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Implemented FORGOTPASSWORD command.
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icculus committed Jun 12, 2002
1 parent c4ac26d commit d069a70
Showing 1 changed file with 126 additions and 2 deletions.
128 changes: 126 additions & 2 deletions
Expand Up @@ -88,6 +88,14 @@
# (see constants, above)
my $use_syslog = syslogDaemon;

# Set this to name of your site. Some daemon messages and forgotten password
# emails will include it.
my $sitename = '';

# Set this to the email address for the guy that takes care of problems.
# Some error messages will include it.
my $admin_email = '';

# Set this to the number of seconds you'd like to delay before responding to
# an incorrect authentication. The longer the delay, the more you frustrate
# crackers that are trying to brute-force their way into someone else's
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# action by default, instead of the queue view.
my $default_queue = 0;

# This is the minimum number of characters that will be used when generating
# a new password to replace a forgotten one. Eight is usually reasonable.
my $forgotten_password_minsize = 8;

# This is the maximum number of characters that will be used when generating
# a new password to replace a forgotten one. Ten to twelve is usually
# reasonable.
my $forgotten_password_maxsize = 12;

# Set this to the name of a device to read random data from. If you don't have
# such a device (not on a Unix box or something), set it to undef to just
# use the built-in rand() function.
my $random_device = '/dev/urandom';

# This is the host to connect to for database access.
my $dbhost = 'localhost';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -704,6 +726,72 @@ sub change_queue {

sub send_forgotten_password {
my ($user, $email, $pword) = @_;

$email = $1 if ($email =~ /\A(.*)\Z/); # untaint email address var.

my $msg = <<__EOF__;
From: $admin_email
Reply-To: $admin_email
To: $email
Subject: Forgotten IcculusNews password.
Hello, $user.
This is the IcculusNews daemon at $sitename. Someone, possibly you, has
told us that the account password associated with this email address has
been forgotten. In response, we have chosen a new password for the account.
If it wasn't you, don't worry; the smart-ass who entered the forgotten
password request does not have your newly-generated password, unless they
are reading this email.
Please log in to IcculusNews with the following password and change it to
something else. The sooner the better, too, since this email was probably
sent unencrypted across the Internet, and we're paranoid about wiretaps and
packet sniffers.
Username : $user
New Password : $pword
--The McManagement, $sitename.

open(MAILH, '|/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject $email') or
return("Failed to run qmail-inject: $!");

if ( (not print MAILH $msg) or (not close(MAILH)) ) {
my $err = "Failed to write to qmail-inject pipe; $!";

return(undef); # no error.

sub generate_pword {
my $retval = '';
my $diff = $forgotten_password_maxsize - $forgotten_password_minsize;
my $pwordbytes = $forgotten_password_minsize + int(rand($diff + 1));

my $dev = ((defined $random_device) and (open(RANDH, '<', $random_device)));
while ($pwordbytes > 0) {
my $idx = int((($dev) ? 62.0 * ord(getc(RANDH)) / 256.0 : rand(62)));
$retval .= (0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z')[$idx];

close(RANDH) if ($dev);

# The actual commands the daemon responds to...

$commands{'AUTH'} = sub {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1281,9 +1369,45 @@ sub change_queue {

$commands{'FORGOTPASSWORD'} = sub
# !!! FIXME: Implement this.
my $args = shift;
report_error('Not yet implemented');
my ($user, $email) = (undef, undef);
if (defined $args) {
($user, $email) = $args =~ /\A\"(.+?)\"\s*\"(.+?)\"\Z/

if ((not defined $user) or (not defined $email)) {
report_error('USAGE: FORGOTPASSWORD <"user"> <"email">');

my $pword = generate_pword();
my $err = undef;
my $link = get_database_link();
my $u = $link->quote($user);
my $e = $link->quote($email);
my $sql = "select id from $dbtable_users" .
" where email like $e and name like $u";
my $sth = $link->prepare($sql);
if (not $sth->execute()) {
report_error("can't execute the query: $sth->errstr");
my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array();
$err = "Can't find a matching user/email." if (not @row);
$err = send_forgotten_password($user, $email, $pword) if (not defined $err);
if (defined $err) {
$err .= " Please talk to $admin_email for further assistance.";
} else {
my $id = $row[0];
#print("id is [$id], pword is [$pword].\n");
my $cryptedpw = $link->quote(crypt($pword, new_crypt_salt()));
$sql = "update $dbtable_users set password=$cryptedpw where id=$id";
$link->do($sql); # This has to work; we already sent the email. (*shrug*)
report_success("Helpful Phriendly info sent to $email ...");


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