN: return "unknown"; case MOJOSHADER_TYPE_PIXEL: return "pixel"; case MOJOSHADER_TYPE_VERTEX: return "vertex"; case MOJOSHADER_TYPE_GEOMETRY: return "geometry"; default: return "(bogus value?)"; } // switch return NULL; // shouldn't hit this. } // shader_type static void print_typeinfo(const MOJOSHADER_symbolTypeInfo *info, unsigned int indent) { static const char *symclasses[] = { "scalar", "vector", "row-major matrix", "column-major matrix", "object", "struct" }; static const char *symtypes[] = { "void", "bool", "int", "float", "string", "texture", "texture1d", "texture2d", "texture3d", "texturecube", "sampler", "sampler1d", "sampler2d", "sampler3d", "samplercube", "pixelshader", "vertexshader", "unsupported" }; INDENT(); printf(" symbol class %s\n", symclasses[info->parameter_class]); INDENT(); printf(" symbol type %s\n", symtypes[info->parameter_type]); INDENT(); printf(" rows %u\n", info->rows); INDENT(); printf(" columns %u\n", info->columns); INDENT(); printf(" elements %u\n", info->elements); if (info->member_count > 0) { int i; INDENT(); printf(" MEMBERS:\n"); for (i = 0; i < info->member_count; i++) { const MOJOSHADER_symbolStructMember *member = &info->members[i]; INDENT(); printf(" MEMBERS:\n"); indent++; INDENT(); printf(" * %d: \"%s\"\n", i, member->name); print_typeinfo(&member->info, indent); indent--; } // for } // if } // print_typeinfo static void print_symbols(const MOJOSHADER_symbol *sym, const unsigned int symbol_count, const unsigned int indent) { INDENT(); printf("SYMBOLS:"); if (symbol_count == 0) printf(" (none.)\n"); else { int i; printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < symbol_count; i++, sym++) { static const char *regsets[] = { "bool", "int4", "float4", "sampler" }; INDENT(); printf(" * %d: \"%s\"\n", i, sym->name); INDENT(); printf(" register set %s\n", regsets[sym->register_set]); INDENT(); printf(" register index %u\n", sym->register_index); INDENT(); printf(" register count %u\n", sym->register_count); print_typeinfo(&sym->info, indent); } // for printf("\n"); } // else } // print_symbols static void print_preshader_operand(const MOJOSHADER_preshader *preshader, const int instidx, const int opidx) { static char mask[] = { 'x', 'y', 'z', 'w' }; const MOJOSHADER_preshaderInstruction *inst = &preshader->instructions[instidx]; const MOJOSHADER_preshaderOperand *operand = &inst->operands[opidx]; const int elems = inst->element_count; const int isscalarop = (inst->opcode >= MOJOSHADER_PRESHADEROP_SCALAR_OPS); const int isscalar = ((isscalarop) && (opidx == 0)); // probably wrong. int i; switch (operand->type) { case MOJOSHADER_PRESHADEROPERAND_LITERAL: { const double *lit = &preshader->literals[operand->index]; printf("("); if (isscalar) { const double val = *lit; for (i = 0; i < elems-1; i++) printf("%g, ", val); printf("%g)", val); } // if else { for (i = 0; i < elems-1; i++, lit++) printf("%g, ", *lit); printf("%g)", *lit); } // else break; } // case case MOJOSHADER_PRESHADEROPERAND_INPUT: case MOJOSHADER_PRESHADEROPERAND_OUTPUT: case MOJOSHADER_PRESHADEROPERAND_TEMP: { int idx = operand->index % 4; char regch = 'c'; if (operand->type == MOJOSHADER_PRESHADEROPERAND_TEMP) regch = 'r'; printf("%c%d", regch, operand->index / 4); if (isscalar) printf(".%c", mask[idx]); else if (elems != 4) { printf("."); for (i = 0; i < elems; i++) printf("%c", mask[idx++]); } // else if break; } // case default: printf("[???{%d, %u}???]", (int) operand->type, operand->index); break; } // switch } // print_preshader_operand static void print_preshader(const MOJOSHADER_preshader *preshader, const int indent) { MOJOSHADER_preshaderInstruction *inst = preshader->instructions; int i, j; static const char *opcodestr[] = { "nop", "mov", "neg", "rcp", "frc", "exp", "log", "rsq", "sin", "cos", "asin", "acos", "atan", "min", "max", "lt", "ge", "add", "mul", "atan2", "div", "cmp", "movc", "dot", "noise", "min", "max", "lt", "ge", "add", "mul", "atan2", "div", "dot", "noise" }; INDENT(); printf("PRESHADER:\n"); print_symbols(preshader->symbols, preshader->symbol_count, indent + 1); for (i = 0; i < preshader->instruction_count; i++, inst++) { INDENT(); printf(" %s ", opcodestr[inst->opcode]); // print dest register first... print_preshader_operand(preshader, i, inst->operand_count - 1); // ...then the source registers. for (j = 0; j < inst->operand_count - 1; j++) { printf(", "); print_preshader_operand(preshader, i, j); } // for printf("\n"); } // for printf("\n"); } // print_preshader static void print_attrs(const char *category, const int count, const MOJOSHADER_attribute *attributes, const int indent) { INDENT(); printf("%s:", category); if (count == 0) printf(" (none.)\n"); else { int i; printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { static const char *usagenames[] = { "position", "blendweight", "blendindices", "normal", "psize", "texcoord", "tangent", "binormal", "tessfactor", "positiont", "color", "fog", "depth", "sample" }; const MOJOSHADER_attribute *a = &attributes[i]; char numstr[16] = { 0 }; if (a->index != 0) snprintf(numstr, sizeof (numstr), "%d", a->index); INDENT(); printf(" * %s%s", usagenames[(int) a->usage], numstr); if (a->name != NULL) printf(" (\"%s\")", a->name); printf("\n"); } // for } // else } // print_attrs static void print_shader(const char *fname, const MOJOSHADER_parseData *pd, unsigned int indent) { INDENT(); printf("PROFILE: %s\n", pd->profile); if (pd->error_count > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pd->error_count; i++) { const MOJOSHADER_error *err = &pd->errors[i]; INDENT(); printf("%s:%d: ERROR: %s\n", err->filename ? err->filename : fname, err->error_position, err->error); } // for } // if else { INDENT(); printf("SHADER TYPE: %s\n", shader_type(pd->shader_type)); INDENT(); printf("VERSION: %d.%d\n", pd->major_ver, pd->minor_ver); INDENT(); printf("INSTRUCTION COUNT: %d\n", (int) pd->instruction_count); print_attrs("INPUTS", pd->attribute_count, pd->attributes, indent); print_attrs("OUTPUTS", pd->output_count, pd->outputs, indent); INDENT(); printf("CONSTANTS:"); if (pd->constant_count == 0) printf(" (none.)\n"); else { int i; printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < pd->constant_count; i++) { static const char *typenames[] = { "float", "int", "bool" }; const MOJOSHADER_constant *c = &pd->constants[i]; INDENT(); printf(" * %d: %s (", c->index, typenames[(int) c->type]); if (c->type == MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_FLOAT) { printf("%f %f %f %f", c->value.f[0], c->value.f[1], c->value.f[2], c->value.f[3]); } // if else if (c->type == MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_INT) { printf("%d %d %d %d", c->value.i[0], c->value.i[1], c->value.i[2], c->value.i[3]); } // else if else if (c->type == MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_BOOL) { printf("%s", c->value.b ? "true" : "false"); } // else if else { printf("???"); } // else printf(")\n"); } // for } // else INDENT(); printf("UNIFORMS:"); if (pd->uniform_count == 0) printf(" (none.)\n"); else { int i; printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < pd->uniform_count; i++) { static const char *typenames[] = { "float", "int", "bool" }; const MOJOSHADER_uniform *u = &pd->uniforms[i]; const char *arrayof = ""; const char *constant = u->constant ? "const " : ""; char arrayrange[64] = { '\0' }; if (u->array_count > 0) { arrayof = "array["; snprintf(arrayrange, sizeof (arrayrange), "%d] ", u->array_count); } // if INDENT(); printf(" * %d: %s%s%s%s", u->index, constant, arrayof, arrayrange, typenames[(int) u->type]); if (u->name != NULL) printf(" (\"%s\")", u->name); printf("\n"); } // for } // else INDENT(); printf("SAMPLERS:"); if (pd->sampler_count == 0) printf(" (none.)\n"); else { int i; printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < pd->sampler_count; i++) { static const char *typenames[] = { "2d", "cube", "volume" }; const MOJOSHADER_sampler *s = &pd->samplers[i]; INDENT(); printf(" * %d: %s", s->index, typenames[(int) s->type]); if (s->name != NULL) printf(" (\"%s\")", s->name); printf("\n"); } // for } // else print_symbols(pd->symbols, pd->symbol_count, indent); if (pd->preshader != NULL) print_preshader(pd->preshader, indent); if (pd->output != NULL) { int i; INDENT(); printf("OUTPUT:\n"); indent++; INDENT(); for (i = 0; i < pd->output_len; i++) { putchar((int) pd->output[i]); if (pd->output[i] == '\n') INDENT(); } // for printf("\n"); indent--; } // if } // else printf("\n\n"); } // print_shader static void print_effect(const char *fname, const MOJOSHADER_effect *effect, const unsigned int indent) { INDENT(); printf("PROFILE: %s\n", effect->profile); printf("\n"); if (effect->error_count > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < effect->error_count; i++) { const MOJOSHADER_error *err = &effect->errors[i]; INDENT(); printf("%s:%d: ERROR: %s\n", err->filename ? err->filename : fname, err->error_position, err->error); } // for } // if else { int i, j, k; const MOJOSHADER_effectTechnique *technique = effect->techniques; const MOJOSHADER_effectTexture *texture = effect->textures; const MOJOSHADER_effectShader *shader = effect->shaders; const MOJOSHADER_effectParam *param = effect->params; for (i = 0; i < effect->param_count; i++, param++) { INDENT(); printf("PARAM #%d '%s' -> '%s'\n", i, param->name, param->semantic); } // for printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < effect->technique_count; i++, technique++) { const MOJOSHADER_effectPass *pass = technique->passes; INDENT(); printf("TECHNIQUE #%d ('%s'):\n", i, technique->name); for (j = 0; j < technique->pass_count; j++, pass++) { const MOJOSHADER_effectState *state = pass->states; INDENT(); printf(" PASS #%d ('%s'):\n", j, pass->name); for (k = 0; k < pass->state_count; k++, state++) { INDENT(); printf(" STATE 0x%X\n", state->type); } // for } // for printf("\n"); } // for for (i = 0; i < effect->texture_count; i++, texture++) { INDENT(); printf("TEXTURE #%d ('%s'): %u\n", i, texture->name, texture->param); } // for printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < effect->shader_count; i++, shader++) { INDENT(); printf("SHADER #%d: technique %u, pass %u\n", i, shader->technique, shader->pass); print_shader(fname, shader->shader, indent + 1); } // for } // else } // print_effect static int do_parse(const char *fname, const unsigned char *buf, const int len, const char *prof) { int retval = 0; // magic for an effects file (!!! FIXME: I _think_). if ( (buf[0] == 0x01) && (buf[1] == 0x09) && (buf[2] == 0xFF) && (buf[3] == 0xFE) ) { const MOJOSHADER_effect *effect; effect = MOJOSHADER_parseEffect(prof, buf, len, 0, 0, Malloc, Free, 0); retval = (effect->error_count == 0); printf("EFFECT: %s\n", fname); print_effect(fname, effect, 1); MOJOSHADER_freeEffect(effect); } // if else // do it as a regular compiled shader. { const MOJOSHADER_parseData *pd; pd = MOJOSHADER_parse(prof, buf, len, NULL, 0, Malloc, Free, NULL); retval = (pd->error_count == 0); printf("SHADER: %s\n", fname); print_shader(fname, pd, 1); MOJOSHADER_freeParseData(pd); } // else return retval; } // do_parse int main(int argc, char **argv) { int retval = 0; printf("MojoShader testparse\n"); printf("Compiled against changeset %s\n", MOJOSHADER_CHANGESET); printf("Linked against changeset %s\n", MOJOSHADER_changeset()); printf("\n"); if (argc <= 2) printf("\n\nUSAGE: %s [file1] ... [fileN]\n\n", argv[0]); else { const char *profile = argv[1]; int i; for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) { FILE *io = fopen(argv[i], "rb"); if (io == NULL) printf(" ... fopen('%s') failed.\n", argv[i]); else { unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *) malloc(1000000); int rc = fread(buf, 1, 1000000, io); fclose(io); if (!do_parse(argv[i], buf, rc, profile)) retval = 1; free(buf); } // else } // for } // else return retval; } // main // end of testparse.c ...