/** * Test program for PhysicsFS, using wxWidgets. May only work on Unix. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #if ( (defined(__MACH__)) && (defined(__APPLE__)) ) #define PLATFORM_MACOSX 1 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "physfs.h" #define TEST_VER_MAJOR 2 #define TEST_VER_MINOR 0 #define TEST_VER_PATCH 0 //static PHYSFS_uint32 do_buffer_size = 0; enum WxTestPhysfsMenuCommands { // start with standard menu items, since using the wxIDs will map them // to sane things in the platform's UI (gnome icons in GTK+, moves the // about and quit items to the Apple menu on Mac OS X, etc). MENUCMD_About = wxID_ABOUT, MENUCMD_Quit = wxID_EXIT, // non-standard menu items go here. MENUCMD_Init = wxID_HIGHEST, MENUCMD_Deinit, MENUCMD_AddArchive, MENUCMD_Mount, MENUCMD_Remove, MENUCMD_GetCDs, MENUCMD_SetWriteDir, MENUCMD_PermitSymLinks, MENUCMD_SetSaneConfig, MENUCMD_MkDir, MENUCMD_Delete, MENUCMD_Cat, MENUCMD_SetBuffer, MENUCMD_StressBuffer, MENUCMD_Append, MENUCMD_Write, MENUCMD_GetLastError, /* { "getdirsep", cmd_getdirsep, 0, NULL }, { "getsearchpath", cmd_getsearchpath, 0, NULL }, { "getbasedir", cmd_getbasedir, 0, NULL }, { "getuserdir", cmd_getuserdir, 0, NULL }, { "getwritedir", cmd_getwritedir, 0, NULL }, { "getrealdir", cmd_getrealdir, 1, "" }, { "exists", cmd_exists, 1, "" }, { "isdir", cmd_isdir, 1, "" }, { "issymlink", cmd_issymlink, 1, "" }, { "filelength", cmd_filelength, 1, "" }, { "getlastmodtime", cmd_getlastmodtime, 1, "" }, */ }; class WxTestPhysfsFrame : public wxFrame { public: WxTestPhysfsFrame(const wxChar *argv0); void rebuildTree(); void onMenuInit(wxCommandEvent &evt); void onMenuDeinit(wxCommandEvent &evt); void onMenuAddArchive(wxCommandEvent &evt); void onMenuGetCDs(wxCommandEvent &evt); void onMenuPermitSymLinks(wxCommandEvent &evt); private: wxTreeCtrl *fileTree; wxTreeItemId stateItem; wxTreeItemId fsItem; int err(int success); void fillFileSystemTree(const char *path, const wxTreeItemId &item); void doInit(const char *argv0); void doDeinit(); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(WxTestPhysfsFrame, wxFrame) EVT_MENU(MENUCMD_Init, WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuInit) EVT_MENU(MENUCMD_Deinit, WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuDeinit) EVT_MENU(MENUCMD_AddArchive, WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuAddArchive) EVT_MENU(MENUCMD_GetCDs, WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuGetCDs) EVT_MENU(MENUCMD_PermitSymLinks, WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuPermitSymLinks) END_EVENT_TABLE() // This is the the Application itself. class WxTestPhysfsApp : public wxApp { public: WxTestPhysfsApp() : mainWindow(NULL) { /* no-op. */ } virtual bool OnInit(); private: WxTestPhysfsFrame *mainWindow; }; DECLARE_APP(WxTestPhysfsApp) static inline char *newstr(const char *str) { char *retval = NULL; if (str != NULL) { retval = new char[strlen(str) + 1]; strcpy(retval, str); } // if return retval; } // newstr static char *newutf8(const wxString &wxstr) { #if wxUSE_UNICODE size_t len = wxstr.Len() + 1; char *utf8text = new char[len * 6]; wxConvUTF8.WC2MB(utf8text, wxstr, len); return utf8text; #else return newstr(wxstr); #endif } // newutf8 WxTestPhysfsFrame::WxTestPhysfsFrame(const wxChar *argv0) : wxFrame(NULL, -1, wxT("WxTestPhysfs")) { this->CreateStatusBar(); wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar; wxMenu *stuffMenu = new wxMenu; stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_Init, wxT("&Init")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_Deinit, wxT("&Deinit")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_AddArchive, wxT("&Add Archive")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_Mount, wxT("&Mount Archive")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_Remove, wxT("&Remove Archive")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_GetCDs, wxT("&Get CD-ROM drives")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_SetWriteDir, wxT("&Set Write Dir")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_SetSaneConfig, wxT("Set Sane &Config")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_MkDir, wxT("M&kDir")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_Delete, wxT("D&elete")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_Cat, wxT("&Cat")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_SetBuffer, wxT("Set &Buffer")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_StressBuffer, wxT("Stress &Test Buffer")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_Append, wxT("&Append")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_Write, wxT("&Write")); stuffMenu->Append(MENUCMD_Write, wxT("&Update getLastError")); stuffMenu->AppendCheckItem(MENUCMD_PermitSymLinks, wxT("&Permit symlinks")); menuBar->Append(stuffMenu, wxT("&Stuff")); //wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu; //helpMenu->Append(MENUCMD_About, wxT("&About\tF1")); //menuBar->Append(helpMenu, wxT("&Help")); this->SetMenuBar(menuBar); this->fileTree = new wxTreeCtrl(this, -1); // The sizer just makes sure that fileTree owns whole client area. wxBoxSizer *sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizer->Add(this->fileTree, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_CENTRE); sizer->SetItemMinSize(this->fileTree, 1, 1); this->SetSizer(sizer); char *utf8argv0 = newutf8(wxString(argv0)); this->doInit(utf8argv0); delete[] utf8argv0; } // WxTestPhysfsFrame::WxTestPhysfsFrame int WxTestPhysfsFrame::err(int success) { if (success) this->SetStatusText(wxT("")); else this->SetStatusText(wxString(PHYSFS_getLastError(), wxConvUTF8)); return success; } // WxTestPhysfsFrame::err void WxTestPhysfsFrame::fillFileSystemTree(const char *path, const wxTreeItemId &item) { char **rc = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(path); char **i; wxTreeItemId id; if (rc == NULL) { const wxString quote(wxT("'")); wxString str(wxT("Enumeration error: ")); str << quote << wxString(PHYSFS_getLastError(), wxConvUTF8) << quote; id = this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, str); this->fileTree->SetItemTextColour(id, wxColour(255, 0, 0)); } // if else { for (i = rc; *i != NULL; i++) { id = this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, wxString(*i, wxConvUTF8)); const int len = strlen(path) + strlen(*i) + 2; char *fname = new char[len]; const char *origdir = path; if (strcmp(origdir, "/") == 0) origdir = ""; snprintf(fname, len, "%s/%s", origdir, *i); if (PHYSFS_isDirectory(fname)) { this->fileTree->SetItemTextColour(id, wxColour(0, 0, 255)); this->fillFileSystemTree(fname, id); } // if else if (PHYSFS_isSymbolicLink(fname)) { this->fileTree->SetItemTextColour(id, wxColour(0, 255, 0)); } // else if else // ...file. { } // else delete[] fname; } // for PHYSFS_freeList(rc); } // else } // fillFileSystemTree void WxTestPhysfsFrame::rebuildTree() { const wxString dot(wxT(".")); const wxString quote(wxT("'")); wxTreeItemId item; wxString str; const char *cstr = NULL; const bool wasInit = PHYSFS_isInit() ? true : false; this->fileTree->DeleteAllItems(); wxTreeItemId root = this->fileTree->AddRoot(wxT("PhysicsFS")); this->stateItem = this->fileTree->AppendItem(root, wxT("Library state")); str = wxT("Initialized: "); str << ((wasInit) ? wxT("true") : wxT("false")); this->fileTree->AppendItem(this->stateItem, str); this->fileTree->Expand(this->stateItem); this->fileTree->Expand(root); // Fill in version information... PHYSFS_Version ver; item = this->stateItem; str = wxT("wxtest_physfs version: "); str << TEST_VER_MAJOR << dot << TEST_VER_MINOR << dot << TEST_VER_PATCH; this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, str); PHYSFS_VERSION(&ver); str = wxT("Compiled against PhysicsFS version: "); str << (int) ver.major << dot << (int) ver.minor << dot << ver.patch; this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, str); PHYSFS_getLinkedVersion(&ver); str = wxT("Linked against PhysicsFS version: "); str << (int) ver.major << dot << (int) ver.minor << dot << ver.patch; this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, str); if (!wasInit) return; // nothing else to do before initialization... str = wxT("Symbolic links permitted: "); str << ((PHYSFS_symbolicLinksPermitted()) ? wxT("true") : wxT("false")); this->fileTree->AppendItem(this->stateItem, str); str = wxT("Native directory separator: "); str << quote << wxString(PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(), wxConvUTF8) << quote; this->fileTree->AppendItem(this->stateItem, str); // Fill in supported archives... item = this->fileTree->AppendItem(this->stateItem, wxT("Archivers")); const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo **arcs = PHYSFS_supportedArchiveTypes(); if (*arcs == NULL) this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, wxT("(none)")); else { const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo **i; for (i = arcs; *i != NULL; i++) { const wxString ext((*i)->extension, wxConvUTF8); const wxString desc((*i)->description, wxConvUTF8); const wxString auth((*i)->author, wxConvUTF8); const wxString url((*i)->url, wxConvUTF8); wxTreeItemId arcitem = this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, ext); this->fileTree->AppendItem(arcitem, desc); this->fileTree->AppendItem(arcitem, auth); this->fileTree->AppendItem(arcitem, url); } // for } // else // Fill in the standard paths... item = this->fileTree->AppendItem(this->stateItem, wxT("Paths")); str = wxT("Base directory: "); str << quote << wxString(PHYSFS_getBaseDir(), wxConvUTF8) << quote; this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, str); str = wxT("User directory: "); str << quote << wxString(PHYSFS_getUserDir(), wxConvUTF8) << quote; this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, str); str = wxT("Write directory: "); if ((cstr = PHYSFS_getWriteDir()) == NULL) str << wxT("(NULL)"); else str << quote << wxString(cstr ? cstr : "(NULL)", wxConvUTF8) << quote; this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, str); //str = wxT("Preference directory: "); //str << wxString(PHYSFS_getUserDir(), wxConvUTF8); //this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, str); // Fill in the CD-ROMs... item = this->fileTree->AppendItem(this->stateItem, wxT("CD-ROMs")); char **cds = PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs(); if (cds == NULL) { str = wxT("Error: "); str << quote << wxString(PHYSFS_getLastError(), wxConvUTF8) << quote; wxTreeItemId id = this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, str); this->fileTree->SetItemTextColour(id, wxColour(255, 0, 0)); } // if else { if (*cds == NULL) this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, wxT("(none)")); else { char **i; for (i = cds; *i != NULL; i++) this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, wxString(*i, wxConvUTF8)); } // else PHYSFS_freeList(cds); } // else // Fill in search path... item = this->fileTree->AppendItem(this->stateItem, wxT("Search path")); char **sp = PHYSFS_getSearchPath(); if (sp == NULL) { str = wxT("Error: "); str << quote << wxString(PHYSFS_getLastError(), wxConvUTF8) << quote; wxTreeItemId id = this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, str); this->fileTree->SetItemTextColour(id, wxColour(255, 0, 0)); } // if else { if (*sp == NULL) this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, wxT("(none)")); else { char **i; for (i = sp; *i != NULL; i++) this->fileTree->AppendItem(item, wxString(*i, wxConvUTF8)); } // else PHYSFS_freeList(sp); } // else // Now fill in the filesystem... this->fsItem = this->fileTree->AppendItem(root, wxT("Filesystem")); this->fillFileSystemTree("/", this->fsItem); this->fileTree->Expand(this->fsItem); } // WxTestPhysfsFrame::rebuildTree void WxTestPhysfsFrame::doInit(const char *argv0) { if (!this->err(PHYSFS_init(argv0))) ::wxMessageBox(wxT("PHYSFS_init() failed!"), wxT("wxTestPhysfs")); this->rebuildTree(); } // WxTestPhysfsFrame::doInit void WxTestPhysfsFrame::doDeinit() { if (!this->err(PHYSFS_deinit())) ::wxMessageBox(wxT("PHYSFS_deinit() failed!"), wxT("wxTestPhysfs")); this->rebuildTree(); } // WxTestPhysfsFrame::doDeinit void WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuInit(wxCommandEvent &evt) { wxString argv0(wxGetApp().argv[0] == NULL ? wxT("") : wxGetApp().argv[0]); wxString str(wxGetTextFromUser(wxT("PHYSFS_init"), wxT("argv[0]? (cancel for NULL)"), argv0)); char *cstr = str.IsEmpty() ? NULL : newutf8(str); this->doInit(cstr); delete[] cstr; } // WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuInit void WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuDeinit(wxCommandEvent &evt) { this->doDeinit(); } // WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuDeinit void WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuAddArchive(wxCommandEvent &evt) { wxString arc = wxFileSelector(wxT("Choose archive to add")); if (!arc.IsEmpty()) { char *cstr = newutf8(arc); // !!! FIXME: add to start/end? if (!this->err(PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(cstr, 1))) ::wxMessageBox(wxT("PHYSFS_addToSearchPath() failed!"), wxT("wxTestPhysfs")); delete[] cstr; this->rebuildTree(); } // if } // WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuAddArchive void WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuGetCDs(wxCommandEvent &evt) { this->rebuildTree(); // This will call PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs()... } // WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuGetCDs void WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuPermitSymLinks(wxCommandEvent &evt) { PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(evt.IsChecked() ? 1 : 0); this->rebuildTree(); } // WxTestPhysfsFrame::onMenuPermitSymLinks IMPLEMENT_APP(WxTestPhysfsApp) bool WxTestPhysfsApp::OnInit() { #if PLATFORM_MACOSX // This lets a stdio app become a GUI app. Otherwise, you won't get // GUI events from the system and other things will fail to work. // Putting the app in an application bundle does the same thing. // TransformProcessType() is a 10.3+ API. SetFrontProcess() is 10.0+. if (TransformProcessType != NULL) // check it as a weak symbol. { ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess }; TransformProcessType(&psn, kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication); SetFrontProcess(&psn); } // if #endif this->mainWindow = new WxTestPhysfsFrame(this->argv[0]); this->mainWindow->Show(true); SetTopWindow(this->mainWindow); return true; } // WxTestPhysfsApp::OnInit // end of wxtest_physfs.cpp ...