/** * MojoShader; generate shader programs from bytecode of compiled * Direct3D shaders. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #define __MOJOSHADER_INTERNAL__ 1 #include "mojoshader_profile.h" #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden) #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSL #define EMIT_GLSL_OPCODE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC(op) \ void emit_GLSL_##op(Context *ctx) { \ fail(ctx, #op " unimplemented in glsl profile"); \ } static inline const char *get_GLSL_register_string(Context *ctx, const RegisterType regtype, const int regnum, char *regnum_str, const size_t regnum_size) { // turns out these are identical at the moment. return get_D3D_register_string(ctx,regtype,regnum,regnum_str,regnum_size); } // get_GLSL_register_string const char *get_GLSL_uniform_type(Context *ctx, const RegisterType rtype) { switch (rtype) { case REG_TYPE_CONST: return "vec4"; case REG_TYPE_CONSTINT: return "ivec4"; case REG_TYPE_CONSTBOOL: return "bool"; default: fail(ctx, "BUG: used a uniform we don't know how to define."); } // switch return NULL; } // get_GLSL_uniform_type const char *get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(Context *ctx, RegisterType rt, int regnum, char *buf, const size_t len) { char regnum_str[16]; const char *regtype_str = get_GLSL_register_string(ctx, rt, regnum, regnum_str, sizeof (regnum_str)); snprintf(buf,len,"%s_%s%s", ctx->shader_type_str, regtype_str, regnum_str); return buf; } // get_GLSL_varname_in_buf const char *get_GLSL_varname(Context *ctx, RegisterType rt, int regnum) { char buf[64]; get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, rt, regnum, buf, sizeof (buf)); return StrDup(ctx, buf); } // get_GLSL_varname static inline const char *get_GLSL_const_array_varname_in_buf(Context *ctx, const int base, const int size, char *buf, const size_t buflen) { const char *type = ctx->shader_type_str; snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s_const_array_%d_%d", type, base, size); return buf; } // get_GLSL_const_array_varname_in_buf const char *get_GLSL_const_array_varname(Context *ctx, int base, int size) { char buf[64]; get_GLSL_const_array_varname_in_buf(ctx, base, size, buf, sizeof (buf)); return StrDup(ctx, buf); } // get_GLSL_const_array_varname static inline const char *get_GLSL_input_array_varname(Context *ctx, char *buf, const size_t buflen) { snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", "vertex_input_array"); return buf; } // get_GLSL_input_array_varname const char *get_GLSL_uniform_array_varname(Context *ctx, const RegisterType regtype, char *buf, const size_t len) { const char *shadertype = ctx->shader_type_str; const char *type = get_GLSL_uniform_type(ctx, regtype); snprintf(buf, len, "%s_uniforms_%s", shadertype, type); return buf; } // get_GLSL_uniform_array_varname const char *get_GLSL_destarg_varname(Context *ctx, char *buf, size_t len) { const DestArgInfo *arg = &ctx->dest_arg; return get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, arg->regtype, arg->regnum, buf, len); } // get_GLSL_destarg_varname const char *get_GLSL_srcarg_varname(Context *ctx, const size_t idx, char *buf, size_t len) { if (idx >= STATICARRAYLEN(ctx->source_args)) { fail(ctx, "Too many source args"); *buf = '\0'; return buf; } // if const SourceArgInfo *arg = &ctx->source_args[idx]; return get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, arg->regtype, arg->regnum, buf, len); } // get_GLSL_srcarg_varname const char *make_GLSL_destarg_assign(Context *, char *, const size_t, const char *, ...) ISPRINTF(4,5); const char *make_GLSL_destarg_assign(Context *ctx, char *buf, const size_t buflen, const char *fmt, ...) { int need_parens = 0; const DestArgInfo *arg = &ctx->dest_arg; if (arg->writemask == 0) { *buf = '\0'; return buf; // no writemask? It's a no-op. } // if char clampbuf[32] = { '\0' }; const char *clampleft = ""; const char *clampright = ""; if (arg->result_mod & MOD_SATURATE) { const int vecsize = vecsize_from_writemask(arg->writemask); clampleft = "clamp("; if (vecsize == 1) clampright = ", 0.0, 1.0)"; else { snprintf(clampbuf, sizeof (clampbuf), ", vec%d(0.0), vec%d(1.0))", vecsize, vecsize); clampright = clampbuf; } // else } // if // MSDN says MOD_PP is a hint and many implementations ignore it. So do we. // CENTROID only allowed in DCL opcodes, which shouldn't come through here. assert((arg->result_mod & MOD_CENTROID) == 0); if (ctx->predicated) { fail(ctx, "predicated destinations unsupported"); // !!! FIXME *buf = '\0'; return buf; } // if char operation[256]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); const int len = vsnprintf(operation, sizeof (operation), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (len >= sizeof (operation)) { fail(ctx, "operation string too large"); // I'm lazy. :P *buf = '\0'; return buf; } // if const char *result_shift_str = ""; switch (arg->result_shift) { case 0x1: result_shift_str = " * 2.0"; break; case 0x2: result_shift_str = " * 4.0"; break; case 0x3: result_shift_str = " * 8.0"; break; case 0xD: result_shift_str = " / 8.0"; break; case 0xE: result_shift_str = " / 4.0"; break; case 0xF: result_shift_str = " / 2.0"; break; } // switch need_parens |= (result_shift_str[0] != '\0'); char regnum_str[16]; const char *regtype_str = get_GLSL_register_string(ctx, arg->regtype, arg->regnum, regnum_str, sizeof (regnum_str)); char writemask_str[6]; size_t i = 0; const int scalar = isscalar(ctx, ctx->shader_type, arg->regtype, arg->regnum); if (!scalar && !writemask_xyzw(arg->writemask)) { writemask_str[i++] = '.'; if (arg->writemask0) writemask_str[i++] = 'x'; if (arg->writemask1) writemask_str[i++] = 'y'; if (arg->writemask2) writemask_str[i++] = 'z'; if (arg->writemask3) writemask_str[i++] = 'w'; } // if writemask_str[i] = '\0'; assert(i < sizeof (writemask_str)); const char *leftparen = (need_parens) ? "(" : ""; const char *rightparen = (need_parens) ? ")" : ""; snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s_%s%s%s = %s%s%s%s%s%s;", ctx->shader_type_str, regtype_str, regnum_str, writemask_str, clampleft, leftparen, operation, rightparen, result_shift_str, clampright); // !!! FIXME: make sure the scratch buffer was large enough. return buf; } // make_GLSL_destarg_assign char *make_GLSL_swizzle_string(char *swiz_str, const size_t strsize, const int swizzle, const int writemask) { size_t i = 0; if ( (!no_swizzle(swizzle)) || (!writemask_xyzw(writemask)) ) { const int writemask0 = (writemask >> 0) & 0x1; const int writemask1 = (writemask >> 1) & 0x1; const int writemask2 = (writemask >> 2) & 0x1; const int writemask3 = (writemask >> 3) & 0x1; const int swizzle_x = (swizzle >> 0) & 0x3; const int swizzle_y = (swizzle >> 2) & 0x3; const int swizzle_z = (swizzle >> 4) & 0x3; const int swizzle_w = (swizzle >> 6) & 0x3; swiz_str[i++] = '.'; if (writemask0) swiz_str[i++] = swizzle_channels[swizzle_x]; if (writemask1) swiz_str[i++] = swizzle_channels[swizzle_y]; if (writemask2) swiz_str[i++] = swizzle_channels[swizzle_z]; if (writemask3) swiz_str[i++] = swizzle_channels[swizzle_w]; } // if assert(i < strsize); swiz_str[i] = '\0'; return swiz_str; } // make_GLSL_swizzle_string const char *make_GLSL_srcarg_string(Context *ctx, const size_t idx, const int writemask, char *buf, const size_t buflen) { *buf = '\0'; if (idx >= STATICARRAYLEN(ctx->source_args)) { fail(ctx, "Too many source args"); return buf; } // if const SourceArgInfo *arg = &ctx->source_args[idx]; const char *premod_str = ""; const char *postmod_str = ""; switch (arg->src_mod) { case SRCMOD_NEGATE: premod_str = "-"; break; case SRCMOD_BIASNEGATE: premod_str = "-("; postmod_str = " - 0.5)"; break; case SRCMOD_BIAS: premod_str = "("; postmod_str = " - 0.5)"; break; case SRCMOD_SIGNNEGATE: premod_str = "-(("; postmod_str = " - 0.5) * 2.0)"; break; case SRCMOD_SIGN: premod_str = "(("; postmod_str = " - 0.5) * 2.0)"; break; case SRCMOD_COMPLEMENT: premod_str = "(1.0 - "; postmod_str = ")"; break; case SRCMOD_X2NEGATE: premod_str = "-("; postmod_str = " * 2.0)"; break; case SRCMOD_X2: premod_str = "("; postmod_str = " * 2.0)"; break; case SRCMOD_DZ: fail(ctx, "SRCMOD_DZ unsupported"); return buf; // !!! FIXME postmod_str = "_dz"; break; case SRCMOD_DW: fail(ctx, "SRCMOD_DW unsupported"); return buf; // !!! FIXME postmod_str = "_dw"; break; case SRCMOD_ABSNEGATE: premod_str = "-abs("; postmod_str = ")"; break; case SRCMOD_ABS: premod_str = "abs("; postmod_str = ")"; break; case SRCMOD_NOT: premod_str = "!"; break; case SRCMOD_NONE: case SRCMOD_TOTAL: break; // stop compiler whining. } // switch const char *regtype_str = NULL; if (!arg->relative) { regtype_str = get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, arg->regtype, arg->regnum, (char *) alloca(64), 64); } // if const char *rel_lbracket = ""; char rel_offset[32] = { '\0' }; const char *rel_rbracket = ""; char rel_swizzle[4] = { '\0' }; const char *rel_regtype_str = ""; if (arg->relative) { if (arg->regtype == REG_TYPE_INPUT) regtype_str=get_GLSL_input_array_varname(ctx,(char*)alloca(64),64); else { assert(arg->regtype == REG_TYPE_CONST); const int arrayidx = arg->relative_array->index; const int offset = arg->regnum - arrayidx; assert(offset >= 0); if (arg->relative_array->constant) { const int arraysize = arg->relative_array->count; regtype_str = get_GLSL_const_array_varname_in_buf(ctx, arrayidx, arraysize, (char *) alloca(64), 64); if (offset != 0) snprintf(rel_offset, sizeof (rel_offset), "%d + ", offset); } // if else { regtype_str = get_GLSL_uniform_array_varname(ctx, arg->regtype, (char *) alloca(64), 64); if (offset == 0) { snprintf(rel_offset, sizeof (rel_offset), "ARRAYBASE_%d + ", arrayidx); } // if else { snprintf(rel_offset, sizeof (rel_offset), "(ARRAYBASE_%d + %d) + ", arrayidx, offset); } // else } // else } // else rel_lbracket = "["; if (arg->relative_regtype == REG_TYPE_LOOP) { rel_regtype_str = "aL"; rel_swizzle[0] = '\0'; rel_swizzle[1] = '\0'; rel_swizzle[2] = '\0'; } // if else { rel_regtype_str = get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, arg->relative_regtype, arg->relative_regnum, (char *) alloca(64), 64); rel_swizzle[0] = '.'; rel_swizzle[1] = swizzle_channels[arg->relative_component]; rel_swizzle[2] = '\0'; } // else rel_rbracket = "]"; } // if char swiz_str[6] = { '\0' }; if (!isscalar(ctx, ctx->shader_type, arg->regtype, arg->regnum)) { make_GLSL_swizzle_string(swiz_str, sizeof (swiz_str), arg->swizzle, writemask); } // if if (regtype_str == NULL) { fail(ctx, "Unknown source register type."); return buf; } // if snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", premod_str, regtype_str, rel_lbracket, rel_offset, rel_regtype_str, rel_swizzle, rel_rbracket, swiz_str, postmod_str); // !!! FIXME: make sure the scratch buffer was large enough. return buf; } // make_GLSL_srcarg_string // generate some convenience functions. #define MAKE_GLSL_SRCARG_STRING_(mask, bitmask) \ static inline const char *make_GLSL_srcarg_string_##mask(Context *ctx, \ const size_t idx, char *buf, \ const size_t buflen) { \ return make_GLSL_srcarg_string(ctx, idx, bitmask, buf, buflen); \ } MAKE_GLSL_SRCARG_STRING_(x, (1 << 0)) MAKE_GLSL_SRCARG_STRING_(y, (1 << 1)) MAKE_GLSL_SRCARG_STRING_(z, (1 << 2)) MAKE_GLSL_SRCARG_STRING_(w, (1 << 3)) MAKE_GLSL_SRCARG_STRING_(scalar, (1 << 0)) MAKE_GLSL_SRCARG_STRING_(full, 0xF) MAKE_GLSL_SRCARG_STRING_(masked, ctx->dest_arg.writemask) MAKE_GLSL_SRCARG_STRING_(vec3, 0x7) MAKE_GLSL_SRCARG_STRING_(vec2, 0x3) #undef MAKE_GLSL_SRCARG_STRING_ // special cases for comparison opcodes... const char *get_GLSL_comparison_string_scalar(Context *ctx) { const char *comps[] = { "", ">", "==", ">=", "<", "!=", "<=" }; if (ctx->instruction_controls >= STATICARRAYLEN(comps)) { fail(ctx, "unknown comparison control"); return ""; } // if return comps[ctx->instruction_controls]; } // get_GLSL_comparison_string_scalar const char *get_GLSL_comparison_string_vector(Context *ctx) { const char *comps[] = { "", "greaterThan", "equal", "greaterThanEqual", "lessThan", "notEqual", "lessThanEqual" }; if (ctx->instruction_controls >= STATICARRAYLEN(comps)) { fail(ctx, "unknown comparison control"); return ""; } // if return comps[ctx->instruction_controls]; } // get_GLSL_comparison_string_vector // special extensions needed for texldd/texldl... static void prepend_glsl_texlod_extensions(Context *ctx) { // !!! FIXME: // GLSL 1.30 introduced textureGrad() for this, but it looks like the // functions are overloaded instead of texture2DGrad() (etc). // !!! FIXME: // The spec says we can't use GLSL's texture*Lod() built-ins from fragment // shaders for some inexplicable reason. // For now, you'll just have to suffer with the potentially wrong mipmap // until I can figure something out. // ARB_shader_texture_lod and EXT_gpu_shader4 added texture2DLod/Grad*(), // so we'll use them if available. Failing that, we'll just fallback // to a regular texture2D call and hope the mipmap it chooses is close // enough. if (!ctx->glsl_generated_texlod_setup && !support_glsles3(ctx)) { ctx->glsl_generated_texlod_setup = 1; push_output(ctx, &ctx->preflight); output_line(ctx, "#if GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod"); output_line(ctx, "#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : enable"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture2DGrad texture2DGradARB"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture2DProjGrad texture2DProjARB"); output_line(ctx, "#elif GL_EXT_gpu_shader4"); output_line(ctx, "#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable"); output_line(ctx, "#else"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture2DGrad(a,b,c,d) texture2D(a,b)"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture2DProjGrad(a,b,c,d) texture2DProj(a,b)"); if (shader_is_pixel(ctx)) output_line(ctx, "#define texture2DLod(a,b,c) texture2D(a,b)"); output_line(ctx, "#endif"); output_blank_line(ctx); pop_output(ctx); } // if } // prepend_glsl_texlod_extensions void emit_GLSL_start(Context *ctx, const char *profilestr) { if (!shader_is_vertex(ctx) && !shader_is_pixel(ctx)) { failf(ctx, "Shader type %u unsupported in this profile.", (uint) ctx->shader_type); return; } // if else if (strcmp(profilestr, MOJOSHADER_PROFILE_GLSL) == 0) { // No gl_FragData[] before GLSL 1.10, so we have to force the version. push_output(ctx, &ctx->preflight); output_line(ctx, "#version 110"); pop_output(ctx); } // else if #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSL120 else if (strcmp(profilestr, MOJOSHADER_PROFILE_GLSL120) == 0) { ctx->profile_supports_glsl120 = 1; push_output(ctx, &ctx->preflight); output_line(ctx, "#version 120"); pop_output(ctx); } // else if #endif #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSLES3 else if (strcmp(profilestr, MOJOSHADER_PROFILE_GLSLES3) == 0) { ctx->profile_supports_glsles3 = 1; push_output(ctx, &ctx->preflight); output_line(ctx, "#version 300 es"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture2D texture"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture2DLod textureLod"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture2DProj textureProj"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture2DGrad textureGrad"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture2DProjGrad textureProjGrad"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture3D texture"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture3DLod textureLod"); output_line(ctx, "#define textureCube texture"); output_line(ctx, "#define textureCubeLod textureLod"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture2DRect texture"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture2DRectProj textureProj"); output_line(ctx, "#define texture2DRectLod textureLod"); if (shader_is_vertex(ctx)) output_line(ctx, "precision highp float;"); else output_line(ctx, "precision mediump float;"); output_line(ctx, "precision mediump int;"); pop_output(ctx); } // else if #endif #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSLES else if (strcmp(profilestr, MOJOSHADER_PROFILE_GLSLES) == 0) { ctx->profile_supports_glsles = 1; push_output(ctx, &ctx->preflight); output_line(ctx, "#version 100"); if (shader_is_vertex(ctx)) output_line(ctx, "precision highp float;"); else output_line(ctx, "precision mediump float;"); output_line(ctx, "precision mediump int;"); pop_output(ctx); } // else if #endif else { failf(ctx, "Profile '%s' unsupported or unknown.", profilestr); return; } // else push_output(ctx, &ctx->mainline_intro); output_line(ctx, "void main()"); output_line(ctx, "{"); pop_output(ctx); set_output(ctx, &ctx->mainline); ctx->indent++; } // emit_GLSL_start void emit_GLSL_RET(Context *ctx); void emit_GLSL_end(Context *ctx) { // ps_1_* writes color to r0 instead oC0. We move it to the right place. // We don't have to worry about a RET opcode messing this up, since // RET isn't available before ps_2_0. if (shader_is_pixel(ctx) && !shader_version_atleast(ctx, 2, 0)) { const char *shstr = ctx->shader_type_str; set_used_register(ctx, REG_TYPE_COLOROUT, 0, 1); output_line(ctx, "%s_oC0 = %s_r0;", shstr, shstr); } // if else if (shader_is_vertex(ctx)) { #ifdef MOJOSHADER_FLIP_RENDERTARGET output_line(ctx, "gl_Position.y = gl_Position.y * vpFlip;"); #endif #ifdef MOJOSHADER_DEPTH_CLIPPING output_line(ctx, "gl_Position.z = gl_Position.z * 2.0 - gl_Position.w;"); #endif } // else if // force a RET opcode if we're at the end of the stream without one. if (ctx->previous_opcode != OPCODE_RET) emit_GLSL_RET(ctx); } // emit_GLSL_end void emit_GLSL_phase(Context *ctx) { // no-op in GLSL. } // emit_GLSL_phase void output_GLSL_uniform_array(Context *ctx, const RegisterType regtype, const int size) { if (size > 0) { char buf[64]; get_GLSL_uniform_array_varname(ctx, regtype, buf, sizeof (buf)); const char *typ; switch (regtype) { case REG_TYPE_CONST: typ = "vec4"; break; case REG_TYPE_CONSTINT: typ ="ivec4"; break; case REG_TYPE_CONSTBOOL: typ = "bool"; break; default: { fail(ctx, "BUG: used a uniform we don't know how to define."); return; } // default } // switch output_line(ctx, "uniform %s %s[%d];", typ, buf, size); } // if } // output_GLSL_uniform_array void emit_GLSL_finalize(Context *ctx) { // throw some blank lines around to make source more readable. push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); output_blank_line(ctx); pop_output(ctx); // If we had a relative addressing of REG_TYPE_INPUT, we need to build // an array for it at the start of main(). GLSL doesn't let you specify // arrays of attributes. //vec4 blah_array[BIGGEST_ARRAY]; if (ctx->have_relative_input_registers) // !!! FIXME fail(ctx, "Relative addressing of input registers not supported."); push_output(ctx, &ctx->preflight); output_GLSL_uniform_array(ctx, REG_TYPE_CONST, ctx->uniform_float4_count); output_GLSL_uniform_array(ctx, REG_TYPE_CONSTINT, ctx->uniform_int4_count); output_GLSL_uniform_array(ctx, REG_TYPE_CONSTBOOL, ctx->uniform_bool_count); #ifdef MOJOSHADER_FLIP_RENDERTARGET if (shader_is_vertex(ctx)) output_line(ctx, "uniform float vpFlip;"); #endif if (ctx->need_max_float) output_line(ctx, "const float FLT_MAX = 1e38;"); pop_output(ctx); } // emit_GLSL_finalize void emit_GLSL_global(Context *ctx, RegisterType regtype, int regnum) { char varname[64]; get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, regtype, regnum, varname, sizeof (varname)); push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); switch (regtype) { case REG_TYPE_ADDRESS: if (shader_is_vertex(ctx)) output_line(ctx, "ivec4 %s;", varname); else if (shader_is_pixel(ctx)) // actually REG_TYPE_TEXTURE. { // We have to map texture registers to temps for ps_1_1, since // they work like temps, initialize with tex coords, and the // ps_1_1 TEX opcode expects to overwrite it. if (!shader_version_atleast(ctx, 1, 4)) { // GLSL ES does not have gl_TexCoord! // Also, gl_TexCoord[4+] is unreliable! #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSLES const int skipGLTexCoord = support_glsles(ctx) || (regnum >= 4); #else const int skipGLTexCoord = (regnum >= 4); #endif if (skipGLTexCoord) output_line(ctx, "vec4 %s = io_%i_%i;", varname, MOJOSHADER_USAGE_TEXCOORD, regnum); else output_line(ctx, "vec4 %s = gl_TexCoord[%d];", varname, regnum); } // if } // else if break; case REG_TYPE_PREDICATE: output_line(ctx, "bvec4 %s;", varname); break; case REG_TYPE_TEMP: output_line(ctx, "vec4 %s;", varname); break; case REG_TYPE_LOOP: break; // no-op. We declare these in for loops at the moment. case REG_TYPE_LABEL: break; // no-op. If we see it here, it means we optimized it out. default: fail(ctx, "BUG: we used a register we don't know how to define."); break; } // switch pop_output(ctx); } // emit_GLSL_global void emit_GLSL_array(Context *ctx, VariableList *var) { // All uniforms (except constant arrays, which only get pushed once at // compile time) are now packed into a single array, so we can batch // the uniform transfers. So this doesn't actually define an array // here; the one, big array is emitted during finalization instead. // However, we need to #define the offset into the one, big array here, // and let dereferences use that #define. const int base = var->index; const int glslbase = ctx->uniform_float4_count; push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); output_line(ctx, "#define ARRAYBASE_%d %d", base, glslbase); pop_output(ctx); var->emit_position = glslbase; } // emit_GLSL_array void emit_GLSL_const_array(Context *ctx, const ConstantsList *clist, int base, int size) { char varname[64]; get_GLSL_const_array_varname_in_buf(ctx,base,size,varname,sizeof(varname)); #if 0 // !!! FIXME: fails on Nvidia's and Apple's GL, even with #version 120. // !!! FIXME: (the 1.20 spec says it should work, though, I think...) if (support_glsl120(ctx)) { // GLSL 1.20 can do constant arrays. const char *cstr = NULL; push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); output_line(ctx, "const vec4 %s[%d] = vec4[%d](", varname, size, size); ctx->indent++; int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { while (clist->constant.type != MOJOSHADER_UNIFORM_FLOAT) clist = clist->next; assert(clist->constant.index == (base + i)); char val0[32]; char val1[32]; char val2[32]; char val3[32]; floatstr(ctx, val0, sizeof (val0), clist->constant.value.f[0], 1); floatstr(ctx, val1, sizeof (val1), clist->constant.value.f[1], 1); floatstr(ctx, val2, sizeof (val2), clist->constant.value.f[2], 1); floatstr(ctx, val3, sizeof (val3), clist->constant.value.f[3], 1); output_line(ctx, "vec4(%s, %s, %s, %s)%s", val0, val1, val2, val3, (i < (size-1)) ? "," : ""); clist = clist->next; } // for ctx->indent--; output_line(ctx, ");"); pop_output(ctx); } // if else #endif { // stock GLSL 1.0 can't do constant arrays, so make a uniform array // and have the OpenGL glue assign it at link time. Lame! push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); output_line(ctx, "uniform vec4 %s[%d];", varname, size); pop_output(ctx); } // else } // emit_GLSL_const_array void emit_GLSL_uniform(Context *ctx, RegisterType regtype, int regnum, const VariableList *var) { // Now that we're pushing all the uniforms as one big array, pack these // down, so if we only use register c439, it'll actually map to // glsl_uniforms_vec4[0]. As we push one big array, this will prevent // uploading unused data. char varname[64]; char name[64]; int index = 0; get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, regtype, regnum, varname, sizeof (varname)); push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); if (var == NULL) { get_GLSL_uniform_array_varname(ctx, regtype, name, sizeof (name)); if (regtype == REG_TYPE_CONST) index = ctx->uniform_float4_count; else if (regtype == REG_TYPE_CONSTINT) index = ctx->uniform_int4_count; else if (regtype == REG_TYPE_CONSTBOOL) index = ctx->uniform_bool_count; else // get_GLSL_uniform_array_varname() would have called fail(). assert(!(ctx->isfail)); output_line(ctx, "#define %s %s[%d]", varname, name, index); } // if else { const int arraybase = var->index; if (var->constant) { get_GLSL_const_array_varname_in_buf(ctx, arraybase, var->count, name, sizeof (name)); index = (regnum - arraybase); } // if else { assert(var->emit_position != -1); get_GLSL_uniform_array_varname(ctx, regtype, name, sizeof (name)); index = (regnum - arraybase) + var->emit_position; } // else output_line(ctx, "#define %s %s[%d]", varname, name, index); } // else pop_output(ctx); } // emit_GLSL_uniform void emit_GLSL_sampler(Context *ctx,int stage,TextureType ttype,int tb) { const char *type = ""; switch (ttype) { case TEXTURE_TYPE_2D: type = "sampler2D"; break; case TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE: type = "samplerCube"; break; case TEXTURE_TYPE_VOLUME: type = "sampler3D"; break; default: fail(ctx, "BUG: used a sampler we don't know how to define."); } // switch char var[64]; get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, stage, var, sizeof (var)); push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); output_line(ctx, "uniform %s %s;", type, var); if (tb) // This sampler used a ps_1_1 TEXBEM opcode? { char name[64]; const int index = ctx->uniform_float4_count; ctx->uniform_float4_count += 2; get_GLSL_uniform_array_varname(ctx, REG_TYPE_CONST, name, sizeof (name)); output_line(ctx, "#define %s_texbem %s[%d]", var, name, index); output_line(ctx, "#define %s_texbeml %s[%d]", var, name, index+1); } // if pop_output(ctx); } // emit_GLSL_sampler void emit_GLSL_attribute(Context *ctx, RegisterType regtype, int regnum, MOJOSHADER_usage usage, int index, int wmask, int flags) { // !!! FIXME: this function doesn't deal with write masks at all yet! const char *qualifier_in; const char *qualifier_out; const char *usage_str = NULL; const char *arrayleft = ""; const char *arrayright = ""; char index_str[16] = { '\0' }; char var[64]; get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, regtype, regnum, var, sizeof (var)); //assert((flags & MOD_PP) == 0); // !!! FIXME: is PP allowed? if (index != 0) // !!! FIXME: a lot of these MUST be zero. snprintf(index_str, sizeof (index_str), "%u", (uint) index); if (shader_is_vertex(ctx)) { if (support_glsles3(ctx)) { qualifier_in = "in"; qualifier_out = "out"; } else { qualifier_in = "attribute"; qualifier_out = "varying"; } // pre-vs3 output registers. // these don't ever happen in DCL opcodes, I think. Map to vs_3_* // output registers. if (!shader_version_atleast(ctx, 3, 0)) { if (regtype == REG_TYPE_RASTOUT) { regtype = REG_TYPE_OUTPUT; index = regnum; switch ((const RastOutType) regnum) { case RASTOUT_TYPE_POSITION: usage = MOJOSHADER_USAGE_POSITION; break; case RASTOUT_TYPE_FOG: usage = MOJOSHADER_USAGE_FOG; break; case RASTOUT_TYPE_POINT_SIZE: usage = MOJOSHADER_USAGE_POINTSIZE; break; } // switch } // if else if (regtype == REG_TYPE_ATTROUT) { regtype = REG_TYPE_OUTPUT; usage = MOJOSHADER_USAGE_COLOR; index = regnum; } // else if else if (regtype == REG_TYPE_TEXCRDOUT) { regtype = REG_TYPE_OUTPUT; usage = MOJOSHADER_USAGE_TEXCOORD; index = regnum; } // else if } // if // to avoid limitations of various GL entry points for input // attributes (glSecondaryColorPointer() can only take 3 component // items, glVertexPointer() can't do GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, many other // issues), we set up all inputs as generic vertex attributes, so we // can pass data in just about any form, and ignore the built-in GLSL // attributes like gl_SecondaryColor. Output needs to use the the // built-ins, though, but we don't have to worry about the GL entry // point limitations there. if (regtype == REG_TYPE_INPUT) { push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); output_line(ctx, "%s vec4 %s;", qualifier_in, var); pop_output(ctx); } // if else if (regtype == REG_TYPE_OUTPUT) { switch (usage) { case MOJOSHADER_USAGE_POSITION: if (index == 0) { usage_str = "gl_Position"; } // if break; case MOJOSHADER_USAGE_POINTSIZE: if (index == 0) { usage_str = "gl_PointSize"; } // if else { push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSLES if (support_glsles(ctx)) output_line(ctx, "%s highp float io_%i_%i;", qualifier_out, usage, index); else #endif output_line(ctx, "varying float io_%i_%i;", usage, index); output_line(ctx, "#define %s io_%i_%i", var, usage, index); pop_output(ctx); return; } break; case MOJOSHADER_USAGE_COLOR: #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSLES if (support_glsles(ctx)) break; // GLSL ES does not have gl_FrontColor #endif index_str[0] = '\0'; // no explicit number. if (index == 0) { usage_str = "gl_FrontColor"; } // if else if (index == 1) { usage_str = "gl_FrontSecondaryColor"; } // else if break; case MOJOSHADER_USAGE_FOG: #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSLES if (support_glsles(ctx)) break; // GLSL ES does not have gl_FogFragCoord #endif if (index == 0) { usage_str = "gl_FogFragCoord"; } // if else { push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSLES if (support_glsles(ctx)) output_line(ctx, "%s highp float io_%i_%i;", qualifier_out, usage, index); else #endif output_line(ctx, "varying float io_%i_%i;", usage, index); output_line(ctx, "#define %s io_%i_%i", var, usage, index); pop_output(ctx); return; } break; case MOJOSHADER_USAGE_TEXCOORD: #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSLES if (support_glsles(ctx)) break; // GLSL ES does not have gl_TexCoord #endif if (index >= 4) break; // gl_TexCoord[4+] is unreliable! snprintf(index_str, sizeof (index_str), "%u", (uint) index); usage_str = "gl_TexCoord"; arrayleft = "["; arrayright = "]"; break; default: // !!! FIXME: we need to deal with some more built-in varyings here. break; } // switch // !!! FIXME: the #define is a little hacky, but it means we don't // !!! FIXME: have to track these separately if this works. push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); // no mapping to built-in var? Just make it a regular global, pray. if (usage_str == NULL) { #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSLES if (support_glsles(ctx)) output_line(ctx, "%s highp vec4 io_%i_%i;", qualifier_out, usage, index); else #endif output_line(ctx, "varying vec4 io_%i_%i;", usage, index); output_line(ctx, "#define %s io_%i_%i", var, usage, index); } // if else { output_line(ctx, "#define %s %s%s%s%s", var, usage_str, arrayleft, index_str, arrayright); } // else pop_output(ctx); } // else if else { fail(ctx, "unknown vertex shader attribute register"); } // else } // if else if (shader_is_pixel(ctx)) { if (support_glsles3(ctx)) qualifier_in = "in"; else qualifier_in = "varying"; // samplers DCLs get handled in emit_GLSL_sampler(). if (flags & MOD_CENTROID) // !!! FIXME { failf(ctx, "centroid unsupported in %s profile", ctx->profile->name); return; } // if if (regtype == REG_TYPE_COLOROUT) { // gl_FragColor/FragData were deprecated in favor of manually // defining your own output variables, GLSL ES 3.x enforces the new // syntax, so let's use it. if (support_glsles3(ctx)) { usage_str = "_gl_FragData"; snprintf(index_str, sizeof (index_str), "_%u", (uint) regnum ); push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); output_line(ctx, "layout(location = %u) out highp vec4 %s%s;", regnum, usage_str, index_str); pop_output(ctx); } else { if (!ctx->have_multi_color_outputs) usage_str = "gl_FragColor"; // maybe faster? else { snprintf(index_str, sizeof (index_str), "%u", (uint) regnum); usage_str = "gl_FragData"; arrayleft = "["; arrayright = "]"; } // else } // else } // if else if (regtype == REG_TYPE_DEPTHOUT) usage_str = "gl_FragDepth"; // !!! FIXME: can you actualy have a texture register with COLOR usage? else if ((regtype == REG_TYPE_TEXTURE) || (regtype == REG_TYPE_INPUT)) { #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSLES if (!support_glsles(ctx)) { #endif if (usage == MOJOSHADER_USAGE_TEXCOORD) { // ps_1_1 does a different hack for this attribute. // Refer to emit_GLSL_global()'s REG_TYPE_ADDRESS code. if (!shader_version_atleast(ctx, 1, 4)) return; else if (index < 4) // gl_TexCoord[4+] is unreliable! { snprintf(index_str, sizeof (index_str), "%u", (uint) index); usage_str = "gl_TexCoord"; arrayleft = "["; arrayright = "]"; } // else if } // if else if (usage == MOJOSHADER_USAGE_COLOR) { index_str[0] = '\0'; // no explicit number. if (index == 0) { usage_str = "gl_Color"; } // if else if (index == 1) { usage_str = "gl_SecondaryColor"; } // else if // FIXME: Does this even matter when we have varyings? -flibit // else // fail(ctx, "unsupported color index"); } // else if #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSLES } // if #endif } // else if else if (regtype == REG_TYPE_MISCTYPE) { const MiscTypeType mt = (MiscTypeType) regnum; if (mt == MISCTYPE_TYPE_FACE) { push_output(ctx, &ctx->mainline_intro); ctx->indent++; output_line(ctx, "float %s = gl_FrontFacing ? 1.0 : -1.0;", var); pop_output(ctx); return; } // if else if (mt == MISCTYPE_TYPE_POSITION) { push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); output_line(ctx, "uniform vec2 vposFlip;"); pop_output(ctx); // TODO: For half-pixel offset compensation, floor() this value! push_output(ctx, &ctx->mainline_intro); ctx->indent++; output_line(ctx, "vec4 %s = vec4(gl_FragCoord.x, (gl_FragCoord.y * vposFlip.x) + vposFlip.y, gl_FragCoord.z, gl_FragCoord.w);", var); pop_output(ctx); return; } // else if else { fail(ctx, "BUG: unhandled misc register"); } // else } // else if else { fail(ctx, "unknown pixel shader attribute register"); } // else push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); // no mapping to built-in var? Just make it a regular global, pray. if (usage_str == NULL) { #if SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSLES if (support_glsles(ctx)) output_line(ctx, "%s highp vec4 io_%i_%i;", qualifier_in, usage, index); else #endif output_line(ctx, "varying vec4 io_%i_%i;", usage, index); output_line(ctx, "#define %s io_%i_%i", var, usage, index); } // if else { output_line(ctx, "#define %s %s%s%s%s", var, usage_str, arrayleft, index_str, arrayright); } // else pop_output(ctx); } // else if else { fail(ctx, "Unknown shader type"); // state machine should catch this. } // else } // emit_GLSL_attribute void emit_GLSL_NOP(Context *ctx) { // no-op is a no-op. :) } // emit_GLSL_NOP void emit_GLSL_MOV(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "%s", src0); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_MOV void emit_GLSL_ADD(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "%s + %s", src0, src1); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_ADD void emit_GLSL_SUB(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "%s - %s", src0, src1); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_SUB void emit_GLSL_MAD(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); char src2[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 2, src2, sizeof (src2)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "(%s * %s) + %s", src0, src1, src2); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_MAD void emit_GLSL_MUL(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "%s * %s", src0, src1); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_MUL void emit_GLSL_RCP(Context *ctx) { const int vecsize = vecsize_from_writemask(ctx->dest_arg.writemask); char cast[16] = { '\0' }; if (vecsize != 1) snprintf(cast, sizeof (cast), "vec%d", vecsize); char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_scalar(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128]; ctx->need_max_float = 1; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "%s((%s == 0.0) ? FLT_MAX : 1.0 / %s)", cast, src0, src0); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_RCP void emit_GLSL_RSQ(Context *ctx) { const int vecsize = vecsize_from_writemask(ctx->dest_arg.writemask); char cast[16] = { '\0' }; if (vecsize != 1) snprintf(cast, sizeof (cast), "vec%d", vecsize); char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_scalar(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128]; ctx->need_max_float = 1; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "%s((%s == 0.0) ? FLT_MAX : inversesqrt(abs(%s)))", cast, src0, src0); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_RSQ void emit_GLSL_dotprod(Context *ctx, const char *src0, const char *src1, const char *extra) { const int vecsize = vecsize_from_writemask(ctx->dest_arg.writemask); char castleft[16] = { '\0' }; const char *castright = ""; if (vecsize != 1) { snprintf(castleft, sizeof (castleft), "vec%d(", vecsize); castright = ")"; } // if char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "%sdot(%s, %s)%s%s", castleft, src0, src1, extra, castright); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_dotprod void emit_GLSL_DP3(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); emit_GLSL_dotprod(ctx, src0, src1, ""); } // emit_GLSL_DP3 void emit_GLSL_DP4(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); emit_GLSL_dotprod(ctx, src0, src1, ""); } // emit_GLSL_DP4 void emit_GLSL_MIN(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "min(%s, %s)", src0, src1); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_MIN void emit_GLSL_MAX(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "max(%s, %s)", src0, src1); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_MAX void emit_GLSL_SLT(Context *ctx) { const int vecsize = vecsize_from_writemask(ctx->dest_arg.writemask); char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); char code[128]; // float(bool) or vec(bvec) results in 0.0 or 1.0, like SLT wants. if (vecsize == 1) make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "float(%s < %s)", src0, src1); else { make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "vec%d(lessThan(%s, %s))", vecsize, src0, src1); } // else output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_SLT void emit_GLSL_SGE(Context *ctx) { const int vecsize = vecsize_from_writemask(ctx->dest_arg.writemask); char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); char code[128]; // float(bool) or vec(bvec) results in 0.0 or 1.0, like SGE wants. if (vecsize == 1) { make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "float(%s >= %s)", src0, src1); } // if else { make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "vec%d(greaterThanEqual(%s, %s))", vecsize, src0, src1); } // else output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_SGE void emit_GLSL_EXP(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "exp2(%s)", src0); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_EXP void emit_GLSL_LOG(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "log2(%s)", src0); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_LOG void emit_GLSL_LIT_helper(Context *ctx) { const char *maxp = "127.9961"; // value from the dx9 reference. if (ctx->glsl_generated_lit_helper) return; ctx->glsl_generated_lit_helper = 1; push_output(ctx, &ctx->helpers); output_line(ctx, "vec4 LIT(const vec4 src)"); output_line(ctx, "{"); ctx->indent++; output_line(ctx, "float power = clamp(src.w, -%s, %s);",maxp,maxp); output_line(ctx, "vec4 retval = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);"); output_line(ctx, "if (src.x > 0.0) {"); ctx->indent++; output_line(ctx, "retval.y = src.x;"); output_line(ctx, "if (src.y > 0.0) {"); ctx->indent++; output_line(ctx, "retval.z = pow(src.y, power);"); ctx->indent--; output_line(ctx, "}"); ctx->indent--; output_line(ctx, "}"); output_line(ctx, "return retval;"); ctx->indent--; output_line(ctx, "}"); output_blank_line(ctx); pop_output(ctx); } // emit_GLSL_LIT_helper void emit_GLSL_LIT(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128]; emit_GLSL_LIT_helper(ctx); make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "LIT(%s)", src0); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_LIT void emit_GLSL_DST(Context *ctx) { // !!! FIXME: needs to take ctx->dst_arg.writemask into account. char src0_y[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_y(ctx, 0, src0_y, sizeof (src0_y)); char src1_y[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_y(ctx, 1, src1_y, sizeof (src1_y)); char src0_z[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_z(ctx, 0, src0_z, sizeof (src0_z)); char src1_w[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_w(ctx, 1, src1_w, sizeof (src1_w)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "vec4(1.0, %s * %s, %s, %s)", src0_y, src1_y, src0_z, src1_w); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_DST void emit_GLSL_LRP(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); char src2[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 2, src2, sizeof (src2)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "mix(%s, %s, %s)", src2, src1, src0); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_LRP void emit_GLSL_FRC(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "fract(%s)", src0); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_FRC void emit_GLSL_M4X4(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char row0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 1, row0, sizeof (row0)); char row1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 2, row1, sizeof (row1)); char row2[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 3, row2, sizeof (row2)); char row3[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 4, row3, sizeof (row3)); char code[256]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "vec4(dot(%s, %s), dot(%s, %s), dot(%s, %s), dot(%s, %s))", src0, row0, src0, row1, src0, row2, src0, row3); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_M4X4 void emit_GLSL_M4X3(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char row0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 1, row0, sizeof (row0)); char row1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 2, row1, sizeof (row1)); char row2[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 3, row2, sizeof (row2)); char code[256]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "vec3(dot(%s, %s), dot(%s, %s), dot(%s, %s))", src0, row0, src0, row1, src0, row2); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_M4X3 void emit_GLSL_M3X4(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char row0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 1, row0, sizeof (row0)); char row1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 2, row1, sizeof (row1)); char row2[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 3, row2, sizeof (row2)); char row3[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 4, row3, sizeof (row3)); char code[256]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "vec4(dot(%s, %s), dot(%s, %s), " "dot(%s, %s), dot(%s, %s))", src0, row0, src0, row1, src0, row2, src0, row3); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_M3X4 void emit_GLSL_M3X3(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char row0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 1, row0, sizeof (row0)); char row1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 2, row1, sizeof (row1)); char row2[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 3, row2, sizeof (row2)); char code[256]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "vec3(dot(%s, %s), dot(%s, %s), dot(%s, %s))", src0, row0, src0, row1, src0, row2); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_M3X3 void emit_GLSL_M3X2(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char row0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 1, row0, sizeof (row0)); char row1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 2, row1, sizeof (row1)); char code[256]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "vec2(dot(%s, %s), dot(%s, %s))", src0, row0, src0, row1); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_M3X2 void emit_GLSL_CALL(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); if (ctx->loops > 0) output_line(ctx, "%s(aL);", src0); else output_line(ctx, "%s();", src0); } // emit_GLSL_CALL void emit_GLSL_CALLNZ(Context *ctx) { // !!! FIXME: if src1 is a constbool that's true, we can remove the // !!! FIXME: if. If it's false, we can make this a no-op. char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); if (ctx->loops > 0) output_line(ctx, "if (%s) { %s(aL); }", src1, src0); else output_line(ctx, "if (%s) { %s(); }", src1, src0); } // emit_GLSL_CALLNZ void emit_GLSL_LOOP(Context *ctx) { // !!! FIXME: swizzle? char var[64]; get_GLSL_srcarg_varname(ctx, 1, var, sizeof (var)); assert(ctx->source_args[0].regnum == 0); // in case they add aL1 someday. output_line(ctx, "{"); ctx->indent++; output_line(ctx, "const int aLend = %s.x + %s.y;", var, var); output_line(ctx, "for (int aL = %s.y; aL < aLend; aL += %s.z) {", var, var); ctx->indent++; } // emit_GLSL_LOOP void emit_GLSL_RET(Context *ctx) { // thankfully, the MSDN specs say a RET _has_ to end a function...no // early returns. So if you hit one, you know you can safely close // a high-level function. ctx->indent--; output_line(ctx, "}"); output_blank_line(ctx); set_output(ctx, &ctx->subroutines); // !!! FIXME: is this for LABEL? Maybe set it there so we don't allocate unnecessarily. } // emit_GLSL_RET void emit_GLSL_ENDLOOP(Context *ctx) { ctx->indent--; output_line(ctx, "}"); ctx->indent--; output_line(ctx, "}"); } // emit_GLSL_ENDLOOP void emit_GLSL_LABEL(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); const int label = ctx->source_args[0].regnum; RegisterList *reg = reglist_find(&ctx->used_registers, REG_TYPE_LABEL, label); assert(ctx->output == ctx->subroutines); // not mainline, etc. assert(ctx->indent == 0); // we shouldn't be in the middle of a function. // MSDN specs say CALL* has to come before the LABEL, so we know if we // can ditch the entire function here as unused. if (reg == NULL) set_output(ctx, &ctx->ignore); // Func not used. Parse, but don't output. // !!! FIXME: it would be nice if we could determine if a function is // !!! FIXME: only called once and, if so, forcibly inline it. const char *uses_loopreg = ((reg) && (reg->misc == 1)) ? "int aL" : ""; output_line(ctx, "void %s(%s)", src0, uses_loopreg); output_line(ctx, "{"); ctx->indent++; } // emit_GLSL_LABEL void emit_GLSL_DCL(Context *ctx) { // no-op. We do this in our emit_attribute() and emit_uniform(). } // emit_GLSL_DCL void emit_GLSL_POW(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "pow(abs(%s), %s)", src0, src1); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_POW void emit_GLSL_CRS(Context *ctx) { // !!! FIXME: needs to take ctx->dst_arg.writemask into account. char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "cross(%s, %s)", src0, src1); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_CRS void emit_GLSL_SGN(Context *ctx) { // (we don't need the temporary registers specified for the D3D opcode.) char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "sign(%s)", src0); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_SGN void emit_GLSL_ABS(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "abs(%s)", src0); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_ABS void emit_GLSL_NRM(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "normalize(%s)", src0); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_NRM void emit_GLSL_SINCOS(Context *ctx) { // we don't care about the temp registers that <= sm2 demands; ignore them. // sm2 also talks about what components are left untouched vs. undefined, // but we just leave those all untouched with GLSL write masks (which // would fulfill the "undefined" requirement, too). const int mask = ctx->dest_arg.writemask; char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_scalar(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128] = { '\0' }; if (writemask_x(mask)) make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "cos(%s)", src0); else if (writemask_y(mask)) make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "sin(%s)", src0); else if (writemask_xy(mask)) { make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "vec2(cos(%s), sin(%s))", src0, src0); } // else if output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_SINCOS void emit_GLSL_REP(Context *ctx) { // !!! FIXME: // msdn docs say legal loop values are 0 to 255. We can check DEFI values // at parse time, but if they are pulling a value from a uniform, do // we clamp here? // !!! FIXME: swizzle is legal here, right? char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_x(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); const uint rep = (uint) ctx->reps; output_line(ctx, "for (int rep%u = 0; rep%u < %s; rep%u++) {", rep, rep, src0, rep); ctx->indent++; } // emit_GLSL_REP void emit_GLSL_ENDREP(Context *ctx) { ctx->indent--; output_line(ctx, "}"); } // emit_GLSL_ENDREP void emit_GLSL_IF(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_scalar(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); output_line(ctx, "if (%s) {", src0); ctx->indent++; } // emit_GLSL_IF void emit_GLSL_IFC(Context *ctx) { const char *comp = get_GLSL_comparison_string_scalar(ctx); char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_scalar(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_scalar(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); output_line(ctx, "if (%s %s %s) {", src0, comp, src1); ctx->indent++; } // emit_GLSL_IFC void emit_GLSL_ELSE(Context *ctx) { ctx->indent--; output_line(ctx, "} else {"); ctx->indent++; } // emit_GLSL_ELSE void emit_GLSL_ENDIF(Context *ctx) { ctx->indent--; output_line(ctx, "}"); } // emit_GLSL_ENDIF void emit_GLSL_BREAK(Context *ctx) { output_line(ctx, "break;"); } // emit_GLSL_BREAK void emit_GLSL_BREAKC(Context *ctx) { const char *comp = get_GLSL_comparison_string_scalar(ctx); char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_scalar(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_scalar(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); output_line(ctx, "if (%s %s %s) { break; }", src0, comp, src1); } // emit_GLSL_BREAKC void emit_GLSL_MOVA(Context *ctx) { const int vecsize = vecsize_from_writemask(ctx->dest_arg.writemask); char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128]; if (vecsize == 1) { make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "int(floor(abs(%s) + 0.5) * sign(%s))", src0, src0); } // if else { make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "ivec%d(floor(abs(%s) + vec%d(0.5)) * sign(%s))", vecsize, src0, vecsize, src0); } // else output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_MOVA void emit_GLSL_DEFB(Context *ctx) { char varname[64]; get_GLSL_destarg_varname(ctx, varname, sizeof (varname)); push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); output_line(ctx, "const bool %s = %s;", varname, ctx->dwords[0] ? "true" : "false"); pop_output(ctx); } // emit_GLSL_DEFB void emit_GLSL_DEFI(Context *ctx) { char varname[64]; get_GLSL_destarg_varname(ctx, varname, sizeof (varname)); const int32 *x = (const int32 *) ctx->dwords; push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); output_line(ctx, "const ivec4 %s = ivec4(%d, %d, %d, %d);", varname, (int) x[0], (int) x[1], (int) x[2], (int) x[3]); pop_output(ctx); } // emit_GLSL_DEFI EMIT_GLSL_OPCODE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC(TEXCRD) void emit_GLSL_TEXKILL(Context *ctx) { char dst[64]; get_GLSL_destarg_varname(ctx, dst, sizeof (dst)); output_line(ctx, "if (any(lessThan(%s.xyz, vec3(0.0)))) discard;", dst); } // emit_GLSL_TEXKILL void emit_GLSL_TEXLD(Context *ctx) { if (!shader_version_atleast(ctx, 1, 4)) { DestArgInfo *info = &ctx->dest_arg; char dst[64]; char sampler[64]; char code[128] = {0}; RegisterList *sreg; sreg = reglist_find(&ctx->samplers, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, info->regnum); const TextureType ttype = (TextureType) (sreg ? sreg->index : 0); // !!! FIXME: this code counts on the register not having swizzles, etc. get_GLSL_destarg_varname(ctx, dst, sizeof (dst)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, info->regnum, sampler, sizeof (sampler)); if (ttype == TEXTURE_TYPE_2D) { make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "texture2D(%s, %s.xy)", sampler, dst); } else if (ttype == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE) { make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "textureCube(%s, %s.xyz)", sampler, dst); } else if (ttype == TEXTURE_TYPE_VOLUME) { make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "texture3D(%s, %s.xyz)", sampler, dst); } else { fail(ctx, "unexpected texture type"); } // else output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // if else if (!shader_version_atleast(ctx, 2, 0)) { // ps_1_4 is different, too! fail(ctx, "TEXLD == Shader Model 1.4 unimplemented."); // !!! FIXME return; } // else if else { const SourceArgInfo *samp_arg = &ctx->source_args[1]; RegisterList *sreg = reglist_find(&ctx->samplers, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, samp_arg->regnum); const char *funcname = NULL; char src0[64] = { '\0' }; char src1[64]; get_GLSL_srcarg_varname(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); // !!! FIXME: SRC_MOD? if (sreg == NULL) { fail(ctx, "TEXLD using undeclared sampler"); return; } // if // !!! FIXME: does the d3d bias value map directly to GLSL? const char *biassep = ""; char bias[64] = { '\0' }; if (ctx->instruction_controls == CONTROL_TEXLDB) { biassep = ", "; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_w(ctx, 0, bias, sizeof (bias)); } // if switch ((const TextureType) sreg->index) { case TEXTURE_TYPE_2D: if (ctx->instruction_controls == CONTROL_TEXLDP) { funcname = "texture2DProj"; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); } // if else // texld/texldb { funcname = "texture2D"; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec2(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); } // else break; case TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE: if (ctx->instruction_controls == CONTROL_TEXLDP) fail(ctx, "TEXLDP on a cubemap"); // !!! FIXME: is this legal? funcname = "textureCube"; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); break; case TEXTURE_TYPE_VOLUME: if (ctx->instruction_controls == CONTROL_TEXLDP) { funcname = "texture3DProj"; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); } // if else // texld/texldb { funcname = "texture3D"; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); } // else break; default: fail(ctx, "unknown texture type"); return; } // switch assert(!isscalar(ctx, ctx->shader_type, samp_arg->regtype, samp_arg->regnum)); char swiz_str[6] = { '\0' }; make_GLSL_swizzle_string(swiz_str, sizeof (swiz_str), samp_arg->swizzle, ctx->dest_arg.writemask); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "%s(%s, %s%s%s)%s", funcname, src1, src0, biassep, bias, swiz_str); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // else } // emit_GLSL_TEXLD void emit_GLSL_TEXBEM(Context *ctx) { DestArgInfo *info = &ctx->dest_arg; char dst[64]; get_GLSL_destarg_varname(ctx, dst, sizeof (dst)); char src[64]; get_GLSL_srcarg_varname(ctx, 0, src, sizeof (src)); char sampler[64]; char code[512]; // !!! FIXME: this code counts on the register not having swizzles, etc. get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, info->regnum, sampler, sizeof (sampler)); make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "texture2D(%s, vec2(%s.x + (%s_texbem.x * %s.x) + (%s_texbem.z * %s.y)," " %s.y + (%s_texbem.y * %s.x) + (%s_texbem.w * %s.y)))", sampler, dst, sampler, src, sampler, src, dst, sampler, src, sampler, src); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_TEXBEM void emit_GLSL_TEXBEML(Context *ctx) { // !!! FIXME: this code counts on the register not having swizzles, etc. DestArgInfo *info = &ctx->dest_arg; char dst[64]; get_GLSL_destarg_varname(ctx, dst, sizeof (dst)); char src[64]; get_GLSL_srcarg_varname(ctx, 0, src, sizeof (src)); char sampler[64]; char code[512]; get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, info->regnum, sampler, sizeof (sampler)); make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "(texture2D(%s, vec2(%s.x + (%s_texbem.x * %s.x) + (%s_texbem.z * %s.y)," " %s.y + (%s_texbem.y * %s.x) + (%s_texbem.w * %s.y)))) *" " ((%s.z * %s_texbeml.x) + %s_texbem.y)", sampler, dst, sampler, src, sampler, src, dst, sampler, src, sampler, src, src, sampler, sampler); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_TEXBEML EMIT_GLSL_OPCODE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC(TEXREG2AR) // !!! FIXME EMIT_GLSL_OPCODE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC(TEXREG2GB) // !!! FIXME void emit_GLSL_TEXM3X2PAD(Context *ctx) { // no-op ... work happens in emit_GLSL_TEXM3X2TEX(). } // emit_GLSL_TEXM3X2PAD void emit_GLSL_TEXM3X2TEX(Context *ctx) { if (ctx->texm3x2pad_src0 == -1) return; DestArgInfo *info = &ctx->dest_arg; char dst[64]; char src0[64]; char src1[64]; char src2[64]; char sampler[64]; char code[512]; // !!! FIXME: this code counts on the register not having swizzles, etc. get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, info->regnum, sampler, sizeof (sampler)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x2pad_src0, src0, sizeof (src0)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x2pad_dst0, src1, sizeof (src1)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->source_args[0].regnum, src2, sizeof (src2)); get_GLSL_destarg_varname(ctx, dst, sizeof (dst)); make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "texture2D(%s, vec2(dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz), dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz)))", sampler, src0, src1, src2, dst); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_TEXM3X2TEX void emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3PAD(Context *ctx) { // no-op ... work happens in emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3*(). } // emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3PAD void emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3TEX(Context *ctx) { if (ctx->texm3x3pad_src1 == -1) return; DestArgInfo *info = &ctx->dest_arg; char dst[64]; char src0[64]; char src1[64]; char src2[64]; char src3[64]; char src4[64]; char sampler[64]; char code[512]; // !!! FIXME: this code counts on the register not having swizzles, etc. get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, info->regnum, sampler, sizeof (sampler)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_dst0, src0, sizeof (src0)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_src0, src1, sizeof (src1)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_dst1, src2, sizeof (src2)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_src1, src3, sizeof (src3)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->source_args[0].regnum, src4, sizeof (src4)); get_GLSL_destarg_varname(ctx, dst, sizeof (dst)); RegisterList *sreg = reglist_find(&ctx->samplers, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, info->regnum); const TextureType ttype = (TextureType) (sreg ? sreg->index : 0); const char *ttypestr = (ttype == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE) ? "Cube" : "3D"; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "texture%s(%s," " vec3(dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz)," " dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz)," " dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz)))", ttypestr, sampler, src0, src1, src2, src3, dst, src4); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3TEX void emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3SPEC_helper(Context *ctx) { if (ctx->glsl_generated_texm3x3spec_helper) return; ctx->glsl_generated_texm3x3spec_helper = 1; push_output(ctx, &ctx->helpers); output_line(ctx, "vec3 TEXM3X3SPEC_reflection(const vec3 normal, const vec3 eyeray)"); output_line(ctx, "{"); ctx->indent++; output_line(ctx, "return (2.0 * ((normal * eyeray) / (normal * normal)) * normal) - eyeray;"); ctx->indent--; output_line(ctx, "}"); output_blank_line(ctx); pop_output(ctx); } // emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3SPEC_helper void emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3SPEC(Context *ctx) { if (ctx->texm3x3pad_src1 == -1) return; DestArgInfo *info = &ctx->dest_arg; char dst[64]; char src0[64]; char src1[64]; char src2[64]; char src3[64]; char src4[64]; char src5[64]; char sampler[64]; char code[512]; emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3SPEC_helper(ctx); // !!! FIXME: this code counts on the register not having swizzles, etc. get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, info->regnum, sampler, sizeof (sampler)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_dst0, src0, sizeof (src0)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_src0, src1, sizeof (src1)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_dst1, src2, sizeof (src2)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_src1, src3, sizeof (src3)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->source_args[0].regnum, src4, sizeof (src4)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->source_args[1].regnum, src5, sizeof (src5)); get_GLSL_destarg_varname(ctx, dst, sizeof (dst)); RegisterList *sreg = reglist_find(&ctx->samplers, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, info->regnum); const TextureType ttype = (TextureType) (sreg ? sreg->index : 0); const char *ttypestr = (ttype == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE) ? "Cube" : "3D"; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "texture%s(%s, " "TEXM3X3SPEC_reflection(" "vec3(" "dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz), " "dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz), " "dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz)" ")," "%s.xyz," ")" ")", ttypestr, sampler, src0, src1, src2, src3, dst, src4, src5); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3SPEC void emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3VSPEC(Context *ctx) { if (ctx->texm3x3pad_src1 == -1) return; DestArgInfo *info = &ctx->dest_arg; char dst[64]; char src0[64]; char src1[64]; char src2[64]; char src3[64]; char src4[64]; char sampler[64]; char code[512]; emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3SPEC_helper(ctx); // !!! FIXME: this code counts on the register not having swizzles, etc. get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, info->regnum, sampler, sizeof (sampler)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_dst0, src0, sizeof (src0)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_src0, src1, sizeof (src1)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_dst1, src2, sizeof (src2)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_src1, src3, sizeof (src3)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->source_args[0].regnum, src4, sizeof (src4)); get_GLSL_destarg_varname(ctx, dst, sizeof (dst)); RegisterList *sreg = reglist_find(&ctx->samplers, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, info->regnum); const TextureType ttype = (TextureType) (sreg ? sreg->index : 0); const char *ttypestr = (ttype == TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE) ? "Cube" : "3D"; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "texture%s(%s, " "TEXM3X3SPEC_reflection(" "vec3(" "dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz), " "dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz), " "dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz)" "), " "vec3(%s.w, %s.w, %s.w)" ")" ")", ttypestr, sampler, src0, src1, src2, src3, dst, src4, src0, src2, dst); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3VSPEC void emit_GLSL_EXPP(Context *ctx) { // !!! FIXME: msdn's asm docs don't list this opcode, I'll have to check the driver documentation. emit_GLSL_EXP(ctx); // I guess this is just partial precision EXP? } // emit_GLSL_EXPP void emit_GLSL_LOGP(Context *ctx) { // LOGP is just low-precision LOG, but we'll take the higher precision. emit_GLSL_LOG(ctx); } // emit_GLSL_LOGP // common code between CMP and CND. void emit_GLSL_comparison_operations(Context *ctx, const char *cmp) { int i, j; DestArgInfo *dst = &ctx->dest_arg; const SourceArgInfo *srcarg0 = &ctx->source_args[0]; const int origmask = dst->writemask; int used_swiz[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; const int writemask[4] = { dst->writemask0, dst->writemask1, dst->writemask2, dst->writemask3 }; const int src0swiz[4] = { srcarg0->swizzle_x, srcarg0->swizzle_y, srcarg0->swizzle_z, srcarg0->swizzle_w }; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int mask = (1 << i); if (!writemask[i]) continue; if (used_swiz[i]) continue; // This is a swizzle we haven't checked yet. used_swiz[i] = 1; // see if there are any other elements swizzled to match (.yyyy) for (j = i + 1; j < 4; j++) { if (!writemask[j]) continue; if (src0swiz[i] != src0swiz[j]) continue; mask |= (1 << j); used_swiz[j] = 1; } // for // okay, (mask) should be the writemask of swizzles we like. //return make_GLSL_srcarg_string(ctx, idx, (1 << 0)); char src0[64]; char src1[64]; char src2[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string(ctx, 0, (1 << i), src0, sizeof (src0)); make_GLSL_srcarg_string(ctx, 1, mask, src1, sizeof (src1)); make_GLSL_srcarg_string(ctx, 2, mask, src2, sizeof (src2)); set_dstarg_writemask(dst, mask); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "((%s %s) ? %s : %s)", src0, cmp, src1, src2); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // for set_dstarg_writemask(dst, origmask); } // emit_GLSL_comparison_operations void emit_GLSL_CND(Context *ctx) { emit_GLSL_comparison_operations(ctx, "> 0.5"); } // emit_GLSL_CND void emit_GLSL_DEF(Context *ctx) { const float *val = (const float *) ctx->dwords; // !!! FIXME: could be int? char varname[64]; get_GLSL_destarg_varname(ctx, varname, sizeof (varname)); char val0[32]; floatstr(ctx, val0, sizeof (val0), val[0], 1); char val1[32]; floatstr(ctx, val1, sizeof (val1), val[1], 1); char val2[32]; floatstr(ctx, val2, sizeof (val2), val[2], 1); char val3[32]; floatstr(ctx, val3, sizeof (val3), val[3], 1); push_output(ctx, &ctx->globals); output_line(ctx, "const vec4 %s = vec4(%s, %s, %s, %s);", varname, val0, val1, val2, val3); pop_output(ctx); } // emit_GLSL_DEF EMIT_GLSL_OPCODE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC(TEXREG2RGB) // !!! FIXME EMIT_GLSL_OPCODE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC(TEXDP3TEX) // !!! FIXME EMIT_GLSL_OPCODE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC(TEXM3X2DEPTH) // !!! FIXME EMIT_GLSL_OPCODE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC(TEXDP3) // !!! FIXME void emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3(Context *ctx) { if (ctx->texm3x3pad_src1 == -1) return; char dst[64]; char src0[64]; char src1[64]; char src2[64]; char src3[64]; char src4[64]; char code[512]; // !!! FIXME: this code counts on the register not having swizzles, etc. get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_dst0, src0, sizeof (src0)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_src0, src1, sizeof (src1)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_dst1, src2, sizeof (src2)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->texm3x3pad_src1, src3, sizeof (src3)); get_GLSL_varname_in_buf(ctx, REG_TYPE_TEXTURE, ctx->source_args[0].regnum, src4, sizeof (src4)); get_GLSL_destarg_varname(ctx, dst, sizeof (dst)); make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "vec4(dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz), dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz), dot(%s.xyz, %s.xyz), 1.0)", src0, src1, src2, src3, dst, src4); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_TEXM3X3 EMIT_GLSL_OPCODE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC(TEXDEPTH) // !!! FIXME void emit_GLSL_CMP(Context *ctx) { emit_GLSL_comparison_operations(ctx, ">= 0.0"); } // emit_GLSL_CMP EMIT_GLSL_OPCODE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC(BEM) // !!! FIXME void emit_GLSL_DP2ADD(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec2(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec2(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); char src2[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_scalar(ctx, 2, src2, sizeof (src2)); char extra[128]; snprintf(extra, sizeof (extra), " + %s", src2); emit_GLSL_dotprod(ctx, src0, src1, extra); } // emit_GLSL_DP2ADD void emit_GLSL_DSX(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "dFdx(%s)", src0); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_DSX void emit_GLSL_DSY(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "dFdy(%s)", src0); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_DSY void emit_GLSL_TEXLDD(Context *ctx) { const SourceArgInfo *samp_arg = &ctx->source_args[1]; RegisterList *sreg = reglist_find(&ctx->samplers, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, samp_arg->regnum); const char *funcname = NULL; char src0[64] = { '\0' }; char src1[64]; get_GLSL_srcarg_varname(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); // !!! FIXME: SRC_MOD? char src2[64] = { '\0' }; char src3[64] = { '\0' }; if (sreg == NULL) { fail(ctx, "TEXLDD using undeclared sampler"); return; } // if switch ((const TextureType) sreg->index) { case TEXTURE_TYPE_2D: funcname = "texture2D"; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec2(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec2(ctx, 2, src2, sizeof (src2)); make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec2(ctx, 3, src3, sizeof (src3)); break; case TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE: funcname = "textureCube"; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 2, src2, sizeof (src2)); make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 3, src3, sizeof (src3)); break; case TEXTURE_TYPE_VOLUME: funcname = "texture3D"; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 2, src2, sizeof (src2)); make_GLSL_srcarg_string_vec3(ctx, 3, src3, sizeof (src3)); break; default: fail(ctx, "unknown texture type"); return; } // switch assert(!isscalar(ctx, ctx->shader_type, samp_arg->regtype, samp_arg->regnum)); char swiz_str[6] = { '\0' }; make_GLSL_swizzle_string(swiz_str, sizeof (swiz_str), samp_arg->swizzle, ctx->dest_arg.writemask); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "%sGrad(%s, %s, %s, %s)%s", funcname, src1, src0, src2, src3, swiz_str); prepend_glsl_texlod_extensions(ctx); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_TEXLDD void emit_GLSL_SETP(Context *ctx) { const int vecsize = vecsize_from_writemask(ctx->dest_arg.writemask); char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_masked(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); char code[128]; // destination is always predicate register (which is type bvec4). if (vecsize == 1) { const char *comp = get_GLSL_comparison_string_scalar(ctx); make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "(%s %s %s)", src0, comp, src1); } // if else { const char *comp = get_GLSL_comparison_string_vector(ctx); make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof (code), "%s(%s, %s)", comp, src0, src1); } // else output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_SETP void emit_GLSL_TEXLDL(Context *ctx) { const SourceArgInfo *samp_arg = &ctx->source_args[1]; RegisterList *sreg = reglist_find(&ctx->samplers, REG_TYPE_SAMPLER, samp_arg->regnum); const char *pattern = NULL; char src0[64]; char src1[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_full(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); get_GLSL_srcarg_varname(ctx, 1, src1, sizeof (src1)); // !!! FIXME: SRC_MOD? if (sreg == NULL) { fail(ctx, "TEXLDL using undeclared sampler"); return; } // if // HLSL tex2dlod accepts (sampler, uv.xyz, uv.w) where uv.w is the LOD // GLSL seems to want the dimensionality to match the sampler (.xy vs .xyz) // so we vary the swizzle accordingly switch ((const TextureType) sreg->index) { case TEXTURE_TYPE_2D: pattern = "texture2DLod(%s, %s.xy, %s.w)%s"; break; case TEXTURE_TYPE_CUBE: pattern = "textureCubeLod(%s, %s.xyz, %s.w)%s"; break; case TEXTURE_TYPE_VOLUME: pattern = "texture3DLod(%s, %s.xyz, %s.w)%s"; break; default: fail(ctx, "unknown texture type"); return; } // switch assert(!isscalar(ctx, ctx->shader_type, samp_arg->regtype, samp_arg->regnum)); char swiz_str[6] = { '\0' }; make_GLSL_swizzle_string(swiz_str, sizeof (swiz_str), samp_arg->swizzle, ctx->dest_arg.writemask); char code[128]; make_GLSL_destarg_assign(ctx, code, sizeof(code), pattern, src1, src0, src0, swiz_str); prepend_glsl_texlod_extensions(ctx); output_line(ctx, "%s", code); } // emit_GLSL_TEXLDL void emit_GLSL_BREAKP(Context *ctx) { char src0[64]; make_GLSL_srcarg_string_scalar(ctx, 0, src0, sizeof (src0)); output_line(ctx, "if (%s) { break; }", src0); } // emit_GLSL_BREAKP void emit_GLSL_RESERVED(Context *ctx) { // do nothing; fails in the state machine. } // emit_GLSL_RESERVED #endif // SUPPORT_PROFILE_GLSL #pragma GCC visibility pop