/** * MojoShader; generate shader programs from bytecode of compiled * Direct3D shaders. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 #include // GL headers need this for WINGDIAPI definition. #endif #include "mojoshader.h" #define GL_GLEXT_LEGACY 1 #include "GL/gl.h" #include "GL/glext.h" // Get basic wankery out of the way here... typedef unsigned int uint; // this is a printf() helper. don't use for code. #ifdef _MSC_VER #define snprintf _snprintf typedef unsigned __int8 uint8; typedef unsigned __int32 uint32; typedef unsigned __int32 int32; // Warning Level 4 considered harmful. :) #pragma warning(disable: 4100) // "unreferenced formal parameter" #pragma warning(disable: 4389) // "signed/unsigned mismatch" #else #include typedef uint8_t uint8; typedef uint32_t uint32; typedef int32_t int32; #endif #define STATICARRAYLEN(x) ( (sizeof ((x))) / (sizeof ((x)[0])) ) #ifndef SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSL #define SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSL 1 #endif struct MOJOSHADER_glShader { const MOJOSHADER_parseData *parseData; GLhandleARB handle; uint32 refcount; }; typedef struct { MOJOSHADER_shaderType shader_type; const MOJOSHADER_uniform *uniform; GLuint location; } UniformMap; typedef struct { MOJOSHADER_shaderType shader_type; const MOJOSHADER_sampler *sampler; GLuint location; } SamplerMap; typedef struct { const MOJOSHADER_attribute *attribute; GLuint location; } AttributeMap; struct MOJOSHADER_glProgram { MOJOSHADER_glShader *vertex; MOJOSHADER_glShader *fragment; GLhandleARB handle; uint32 constant_count; // !!! FIXME: misnamed. GLfloat *constants; // !!! FIXME: misnamed. uint32 uniform_count; UniformMap *uniforms; uint32 sampler_count; SamplerMap *samplers; uint32 attribute_count; AttributeMap *attributes; uint32 refcount; }; #ifndef WINGDIAPI #define WINGDIAPI #endif // Entry points in base OpenGL that lack function pointer prototypes... typedef WINGDIAPI void (APIENTRYP PFNGLGETINTEGERVPROC) (GLenum pname, GLint *params); typedef WINGDIAPI const GLubyte * (APIENTRYP PFNGLGETSTRINGPROC) (GLenum name); struct MOJOSHADER_glContext { // Allocators... MOJOSHADER_malloc malloc_fn; MOJOSHADER_free free_fn; void *malloc_data; // The constant register files... // Man, it kills me how much memory this takes... GLfloat vs_reg_file_f[8192 * 4]; GLint vs_reg_file_i[2047 * 4]; GLint vs_reg_file_b[2047]; GLfloat ps_reg_file_f[8192 * 4]; GLint ps_reg_file_i[2047 * 4]; GLint ps_reg_file_b[2047]; GLuint sampler_reg_file[16]; // GL stuff... int opengl_major; int opengl_minor; MOJOSHADER_glProgram *bound_program; char profile[16]; // Extensions... int have_base_opengl; int have_GL_ARB_shader_objects; int have_GL_ARB_vertex_shader; int have_GL_ARB_fragment_shader; int have_GL_ARB_shading_language_100; int have_GL_NV_half_float; // Entry points... PFNGLGETSTRINGPROC glGetString; PFNGLGETINTEGERVPROC glGetIntegerv; PFNGLDELETEOBJECTARBPROC glDeleteObject; PFNGLATTACHOBJECTARBPROC glAttachObject; PFNGLCOMPILESHADERARBPROC glCompileShader; PFNGLCREATEPROGRAMOBJECTARBPROC glCreateProgramObject; PFNGLCREATESHADEROBJECTARBPROC glCreateShaderObject; PFNGLDISABLEVERTEXATTRIBARRAYARBPROC glDisableVertexAttribArray; PFNGLENABLEVERTEXATTRIBARRAYARBPROC glEnableVertexAttribArray; PFNGLGETATTRIBLOCATIONARBPROC glGetAttribLocation; PFNGLGETINFOLOGARBPROC glGetInfoLog; PFNGLGETOBJECTPARAMETERIVARBPROC glGetObjectParameteriv; PFNGLGETUNIFORMLOCATIONARBPROC glGetUniformLocation; PFNGLLINKPROGRAMARBPROC glLinkProgram; PFNGLSHADERSOURCEARBPROC glShaderSource; PFNGLUNIFORM1IARBPROC glUniform1i; PFNGLUNIFORM4FVARBPROC glUniform4fv; PFNGLUNIFORM4IVARBPROC glUniform4iv; PFNGLUSEPROGRAMOBJECTARBPROC glUseProgramObject; PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBPOINTERARBPROC glVertexAttribPointer; }; static MOJOSHADER_glContext *ctx = NULL; // Error state... static char error_buffer[1024] = { '\0' }; static void set_error(const char *str) { snprintf(error_buffer, sizeof (error_buffer), "%s", str); } // set_error // #define this to force app to supply an allocator, so there's no reference // to the C runtime's malloc() and free()... #if MOJOSHADER_FORCE_ALLOCATOR #define internal_malloc NULL #define internal_free NULL #else static void *internal_malloc(int bytes, void *d) { return malloc(bytes); } static void internal_free(void *ptr, void *d) { free(ptr); } #endif static inline void *Malloc(const size_t len) { void *retval = ctx->malloc_fn((int) len, ctx->malloc_data); if (retval == NULL) set_error("out of memory"); return retval; } // Malloc static inline void Free(void *ptr) { if (ptr != NULL) ctx->free_fn(ptr, ctx->malloc_data); } // Free const char *MOJOSHADER_glGetError(void) { return error_buffer; } // MOJOSHADER_glGetError static void *loadsym(void *(*lookup)(const char *fn), const char *fn, int *ext) { void *retval = NULL; if (lookup != NULL) { retval = lookup(fn); if (retval == NULL) { char arbfn[64]; snprintf(arbfn, sizeof (arbfn), "%sARB", fn); retval = lookup(arbfn); } // if } // if if (retval == NULL) *ext = 0; return retval; } // loadsym static void lookup_entry_points(void *(*lookup)(const char *fnname)) { #define DO_LOOKUP(ext, typ, fn) ctx->fn = (typ) loadsym(lookup, #fn, &ctx->have_##ext) DO_LOOKUP(base_opengl, PFNGLGETSTRINGPROC, glGetString); DO_LOOKUP(base_opengl, PFNGLGETINTEGERVPROC, glGetIntegerv); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLDELETEOBJECTARBPROC, glDeleteObject); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLATTACHOBJECTARBPROC, glAttachObject); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLCOMPILESHADERARBPROC, glCompileShader); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLCREATEPROGRAMOBJECTARBPROC, glCreateProgramObject); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLCREATESHADEROBJECTARBPROC, glCreateShaderObject); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLGETINFOLOGARBPROC, glGetInfoLog); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLGETOBJECTPARAMETERIVARBPROC, glGetObjectParameteriv); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLGETUNIFORMLOCATIONARBPROC, glGetUniformLocation); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLLINKPROGRAMARBPROC, glLinkProgram); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLSHADERSOURCEARBPROC, glShaderSource); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLUNIFORM1IARBPROC, glUniform1i); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLUNIFORM4FVARBPROC, glUniform4fv); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLUNIFORM4IVARBPROC, glUniform4iv); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_shader_objects, PFNGLUSEPROGRAMOBJECTARBPROC, glUseProgramObject); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_vertex_shader, PFNGLDISABLEVERTEXATTRIBARRAYARBPROC, glDisableVertexAttribArray); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_vertex_shader, PFNGLENABLEVERTEXATTRIBARRAYARBPROC, glEnableVertexAttribArray); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_vertex_shader, PFNGLGETATTRIBLOCATIONARBPROC, glGetAttribLocation); DO_LOOKUP(GL_ARB_vertex_shader, PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBPOINTERARBPROC, glVertexAttribPointer); #undef DO_LOOKUP } // lookup_entry_points static int verify_extension(const char *ext, int have, const char *extlist, int major, int minor) { if (have == 0) return 0; // don't bother checking, we're missing an entry point. else if (!ctx->have_base_opengl) return 0; // don't bother checking, we're missing basic functionality. // See if it's in the spec for this GL implementation's version. if (major >= 0) { if ( ((ctx->opengl_major << 16) | (ctx->opengl_minor & 0xFFFF)) >= ((major << 16) | (minor & 0xFFFF)) ) return 1; } // if // Not available in the GL version, check the extension list. const char *ptr = strstr(extlist, ext); if (ptr == NULL) return 0; const char endchar = ptr[strlen(ext)]; if ((endchar == '\0') || (endchar == ' ')) return 1; // extension is in the list. return 0; // just not supported, fail. } // verify_extension static void parse_opengl_version(const char *verstr) { if (verstr == NULL) ctx->opengl_major = ctx->opengl_minor = 0; else sscanf(verstr, "%d.%d", &ctx->opengl_major, &ctx->opengl_minor); } // parse_opengl_version static void load_extensions(void *(*lookup)(const char *fnname)) { const char *extlist = NULL; ctx->have_base_opengl = 1; ctx->have_GL_ARB_shader_objects = 1; ctx->have_GL_ARB_vertex_shader = 1; ctx->have_GL_ARB_fragment_shader = 1; ctx->have_GL_ARB_shading_language_100 = 1; ctx->have_GL_NV_half_float = 1; lookup_entry_points(lookup); if (!ctx->have_base_opengl) set_error("missing basic OpenGL entry points"); else { parse_opengl_version((const char *) ctx->glGetString(GL_VERSION)); extlist = (const char *) ctx->glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); } // else if (extlist == NULL) extlist = ""; // just in case. #define VERIFY_EXT(ext, major, minor) \ ctx->have_##ext = verify_extension(#ext, ctx->have_##ext, extlist, major, minor) VERIFY_EXT(GL_ARB_shader_objects, 2, 0); VERIFY_EXT(GL_ARB_vertex_shader, 2, 0); VERIFY_EXT(GL_ARB_fragment_shader, 2, 0); VERIFY_EXT(GL_ARB_shading_language_100, 2, 0); VERIFY_EXT(GL_NV_half_float, -1, -1); #undef VERIFY_EXT } // load_extensions static int valid_profile(const char *profile) { if (!ctx->have_base_opengl) return 0; #define MUST_HAVE(p, x) \ if (!ctx->have_##x) { set_error(#p " profile needs " #x); return 0; } if (profile == NULL) { set_error("NULL profile"); return 0; } // if #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSL else if (strcmp(profile, MOJOSHADER_PROFILE_GLSL) == 0) { MUST_HAVE(MOJOSHADER_PROFILE_GLSL, GL_ARB_shader_objects); MUST_HAVE(MOJOSHADER_PROFILE_GLSL, GL_ARB_vertex_shader); MUST_HAVE(MOJOSHADER_PROFILE_GLSL, GL_ARB_fragment_shader); MUST_HAVE(MOJOSHADER_PROFILE_GLSL, GL_ARB_shading_language_100); } // else if #endif else { set_error("unknown or unsupported profile"); return 0; } // else #undef MUST_HAVE return 1; } // valid_profile const char *MOJOSHADER_glBestProfile(void *(*lookup)(const char *fnname)) { const char *retval = NULL; MOJOSHADER_glContext _ctx; MOJOSHADER_glContext *current_ctx = ctx; ctx = &_ctx; memset(ctx, '\0', sizeof (MOJOSHADER_glContext)); load_extensions(lookup); if (ctx->have_base_opengl) { static const char *priority[] = { MOJOSHADER_PROFILE_GLSL, }; int i; for (i = 0; i < STATICARRAYLEN(priority); i++) { if (valid_profile(priority[i])) { retval = priority[i]; break; } // if } // for if (retval == NULL) set_error("no profiles available"); } // if ctx = current_ctx; return retval; } // MOJOSHADER_glBestProfile MOJOSHADER_glContext *MOJOSHADER_glCreateContext(const char *profile, void *(*lookup)(const char *fnname), MOJOSHADER_malloc m, MOJOSHADER_free f, void *d) { MOJOSHADER_glContext *retval = NULL; MOJOSHADER_glContext *current_ctx = ctx; ctx = NULL; if (m == NULL) m = internal_malloc; if (f == NULL) f = internal_free; ctx = (MOJOSHADER_glContext *) m(sizeof (MOJOSHADER_glContext), d); if (ctx == NULL) { set_error("out of memory"); goto init_fail; } // if memset(ctx, '\0', sizeof (MOJOSHADER_glContext)); ctx->malloc_fn = m; ctx->free_fn = f; ctx->malloc_data = d; snprintf(ctx->profile, sizeof (ctx->profile), "%s", profile); load_extensions(lookup); if (!valid_profile(profile)) goto init_fail; MOJOSHADER_glBindProgram(NULL); retval = ctx; ctx = current_ctx; return retval; init_fail: if (ctx != NULL) f(ctx, d); ctx = current_ctx; return NULL; } // MOJOSHADER_glCreateContext void MOJOSHADER_glMakeContextCurrent(MOJOSHADER_glContext *_ctx) { ctx = _ctx; } // MOJOSHADER_glMakeContextCurrent int MOJOSHADER_glMaxUniforms(MOJOSHADER_shaderType shader_type) { GLenum pname = GL_NONE; GLint val = 0; if (shader_type == MOJOSHADER_TYPE_VERTEX) pname = GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB; else if (shader_type == MOJOSHADER_TYPE_PIXEL) pname = GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB; else return -1; ctx->glGetIntegerv(pname, &val); return (int) val; } // MOJOSHADER_glMaxUniforms MOJOSHADER_glShader *MOJOSHADER_glCompileShader(const unsigned char *tokenbuf, const unsigned int bufsize) { MOJOSHADER_glShader *retval = NULL; GLhandleARB shader = 0; const MOJOSHADER_parseData *pd = MOJOSHADER_parse(ctx->profile, tokenbuf, bufsize, ctx->malloc_fn, ctx->free_fn, ctx->malloc_data); GLint ok = 0; const GLenum shader_type = (pd->shader_type == MOJOSHADER_TYPE_PIXEL) ? GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER : GL_VERTEX_SHADER; GLint shaderlen = (GLint) pd->output_len; if (pd->error != NULL) { set_error(pd->error); goto compile_shader_fail; } // if retval = (MOJOSHADER_glShader *) Malloc(sizeof (MOJOSHADER_glShader)); if (retval == NULL) goto compile_shader_fail; shader = ctx->glCreateShaderObject(shader_type); ctx->glShaderSource(shader, 1, (const GLchar **) &pd->output, &shaderlen); ctx->glCompileShader(shader); ctx->glGetObjectParameteriv(shader, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &ok); if (!ok) { GLsizei len = 0; ctx->glGetInfoLog(shader, sizeof (error_buffer), &len, (GLchar *) error_buffer); goto compile_shader_fail; } // if retval->parseData = pd; retval->handle = shader; retval->refcount = 1; return retval; compile_shader_fail: MOJOSHADER_freeParseData(pd); Free(retval); if (shader != 0) ctx->glDeleteObject(shader); return NULL; } // MOJOSHADER_glCompileShader const MOJOSHADER_parseData *MOJOSHADER_glGetShaderParseData( MOJOSHADER_glShader *shader) { return (shader != NULL) ? shader->parseData : NULL; } // MOJOSHADER_glGetShaderParseData static void shader_unref(MOJOSHADER_glShader *shader) { if (shader != NULL) { const uint32 refcount = shader->refcount; if (refcount > 1) shader->refcount--; else { ctx->glDeleteObject(shader->handle); MOJOSHADER_freeParseData(shader->parseData); Free(shader); } // else } // if } // shader_unref static void program_unref(MOJOSHADER_glProgram *program) { if (program != NULL) { const uint32 refcount = program->refcount; if (refcount > 1) program->refcount--; else { ctx->glDeleteObject(program->handle); shader_unref(program->vertex); shader_unref(program->fragment); Free(program->constants); Free(program->samplers); Free(program->uniforms); Free(program->attributes); Free(program); } // else } // if } // program_unref static void lookup_uniforms(MOJOSHADER_glProgram *program, MOJOSHADER_glShader *shader) { int i; const MOJOSHADER_parseData *pd = shader->parseData; const MOJOSHADER_uniform *u = pd->uniforms; const MOJOSHADER_shaderType shader_type = pd->shader_type; for (i = 0; i < pd->uniform_count; i++) { const GLint loc = ctx->glGetUniformLocation(program->handle, u[i].name); if (loc != -1) // maybe the Uniform was optimized out? { UniformMap *map = &program->uniforms[program->uniform_count]; map->shader_type = shader_type; map->uniform = &u[i]; map->location = (GLuint) loc; program->uniform_count++; } // if } // for } // lookup_uniforms static void lookup_samplers(MOJOSHADER_glProgram *program, MOJOSHADER_glShader *shader) { int i; const MOJOSHADER_parseData *pd = shader->parseData; const MOJOSHADER_sampler *s = pd->samplers; const MOJOSHADER_shaderType shader_type = pd->shader_type; for (i = 0; i < pd->sampler_count; i++) { const GLint loc = ctx->glGetUniformLocation(program->handle, s[i].name); if (loc != -1) // maybe the Sampler was optimized out? { SamplerMap *map = &program->samplers[program->sampler_count]; map->shader_type = shader_type; map->sampler = &s[i]; map->location = (GLuint) loc; program->sampler_count++; } // if } // for } // lookup_samplers static void lookup_attributes(MOJOSHADER_glProgram *program) { int i; const MOJOSHADER_parseData *pd = program->vertex->parseData; const MOJOSHADER_attribute *a = pd->attributes; for (i = 0; i < pd->attribute_count; i++) { const GLint loc = ctx->glGetAttribLocation(program->handle, a[i].name); if (loc != -1) // maybe the Attribute was optimized out? { AttributeMap *map = &program->attributes[program->attribute_count]; map->attribute = &a[i]; map->location = (GLuint) loc; program->attribute_count++; } // if } // for } // lookup_attributes MOJOSHADER_glProgram *MOJOSHADER_glLinkProgram(MOJOSHADER_glShader *vshader, MOJOSHADER_glShader *pshader) { if ((vshader == NULL) && (pshader == NULL)) return NULL; MOJOSHADER_glProgram *retval = NULL; const GLhandleARB program = ctx->glCreateProgramObject(); int numregs = 0; int consts = 0; if (vshader != NULL) ctx->glAttachObject(program, vshader->handle); if (pshader != NULL) ctx->glAttachObject(program, pshader->handle); ctx->glLinkProgram(program); GLint ok = 0; ctx->glGetObjectParameteriv(program, GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB, &ok); if (!ok) { GLsizei len = 0; ctx->glGetInfoLog(program, sizeof (error_buffer), &len, (GLchar *) error_buffer); goto link_program_fail; } // if retval = (MOJOSHADER_glProgram *) Malloc(sizeof (MOJOSHADER_glProgram)); if (retval == NULL) goto link_program_fail; memset(retval, '\0', sizeof (MOJOSHADER_glProgram)); numregs = 0; if (vshader != NULL) numregs += vshader->parseData->uniform_count; if (pshader != NULL) numregs += pshader->parseData->uniform_count; retval->uniforms = (UniformMap *) Malloc(sizeof (UniformMap) * numregs); if (retval->uniforms == NULL) goto link_program_fail; memset(retval->uniforms, '\0', sizeof (UniformMap) * numregs); numregs = 0; if (vshader != NULL) numregs += vshader->parseData->sampler_count; if (pshader != NULL) numregs += pshader->parseData->sampler_count; retval->samplers = (SamplerMap *) Malloc(sizeof (SamplerMap) * numregs); if (retval->samplers == NULL) goto link_program_fail; memset(retval->samplers, '\0', sizeof (SamplerMap) * numregs); retval->handle = program; retval->vertex = vshader; retval->fragment = pshader; retval->refcount = 1; if (vshader != NULL) { if (consts < vshader->parseData->constant_count) consts = vshader->parseData->constant_count; retval->attributes = (AttributeMap *) Malloc(sizeof (AttributeMap) * vshader->parseData->attribute_count); if (retval->attributes == NULL) goto link_program_fail; lookup_attributes(retval); lookup_uniforms(retval, vshader); lookup_samplers(retval, vshader); vshader->refcount++; } // if if (pshader != NULL) { if (consts < pshader->parseData->constant_count) consts = pshader->parseData->constant_count; lookup_uniforms(retval, pshader); lookup_samplers(retval, vshader); pshader->refcount++; } // if if (consts > 0) { retval->constants = (GLfloat *) Malloc(sizeof (GLfloat) * consts * 4); if (retval->constants == NULL) goto link_program_fail; retval->constant_count = (uint32) consts; } // if return retval; link_program_fail: if (retval != NULL) { Free(retval->constants); Free(retval->samplers); Free(retval->uniforms); Free(retval->attributes); Free(retval); } // if ctx->glDeleteObject(program); return NULL; } // MOJOSHADER_glLinkProgram void MOJOSHADER_glBindProgram(MOJOSHADER_glProgram *program) { GLhandleARB handle = 0; int i; if (program == ctx->bound_program) return; // nothing to do. // Disable any client-side arrays the current program could have used. // !!! FIXME: don't disable yet...see which ones get reused, and disable // !!! FIXME: only what we don't need in MOJOSHADER_glProgramReady(). if (ctx->bound_program != NULL) { const int count = ctx->bound_program->attribute_count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { const AttributeMap *map = &ctx->bound_program->attributes[i]; ctx->glDisableVertexAttribArray(map->location); } // if } // for if (program != NULL) { handle = program->handle; program->refcount++; } // if ctx->glUseProgramObject(handle); program_unref(ctx->bound_program); ctx->bound_program = program; } // MOJOSHADER_glBindProgram static inline uint minuint(const uint a, const uint b) { return ((a < b) ? a : b); } // minuint void MOJOSHADER_glSetVertexShaderUniformF(unsigned int idx, const float *data, unsigned int vec4n) { const uint maxregs = STATICARRAYLEN(ctx->vs_reg_file_f) / 4; if (idx < maxregs) { assert(sizeof (GLfloat) == sizeof (float)); const uint cpy = (minuint(maxregs - idx, vec4n) * sizeof (*data)) * 4; memcpy(ctx->vs_reg_file_f + (idx * 4), data, cpy); } // if } // MOJOSHADER_glSetVertexShaderUniformF void MOJOSHADER_glSetVertexShaderUniformI(unsigned int idx, const int *data, unsigned int ivec4n) { const uint maxregs = STATICARRAYLEN(ctx->vs_reg_file_i) / 4; if (idx < maxregs) { assert(sizeof (GLint) == sizeof (int)); const uint cpy = (minuint(maxregs - idx, ivec4n) * sizeof (*data)) * 4; memcpy(ctx->vs_reg_file_i + (idx * 4), data, cpy); } // if } // MOJOSHADER_glSetVertexShaderUniformI void MOJOSHADER_glSetVertexShaderUniformB(unsigned int idx, const int *data, unsigned int bcount) { const uint maxregs = STATICARRAYLEN(ctx->vs_reg_file_f) / 4; if (idx < maxregs) { GLint *wptr = ctx->vs_reg_file_b + idx; GLint *endptr = wptr + minuint(maxregs - idx, bcount); while (wptr != endptr) *(wptr++) = *(data++) ? 1 : 0; } // if } // MOJOSHADER_glSetVertexShaderUniformB void MOJOSHADER_glSetPixelShaderUniformF(unsigned int idx, const float *data, unsigned int vec4n) { const uint maxregs = STATICARRAYLEN(ctx->ps_reg_file_f) / 4; if (idx < maxregs) { assert(sizeof (GLfloat) == sizeof (float)); const uint cpy = (minuint(maxregs - idx, vec4n) * sizeof (*data)) * 4; memcpy(ctx->ps_reg_file_f + (idx * 4), data, cpy); } // if } // MOJOSHADER_glSetPixelShaderUniformF void MOJOSHADER_glSetPixelShaderUniformI(unsigned int idx, const int *data, unsigned int ivec4n) { const uint maxregs = STATICARRAYLEN(ctx->ps_reg_file_i) / 4; if (idx < maxregs) { assert(sizeof (GLint) == sizeof (int)); const uint cpy = (minuint(maxregs - idx, ivec4n) * sizeof (*data)) * 4; memcpy(ctx->ps_reg_file_i + (idx * 4), data, cpy); } // if } // MOJOSHADER_glSetPixelShaderUniformI void MOJOSHADER_glSetPixelShaderUniformB(unsigned int idx, const int *data, unsigned int bcount) { const uint maxregs = STATICARRAYLEN(ctx->ps_reg_file_f) / 4; if (idx < maxregs) { GLint *wptr = ctx->ps_reg_file_b + idx; GLint *endptr = wptr + minuint(maxregs - idx, bcount); while (wptr != endptr) *(wptr++) = *(data++) ? 1 : 0; } // if } // MOJOSHADER_glSetPixelShaderUniformB void MOJOSHADER_glSetSampler(unsigned int idx, unsigned int unit) { const uint maxregs = STATICARRAYLEN(ctx->sampler_reg_file); if (idx < maxregs) ctx->sampler_reg_file[idx] = (GLuint) unit; } // MOJOSHADER_glSetSampler static inline GLenum opengl_attr_type(const MOJOSHADER_attributeType type) { switch (type) { case MOJOSHADER_ATTRIBUTE_UNKNOWN: return GL_NONE; // oh well. case MOJOSHADER_ATTRIBUTE_BYTE: return GL_BYTE; case MOJOSHADER_ATTRIBUTE_UBYTE: return GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; case MOJOSHADER_ATTRIBUTE_SHORT: return GL_SHORT; case MOJOSHADER_ATTRIBUTE_USHORT: return GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; case MOJOSHADER_ATTRIBUTE_INT: return GL_INT; case MOJOSHADER_ATTRIBUTE_UINT: return GL_UNSIGNED_INT; case MOJOSHADER_ATTRIBUTE_FLOAT: return GL_FLOAT; case MOJOSHADER_ATTRIBUTE_DOUBLE: return GL_DOUBLE; case MOJOSHADER_ATTRIBUTE_HALF_FLOAT: if (ctx->have_GL_NV_half_float) return GL_HALF_FLOAT_NV; break; } // switch return GL_NONE; // oh well. Raises a GL error later. } // opengl_attr_type // !!! FIXME: shouldn't (index) be unsigned? void MOJOSHADER_glSetVertexAttribute(MOJOSHADER_usage usage, int index, unsigned int size, MOJOSHADER_attributeType type, int normalized, unsigned int stride, const void *ptr) { if ((ctx->bound_program == NULL) || (ctx->bound_program->vertex == NULL)) return; const GLenum gl_type = opengl_attr_type(type); const GLboolean norm = (normalized) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; GLuint gl_index = 0; // We have to map POSITION0 to generic vertex attribute 0; the // GL_ARB_vertex_shader spec says this is equivalent to using // glVertexPointer(), but without the limitations of that entry point. if ((usage != MOJOSHADER_USAGE_POSITION) || (index != 0)) { int i; const int count = ctx->bound_program->attribute_count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { const AttributeMap *map = &ctx->bound_program->attributes[i]; const MOJOSHADER_attribute *a = map->attribute; // !!! FIXME: is this array guaranteed to be sorted by usage? // !!! FIXME: if so, we can break if a->usage > usage. if ((a->usage == usage) && (a->index == index)) { gl_index = map->location; break; } // if } // for if (gl_index == 0) return; // nothing to do, this shader doesn't use this stream. } // if ctx->glVertexAttribPointer(gl_index, size, gl_type, norm, stride, ptr); ctx->glEnableVertexAttribArray(gl_index); } // MOJOSHADER_glSetVertexAttribute void MOJOSHADER_glProgramReady(void) { int i; int count; if (ctx->bound_program == NULL) return; // nothing to do. // !!! FIXME: don't push Uniforms/Samplers if they haven't changed. // push Uniforms to the program from our register files... count = ctx->bound_program->uniform_count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { const UniformMap *map = &ctx->bound_program->uniforms[i]; const MOJOSHADER_uniform *u = map->uniform; const MOJOSHADER_uniformType type = u->type; const MOJOSHADER_shaderType shader_type = map->shader_type; const int index = u->index; const int size = u->array_count; const GLint location = map->location; // only use arrays for 'c' registers. assert((size == 0) || (type == MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_FLOAT)); if (size != 0) // !!! FIXME: this code sucks. { // !!! FIXME: calculate this all at link time. if (shader_type == MOJOSHADER_TYPE_VERTEX) { const MOJOSHADER_constant *c = ctx->bound_program->vertex->parseData->constants; int hi = ctx->bound_program->vertex->parseData->constant_count; int j; GLfloat *ptr = ctx->bound_program->constants; for (j = 0; j < hi; j++) { if (c[j].type != MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_FLOAT) continue; const int idx = c[j].index; if ( (idx >= index) && (idx < (index + size)) ) { memcpy(ptr, &ctx->vs_reg_file_f[idx * 4], 16); // !!! FIXME: 16 memcpy(&ctx->vs_reg_file_f[idx * 4], &c->value.f, 16); // !!! FIXME: 16 ptr += 4; } // if } // for ctx->glUniform4fv(location, size, &ctx->vs_reg_file_f[index * 4]); ptr = ctx->bound_program->constants; for (j = 0; j < hi; j++) { if (c[j].type != MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_FLOAT) continue; const int idx = c[j].index; if ( (idx >= index) && (idx < (index + size)) ) { memcpy(&ctx->vs_reg_file_f[idx * 4], ptr, 16); // !!! FIXME: 16 ptr += 4; } // if } // for } // if else if (shader_type == MOJOSHADER_TYPE_PIXEL) { const MOJOSHADER_constant *c = ctx->bound_program->fragment->parseData->constants; int hi = ctx->bound_program->fragment->parseData->constant_count; int j; GLfloat *ptr = ctx->bound_program->constants; for (j = 0; j < hi; j++) { if (c[j].type != MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_FLOAT) continue; const int idx = c[j].index; if ( (idx >= index) && (idx < (index + size)) ) { memcpy(ptr, &ctx->ps_reg_file_f[idx * 4], 16); // !!! FIXME: 16 memcpy(&ctx->ps_reg_file_f[idx * 4], &c->value.f, 16); // !!! FIXME: 16 ptr += 4; } // if } // for ctx->glUniform4fv(location, size, &ctx->ps_reg_file_f[index * 4]); ptr = ctx->bound_program->constants; for (j = 0; j < hi; j++) { if (c[j].type != MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_FLOAT) continue; const int idx = c[j].index; if ( (idx >= index) && (idx < (index + size)) ) { memcpy(&ctx->ps_reg_file_f[idx * 4], ptr, 16); // !!! FIXME: 16 ptr += 4; } // if } // for } // else if } // if else if (shader_type == MOJOSHADER_TYPE_VERTEX) { if (type == MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_FLOAT) ctx->glUniform4fv(location, 1, &ctx->vs_reg_file_f[index * 4]); else if (type == MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_INT) ctx->glUniform4iv(location, 1, &ctx->vs_reg_file_i[index * 4]); else if (type == MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_BOOL) ctx->glUniform1i(location, ctx->vs_reg_file_b[index]); } // if else if (shader_type == MOJOSHADER_TYPE_PIXEL) { if (type == MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_FLOAT) ctx->glUniform4fv(location, 1, &ctx->ps_reg_file_f[index * 4]); else if (type == MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_INT) ctx->glUniform4iv(location, 1, &ctx->ps_reg_file_i[index * 4]); else if (type == MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_BOOL) ctx->glUniform1i(location, ctx->ps_reg_file_b[index]); } // else if } // for // push Samplers to the program from our register files... count = ctx->bound_program->sampler_count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { const SamplerMap *map = &ctx->bound_program->samplers[i]; const MOJOSHADER_sampler *s = map->sampler; ctx->glUniform1i(map->location, ctx->sampler_reg_file[s->index]); } // for } // MOJOSHADER_glProgramReady void MOJOSHADER_glDeleteProgram(MOJOSHADER_glProgram *program) { program_unref(program); } // MOJOSHADER_glDeleteProgram void MOJOSHADER_glDeleteShader(MOJOSHADER_glShader *shader) { shader_unref(shader); } // MOJOSHADER_glDeleteShader void MOJOSHADER_glDestroyContext(MOJOSHADER_glContext *_ctx) { MOJOSHADER_glContext *current_ctx = ctx; ctx = _ctx; MOJOSHADER_glBindProgram(NULL); lookup_entry_points(NULL); Free(ctx); ctx = ((current_ctx == _ctx) ? NULL : current_ctx); } // MOJOSHADER_glDestroyContext // end of mojoshader_opengl.c ...