/* * Quake PAK support routines for PhysicsFS. * * This driver handles id Software Quake PAK files. * * Please see the file LICENSE in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ed Sinjiashvili. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_QPAK) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "physfs.h" #define __PHYSICSFS_INTERNAL__ #include "physfs_internal.h" #define QPAK_MAXDIRLEN 60 typedef struct { char name[56]; PHYSFS_uint32 offset; PHYSFS_uint32 size; } QPAKentry; typedef struct tagQPAKdirentry { char *name; QPAKentry *entry; struct tagQPAKdirentry *next; } QPAKdirentry; typedef struct QPAKDirectory { char name[QPAK_MAXDIRLEN]; struct QPAKDirectory *dirs, *next; QPAKdirentry *files; } QPAKdirectory; typedef struct { void *handle; char *filename; PHYSFS_uint32 dirOffset; PHYSFS_uint32 totalEntries; QPAKentry *entries; QPAKdirectory *root; } QPAKinfo; typedef struct { void *handle; QPAKentry *entry; PHYSFS_sint64 curPos; } QPAKfileinfo; static int QPAK_isArchive(const char *filename, int forWriting); static DirHandle *QPAK_openArchive(const char *name, int forWriting); static void QPAK_dirClose(DirHandle *h); static LinkedStringList *QPAK_enumerateFiles(DirHandle *h, const char *dirname, int omitSymLinks); static int QPAK_exists(DirHandle *h, const char *name); static int QPAK_isDirectory(DirHandle *h, const char *name); static int QPAK_isSymLink(DirHandle *h, const char *name); static PHYSFS_sint64 QPAK_getLastModTime(DirHandle *h, const char *name); static FileHandle *QPAK_openRead(DirHandle *h, const char *name); static PHYSFS_sint64 QPAK_read(FileHandle *handle, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount); static int QPAK_eof(FileHandle *handle); static PHYSFS_sint64 QPAK_tell(FileHandle *handle); static int QPAK_seek(FileHandle *handle, PHYSFS_uint64 offset); static PHYSFS_sint64 QPAK_fileLength(FileHandle *handle); static int QPAK_fileClose(FileHandle *handle); const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo __PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_QPAK = { "PAK", "Quake PAK file format", "Ed Sinjiashvili ", "http://icculus.org/physfs/", }; static const FileFunctions __PHYSFS_FileFunctions_QPAK = { QPAK_read, /* read() method */ NULL, /* write() method */ QPAK_eof, /* eof() method */ QPAK_tell, /* tell() method */ QPAK_seek, /* seek() method */ QPAK_fileLength, /* fileLength() method */ QPAK_fileClose /* fileClose() method */ }; const DirFunctions __PHYSFS_DirFunctions_QPAK = { &__PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_QPAK, QPAK_isArchive, /* isArchive() method */ QPAK_openArchive, /* openArchive() method */ QPAK_enumerateFiles, /* enumerateFiles() method */ QPAK_exists, /* exists() method */ QPAK_isDirectory, /* isDirectory() method */ QPAK_isSymLink, /* isSymLink() method */ QPAK_getLastModTime, /* getLastModTime() method */ QPAK_openRead, /* openRead() method */ NULL, /* openWrite() method */ NULL, /* openAppend() method */ NULL, /* remove() method */ NULL, /* mkdir() method */ QPAK_dirClose /* dirClose() method */ }; #define QPAK_MAGIC 0x4B434150 /* look like "PACK" in ascii. */ /* * Read an unsigned 32-bit int and swap to native byte order. */ static int readui32(void *in, PHYSFS_uint32 *val) { PHYSFS_uint32 v; BAIL_IF_MACRO(__PHYSFS_platformRead(in, &v, sizeof (v), 1) != 1, NULL, 0); *val = PHYSFS_swapULE32(v); return(1); } /* readui32 */ static int openQPak(const char *filename, int forWriting, void **fileHandle) { PHYSFS_uint32 sig; *fileHandle = NULL; BAIL_IF_MACRO(forWriting, ERR_ARC_IS_READ_ONLY, 0); *fileHandle = __PHYSFS_platformOpenRead(filename); BAIL_IF_MACRO(*fileHandle == NULL, NULL, 0); if (!readui32(*fileHandle, &sig)) goto openPak_failed; if (sig != QPAK_MAGIC) { __PHYSFS_setError(ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVE); goto openPak_failed; } /* if */ return(1); openPak_failed: if (*fileHandle != NULL) __PHYSFS_platformClose(*fileHandle); *fileHandle = NULL; return(0); } /* openQPak */ static int QPAK_isArchive(const char *filename, int forWriting) { void *fileHandle; int retval = openQPak(filename, forWriting, &fileHandle); if (fileHandle != NULL) __PHYSFS_platformClose(fileHandle); return(retval); } /* QPAK_isArchive */ static void qpak_insertion_sort(QPAKentry *a, PHYSFS_uint32 lo, PHYSFS_uint32 hi) { PHYSFS_uint32 i; PHYSFS_uint32 j; QPAKentry tmp; for (i = lo + 1; i <= hi; i++) { memcpy(&tmp, &a[i], sizeof (QPAKentry)); j = i; while ((j > lo) && (strcmp(a[j - 1].name, tmp.name) > 0)) { memcpy(&a[j], &a[j - 1], sizeof (QPAKentry)); j--; } /* while */ memcpy(&a[j], &tmp, sizeof (QPAKentry)); } /* for */ } /* qpak_insertion_sort */ static void qpak_sort_entries(QPAKentry *entries, PHYSFS_uint32 max) { qpak_insertion_sort(entries, 0, max - 1); } /* qpak_sort_entries */ static int qpak_loadEntries(void *fh, int dirOffset, int numEntries, QPAKentry *entries) { PHYSFS_uint32 i; BAIL_IF_MACRO(__PHYSFS_platformSeek(fh, dirOffset) == 0, NULL, 0); for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++, entries++) { PHYSFS_sint64 r = __PHYSFS_platformRead(fh, entries->name, 56, 1); BAIL_IF_MACRO(r == 0, NULL, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(fh, &entries->offset), NULL, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!readui32(fh, &entries->size), NULL, 0); } /* for */ return(1); } /* qpak_loadEntries */ static QPAKdirentry *qpak_newDirentry(char *name, QPAKentry *entry) { QPAKdirentry *retval = (QPAKdirentry *) malloc(sizeof (QPAKdirentry)); BAIL_IF_MACRO(retval == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0); retval->name = name; retval->entry = entry; retval->next = NULL; return(retval); } /* qpak_newDirentry */ static void qpak_deleteDirentry(QPAKdirentry *e) { while (e != NULL) { QPAKdirentry *next = e->next; free(e); e = next; } /* while */ } /* qpak_deleteDirentry */ static QPAKdirectory *qpak_newDirectory(char *name) { QPAKdirectory *dir = (QPAKdirectory *) malloc(sizeof (QPAKdirectory)); BAIL_IF_MACRO(dir == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0); strcpy(dir->name, name); dir->dirs = NULL; dir->next = NULL; dir->files = NULL; return dir; } /* qpak_newDirectory */ static void qpak_deleteDirectory(QPAKdirectory *d) { while (d != NULL) { QPAKdirectory *next = d->next; qpak_deleteDirentry(d->files); qpak_deleteDirectory(d->dirs); free(d); d = next; } /* while */ } /* qpak_deleteDirectory */ static int qpak_addFile(QPAKdirectory *dir, char *name, QPAKentry *entry) { QPAKdirentry *file = qpak_newDirentry(name, entry); if (file == NULL) return(0); /* !!! FIXME: Traversing a linkedlist gets slower with each added file. */ if (dir->files == NULL) { dir->files = file; } /* if */ else { QPAKdirentry *tail = dir->files; while (tail->next != NULL) tail = tail->next; tail->next = file; } /* else */ return(1); } /* qpak_addFile */ static QPAKdirectory *qpak_findDirectory(QPAKdirectory *root, const char *name) { char *p = strchr(name, '/'); if (p == NULL) { QPAKdirectory *thisDir = root->dirs; while (thisDir != NULL) { if (strcmp(thisDir->name, name) == 0) return(thisDir); thisDir = thisDir->next; } /* while */ } /* if */ else { char temp[QPAK_MAXDIRLEN]; QPAKdirectory *thisDir = root->dirs; strncpy (temp, name, p - name); temp[p - name] = '\0'; while (thisDir != NULL) { if (strcmp(thisDir->name, temp) == 0) return(qpak_findDirectory(thisDir, p + 1)); thisDir = thisDir->next; } /* while */ } /* else */ return(0); } /* qpak_findDirectory */ static QPAKdirectory *qpak_addDir(QPAKdirectory *dir, char *name) { QPAKdirectory *newDir = qpak_findDirectory(dir, name); if (newDir != 0) return(newDir); newDir = qpak_newDirectory(name); if (newDir == 0) return 0; if (dir->dirs == NULL) { dir->dirs = newDir; } /* if */ else { QPAKdirectory *tail = dir->dirs; while (tail->next != NULL) tail = tail->next; tail->next = newDir; } /* else */ return(newDir); } /* qpak_addDir */ static int qpak_addEntry(QPAKdirectory *dir, char *name, QPAKentry *entry) { char tempName[QPAK_MAXDIRLEN]; QPAKdirectory *child; char *p = strchr(name, '/'); if (p == NULL) return(qpak_addFile(dir, name, entry)); strncpy(tempName, name, p - name); tempName[p - name] = '\0'; child = qpak_addDir(dir, tempName); return(qpak_addEntry(child, p + 1, entry)); } /* qpak_addEntry */ static QPAKentry *qpak_findEntry(QPAKdirectory *root, const char *name) { QPAKdirectory *dir = NULL; QPAKdirentry *thisFile = NULL; const char *t = strrchr (name, '/'); if (t == NULL) { dir = root; t = name; } /* if */ else { char temp[QPAK_MAXDIRLEN]; strncpy(temp, name, t - name); temp[t - name] = '\0'; dir = qpak_findDirectory(root, temp); t++; } /* else */ if (dir == NULL) return(0); thisFile = dir->files; while (thisFile != NULL) { if (strcmp(thisFile->name, t) == 0) return(thisFile->entry); thisFile = thisFile->next; } /* while */ return(0); } /* qpak_findEntry */ static int qpak_populateDirectories(QPAKentry *entries, int numEntries, QPAKdirectory *root) { PHYSFS_uint32 i; QPAKentry *entry = entries; for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++, entry++) { if (qpak_addEntry(root, entry->name, entry) == 0) return(0); } /* for */ return(1); } /* qpak_populateDirectories */ static void qpak_deletePakInfo (QPAKinfo *pakInfo) { if (pakInfo->handle != NULL) __PHYSFS_platformClose(pakInfo->handle); if (pakInfo->filename != NULL) free(pakInfo->filename); if (pakInfo->entries != NULL) free(pakInfo->entries); qpak_deleteDirectory(pakInfo->root); free(pakInfo); } /* qpak_deletePakInfo */ static DirHandle *QPAK_openArchive(const char *name, int forWriting) { void *fh = NULL; PHYSFS_uint32 dirOffset, dirLength; QPAKinfo *pi; DirHandle *retval; retval = (DirHandle *) malloc(sizeof (DirHandle)); BAIL_IF_MACRO(retval == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); pi = (QPAKinfo *) malloc(sizeof (QPAKinfo)); if (pi == NULL) { free(retval); BAIL_MACRO(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); } /* if */ retval->opaque = pi; pi->filename = (char *) malloc(strlen(name) + 1); if (pi->filename == NULL) { __PHYSFS_setError(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); goto QPAK_openArchive_failed; } /* if */ if (!openQPak(name, forWriting, &fh)) goto QPAK_openArchive_failed; if (!readui32(fh, &dirOffset)) goto QPAK_openArchive_failed; if (!readui32(fh, &dirLength)) goto QPAK_openArchive_failed; if (__PHYSFS_platformFileLength(fh) < dirOffset + dirLength) goto QPAK_openArchive_failed; strcpy(pi->filename, name); pi->handle = fh; pi->dirOffset = dirOffset; pi->totalEntries = dirLength / 64; pi->entries = (QPAKentry *) malloc(pi->totalEntries * sizeof (QPAKentry)); if (pi->entries == NULL) { __PHYSFS_setError(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); goto QPAK_openArchive_failed; } /* if */ if (qpak_loadEntries(fh, dirOffset, pi->totalEntries, pi->entries) == 0) goto QPAK_openArchive_failed; qpak_sort_entries(pi->entries, pi->totalEntries); pi->root = qpak_newDirectory(""); if (pi->root == NULL) goto QPAK_openArchive_failed; if (qpak_populateDirectories(pi->entries, pi->totalEntries, pi->root) == 0) goto QPAK_openArchive_failed; retval->funcs = &__PHYSFS_DirFunctions_QPAK; return(retval); QPAK_openArchive_failed: if (retval != NULL) { if (retval->opaque != NULL) qpak_deletePakInfo((QPAKinfo *) retval->opaque); free(retval); } /* if */ if (fh != NULL) __PHYSFS_platformClose(fh); return(0); } /* QPAK_openArchive */ static void QPAK_dirClose(DirHandle *dirHandle) { qpak_deletePakInfo((QPAKinfo *) dirHandle->opaque); free(dirHandle); } /* QPAK_dirClose */ static LinkedStringList *QPAK_enumerateFiles(DirHandle *h, const char *dirname, int omitSymLinks) { LinkedStringList *retval = NULL, *p = NULL; QPAKdirectory *dir; QPAKinfo *info = (QPAKinfo *) h->opaque; if ((dirname == NULL) || (*dirname == '\0')) dir = info->root; else dir = qpak_findDirectory(info->root, dirname); if (dir != NULL) { QPAKdirectory *child = dir->dirs; QPAKdirentry *file = dir->files; while (child != NULL) { retval = __PHYSFS_addToLinkedStringList(retval, &p, child->name, -1); child = child->next; } /* while */ while (file != NULL) { retval = __PHYSFS_addToLinkedStringList(retval, &p, file->name, -1); file = file->next; } /* while */ } /* if */ return(retval); } /* QPAK_enumerateFiles */ static int QPAK_exists(DirHandle *h, const char *name) { QPAKinfo *driver = (QPAKinfo *) h->opaque; if ((name == NULL) || (*name == '\0')) return(0); if (qpak_findDirectory(driver->root, name) != 0) return(1); if (qpak_findEntry(driver->root, name) != 0) return(1); return(0); } /* QPAK_exists */ static int QPAK_isDirectory(DirHandle *h, const char *name) { QPAKinfo *info = (QPAKinfo *) h->opaque; return(qpak_findDirectory(info->root, name) != 0); } /* QPAK_isDirectory */ static int QPAK_isSymLink(DirHandle *h, const char *name) { return(0); /* we don't support symlinks for now */ } /* QPAK_isSymlink */ static PHYSFS_sint64 QPAK_getLastModTime(DirHandle *h, const char *name) { return(__PHYSFS_platformGetLastModTime(((QPAKinfo *) h->opaque)->filename)); } /* QPAK_getLastModTime */ static void *qpak_getFileHandle(const char *name, QPAKentry *entry) { void *retval = __PHYSFS_platformOpenRead(name); if (retval == NULL) return(NULL); if (!__PHYSFS_platformSeek(retval, entry->offset)) { __PHYSFS_platformClose(retval); return(NULL); } /* if */ return(retval); } /* qpak_getFileHandle */ static FileHandle *QPAK_openRead(DirHandle *h, const char *name) { QPAKinfo *driver = (QPAKinfo *) h->opaque; QPAKentry *entry = qpak_findEntry(driver->root, name); QPAKfileinfo *fileDriver = 0; FileHandle *result = 0; if (entry == NULL) return(NULL); fileDriver = (QPAKfileinfo *) malloc(sizeof (QPAKfileinfo)); BAIL_IF_MACRO(fileDriver == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); fileDriver->handle = qpak_getFileHandle(driver->filename, entry); if (fileDriver->handle == NULL) { free(fileDriver); return(NULL); } /* if */ fileDriver->entry = entry; fileDriver->curPos = 0; result = (FileHandle *)malloc(sizeof (FileHandle)); if (result == NULL) { __PHYSFS_platformClose(fileDriver->handle); free(fileDriver); BAIL_MACRO(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); } /* if */ result->opaque = fileDriver; result->dirHandle = h; result->funcs = &__PHYSFS_FileFunctions_QPAK; return(result); } /* QPAK_openRead */ static PHYSFS_sint64 QPAK_read(FileHandle *handle, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount) { QPAKfileinfo *finfo = (QPAKfileinfo *) (handle->opaque); QPAKentry *entry = finfo->entry; PHYSFS_uint64 bytesLeft = entry->size - finfo->curPos; PHYSFS_uint64 objsLeft = (bytesLeft / objSize); PHYSFS_sint64 rc; if (objsLeft < objCount) objCount = (PHYSFS_uint32) objsLeft; rc = __PHYSFS_platformRead(finfo->handle, buffer, objSize, objCount); if (rc > 0) finfo->curPos += (rc * objSize); return(rc); } /* QPAK_read */ static int QPAK_eof(FileHandle *handle) { QPAKfileinfo *finfo = (QPAKfileinfo *) (handle->opaque); QPAKentry *entry = finfo->entry; return(finfo->curPos >= (PHYSFS_sint64) entry->size); } /* QPAK_eof */ static PHYSFS_sint64 QPAK_tell(FileHandle *handle) { return(((QPAKfileinfo *) handle->opaque)->curPos); } /* QPAK_tell */ static int QPAK_seek(FileHandle *handle, PHYSFS_uint64 offset) { QPAKfileinfo *finfo = (QPAKfileinfo *) handle->opaque; QPAKentry *entry = finfo->entry; PHYSFS_uint64 newPos = entry->offset + offset; int rc; BAIL_IF_MACRO(offset < 0, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(newPos > entry->offset + entry->size, ERR_PAST_EOF, 0); rc = __PHYSFS_platformSeek(finfo->handle, newPos); if (rc) finfo->curPos = offset; return(rc); } /* QPAK_seek */ static PHYSFS_sint64 QPAK_fileLength(FileHandle *handle) { return ((QPAKfileinfo *) handle->opaque)->entry->size; } /* QPAK_fileLength */ static int QPAK_fileClose(FileHandle *handle) { QPAKfileinfo *finfo = (QPAKfileinfo *) handle->opaque; BAIL_IF_MACRO(!__PHYSFS_platformClose(finfo->handle), NULL, 0); free(finfo); free(handle); return(1); } /* QPAK_fileClose */ #endif /* defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_QPAK */ /* end of qpak.c ... */