/** * MojoShader; generate shader programs from bytecode of compiled * Direct3D shaders. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #include #include #include #include "mojoshader.h" static const char **include_paths = NULL; static unsigned int include_path_count = 0; #define MOJOSHADER_DEBUG_MALLOC 0 #if MOJOSHADER_DEBUG_MALLOC static void *Malloc(int len, void *d) { void *ptr = malloc(len + sizeof (int)); int *store = (int *) ptr; printf("malloc() %d bytes (%p)\n", len, ptr); if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; *store = len; return (void *) (store + 1); } // Malloc static void Free(void *_ptr, void *d) { int *ptr = (((int *) _ptr) - 1); int len = *ptr; printf("free() %d bytes (%p)\n", len, ptr); free(ptr); } // Free #else #define Malloc NULL #define Free NULL #endif static void fail(const char *err) { printf("%s.\n", err); exit(1); } // fail static int open_include(MOJOSHADER_includeType inctype, const char *fname, const char *parent, const char **outdata, unsigned int *outbytes, MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d) { int i; for (i = 0; i < include_path_count; i++) { const char *path = include_paths[i]; const size_t len = strlen(path) + strlen(fname) + 2; char *buf = (char *) m(len, d); if (buf == NULL) return 0; snprintf(buf, len, "%s/%s", path, fname); FILE *io = fopen(buf, "rb"); f(buf, d); if (io == NULL) continue; if (fseek(io, 0, SEEK_END) != -1) { const long fsize = ftell(io); if ((fsize == -1) || (fseek(io, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1)) { fclose(io); return 0; } // if char *data = (char *) m(fsize, d); if (data == NULL) { fclose(io); return 0; } // if if (fread(data, fsize, 1, io) != 1) { f(data, d); fclose(io); return 0; } // if fclose(io); *outdata = data; *outbytes = (unsigned int) fsize; return 1; } // if } // for return 0; } // open_include static void close_include(const char *data, MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d) { f((void *) data, d); } // close_include static int preprocess(const char *fname, const char *buf, int len, const char *outfile, const MOJOSHADER_preprocessorDefine *defs, unsigned int defcount, FILE *io) { const MOJOSHADER_preprocessData *pd; int retval = 0; pd = MOJOSHADER_preprocess(fname, buf, len, defs, defcount, open_include, close_include, Malloc, Free, NULL); if (pd->error_count > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pd->error_count; i++) { printf("%s:%d: ERROR: %s\n", pd->errors[i].filename ? pd->errors[i].filename : "???", pd->errors[i].error_position, pd->errors[i].error); } // for } // if else { if (pd->output != NULL) { const int len = pd->output_len; if ((len) && (fwrite(pd->output, len, 1, io) != 1)) printf(" ... fwrite('%s') failed.\n", outfile); else if ((outfile != NULL) && (fclose(io) == EOF)) printf(" ... fclose('%s') failed.\n", outfile); else retval = 1; } // if } // else MOJOSHADER_freePreprocessData(pd); return retval; } // preprocess static int assemble(const char *fname, const char *buf, int len, const char *outfile, const MOJOSHADER_preprocessorDefine *defs, unsigned int defcount, FILE *io) { const MOJOSHADER_parseData *pd; int retval = 0; pd = MOJOSHADER_assemble(fname, buf, len, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, defs, defcount, open_include, close_include, Malloc, Free, NULL); if (pd->error_count > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pd->error_count; i++) { printf("%s:%d: ERROR: %s\n", pd->errors[i].filename ? pd->errors[i].filename : "???", pd->errors[i].error_position, pd->errors[i].error); } // for } // if else { if (pd->output != NULL) { const int len = pd->output_len; if ((len) && (fwrite(pd->output, len, 1, io) != 1)) printf(" ... fwrite('%s') failed.\n", outfile); else if ((outfile != NULL) && (fclose(io) == EOF)) printf(" ... fclose('%s') failed.\n", outfile); else retval = 1; } // if } // else MOJOSHADER_freeParseData(pd); return retval; } // assemble void MOJOSHADER_compile(const char *filename, const char *source, unsigned int sourcelen, const MOJOSHADER_preprocessorDefine *defines, unsigned int define_count, MOJOSHADER_includeOpen include_open, MOJOSHADER_includeClose include_close, MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d); static int compile(const char *fname, const char *buf, int len, const char *outfile, const MOJOSHADER_preprocessorDefine *defs, unsigned int defcount, FILE *io) { // !!! FIXME: write me. //const MOJOSHADER_parseData *pd; //int retval = 0; MOJOSHADER_compile(fname, buf, len, defs, defcount, open_include, close_include, Malloc, Free, NULL); return 1; } // compile typedef enum { ACTION_UNKNOWN, ACTION_PREPROCESS, ACTION_ASSEMBLE, ACTION_COMPILE, } Action; int main(int argc, char **argv) { Action action = ACTION_UNKNOWN; int retval = 1; const char *infile = NULL; const char *outfile = NULL; int i; MOJOSHADER_preprocessorDefine *defs = NULL; unsigned int defcount = 0; include_paths = (const char **) malloc(sizeof (char *)); include_paths[0] = "."; include_path_count = 1; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { const char *arg = argv[i]; if (strcmp(arg, "-P") == 0) { if ((action != ACTION_UNKNOWN) && (action != ACTION_PREPROCESS)) fail("Multiple actions specified"); action = ACTION_PREPROCESS; } // if else if (strcmp(arg, "-A") == 0) { if ((action != ACTION_UNKNOWN) && (action != ACTION_ASSEMBLE)) fail("Multiple actions specified"); action = ACTION_ASSEMBLE; } // else if else if (strcmp(arg, "-C") == 0) { if ((action != ACTION_UNKNOWN) && (action != ACTION_COMPILE)) fail("Multiple actions specified"); action = ACTION_COMPILE; } // else if else if (strcmp(arg, "-o") == 0) { if (outfile != NULL) fail("multiple output files specified"); arg = argv[++i]; if (arg == NULL) fail("no filename after '-o'"); outfile = arg; } // if else if (strcmp(arg, "-I") == 0) { arg = argv[++i]; if (arg == NULL) fail("no path after '-I'"); include_paths = (const char **) realloc(include_paths, (include_path_count+1) * sizeof (char *)); include_paths[include_path_count] = arg; include_path_count++; } // if else if (strncmp(arg, "-D", 2) == 0) { arg += 2; char *ident = strdup(arg); char *ptr = strchr(ident, '='); const char *val = ""; if (ptr) { *ptr = '\0'; val = ptr+1; } // if defs = (MOJOSHADER_preprocessorDefine *) realloc(defs, (defcount+1) * sizeof (MOJOSHADER_preprocessorDefine)); defs[defcount].identifier = ident; defs[defcount].definition = val; defcount++; } // else if else { if (infile != NULL) fail("multiple input files specified"); infile = arg; } // else } // for if (action == ACTION_UNKNOWN) action = ACTION_ASSEMBLE; if (infile == NULL) fail("no input file specified"); FILE *io = fopen(infile, "rb"); if (io == NULL) fail("failed to open input file"); fseek(io, 0, SEEK_END); long fsize = ftell(io); fseek(io, 0, SEEK_SET); if (fsize == -1) fsize = 1000000; char *buf = (char *) malloc(fsize); const int rc = fread(buf, 1, fsize, io); fclose(io); if (rc == EOF) fail("failed to read input file"); FILE *outio = outfile ? fopen(outfile, "wb") : stdout; if (outio == NULL) fail("failed to open output file"); if (action == ACTION_PREPROCESS) retval = (!preprocess(infile, buf, rc, outfile, defs, defcount, outio)); else if (action == ACTION_ASSEMBLE) retval = (!assemble(infile, buf, rc, outfile, defs, defcount, outio)); else if (action == ACTION_COMPILE) retval = (!compile(infile, buf, rc, outfile, defs, defcount, outio)); if ((retval != 0) && (outfile != NULL)) remove(outfile); free(buf); for (i = 0; i < defcount; i++) free((void *) defs[i].identifier); free(defs); free(include_paths); return retval; } // main // end of mojoshader-compiler.c ...