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icculus committed Sep 14, 2011
1 parent 2cf08ee commit bc06f85
Showing 1 changed file with 28 additions and 19 deletions.
47 changes: 28 additions & 19 deletions scripts/localization.lua
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
-- Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory.
-- This file was generated with, version hg-789:14cd23e7efa9 ...
-- on 2010-10-25 00:11:40-0400
-- This file was generated with, version hg-828:b464836a3443 ...
-- on 2011-09-14 03:37:26-0400
-- Your own installer's localizations go into app_localization.lua instead.
-- If you want to add strings to be translated to this file, contact Ryan
Expand All @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
-- ...and that work eventually ends up in this file.
-- X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-10-25 03:36+0000
-- X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)
-- X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-09-14 06:52+0000
-- X-Generator: Launchpad (build 13921)

MojoSetup.languages = {
en_US = "English (United States)",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
hu = "FIGYELEM: %0\n[üss entert]",
id = "CATATAN: %0\n[tekan enter]",
it = "ATTENZIONE: %0",
ja = "通知: %0\n[Enter を押してください]",
nb = "Notis: %0\n[trykk enter]",
nds = "HINWEIS: %0",
nl = "OPMERKING: %0\n[Toets enter]",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,6 +258,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
hu = "%0 [i/n/Mindig/Soha]: ",
id = "%0 [y/t/Selalu/Tidak Pernah]: ",
it = "%0 [s/n/Sempre/Mai]: ",
ja = "%0 [y/n/Always/Never]: ",
lb = "%0 [j/n/Emmer/Nie] ",
nb = "%0 [j/n/Alltid/Aldri]: ",
nds = "%0 [j/n/Immer/Niemals] ",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,6 +382,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
hu = "Mindig",
id = "Selalu",
it = "Sempre",
ja = "Always",
lb = "Emmer",
nb = "Alltid",
nds = "Immer",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,6 +425,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
hu = "Soha",
id = "Tidak Pernah",
it = "Mai",
ja = "Never",
lb = "Nie",
nb = "Aldri",
nds = "Niemals",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,7 +468,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
nds = "%0-%1 von %2 Zeilen, mehr sehen?",
nl = "(%0-%1 van %2 regels, meer zien?)",
nn = "(%0-%1 av %2 linjer, sjå meir?)",
pl = "(%0-%1 z %2 linii, pokazać więcej?",
pl = "(%0-%1 z %2 linii, pokazać więcej?)",
pt = "(%0-%1 de %2 linhas, ver mais?)",
pt_BR = "(%0-%1 de %2 linhas, ver mais?)",
ro = "(%0-%1 din %2 linii, vizualizează mai mult?)",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -689,7 +693,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
hu = "Elfogadja a liszenszt?",
id = "Terima lisensi ini?",
it = "Accetti questa licenza?",
ja = "ライセンスに同意しますか",
ja = "このライセンスに同意しますか",
nb = "Aksepterer du denne lisensen?",
nds = "Diese Lizenz akzeptieren?",
nl = "Accepteert u deze licentie?",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -726,6 +730,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
hu = "_Mindig",
id = "Sel_alu",
it = "_Sempre",
ja = "_Always",
nb = "_Alltid",
nds = "_Immer",
nl = "_Altijd",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -909,7 +914,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
en_CA = "BUG: duplicate media id",
en_GB = "BUG: duplicate media id",
es = "FALLO: id de medio duplicada",
fi = "BUGI: kaksi identtistä media id:tä",
fi = "OHJELMOINTIVIRHE: kaksi identtistä media id:tä",
fr = "BUG: Identifiant du media déjà utilisé",
he = "באג: מזהה מדיה כפול",
hu = "BUG: duplikált média azonosító (media id)",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -983,7 +988,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
en_CA = "BUG: support_uninstall requires write_manifest",
en_GB = "BUG: support_uninstall requires write_manifest",
es = "ERROR: La desintalacion requiere write_manifest",
fi = "BUGI: support_uninstall vaatii write_manifest:n",
fi = "OHJELMOINTIVIRHE: support_uninstall vaatii write_manifest:n",
fr = "BOGUE: 'support_uninstall' exige 'write_manifest'",
he = "באג: support_uninstall דורש את write_manifest",
hu = "BUG: support_uninstall igényli a write_manifest -et",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1021,7 +1026,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
en_CA = "BUG: write_manifest requires Lua parser support",
en_GB = "BUG: write_manifest requires Lua parser support",
es = "ERROR: write_manifest requiere un intérprete Lua",
fi = "BUGI: write_manifest vaatii Lua parser -tuen",
fi = "OHJELMOINTIVIRHE: write_manifest vaatii Lua parser -tuen",
fr = "BOGUE: 'write_manifest' exige le support du parser Lua",
he = "באג: write_manifest דורש את התמיכה במפענח Lua",
hu = "BUG: write_manifest igényli a Lua értelmező támogatást",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1057,7 +1062,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
en_CA = "BUG: Setup.DesktopMenuItem requires support_uninstall",
en_GB = "BUG: Setup.DesktopMenuItem requires support_uninstall",
es = "FALLO: Setup.DesktopMenuItem requiere support_uninstall",
fi = "BUGI: Setup.DesktopMenuItem vaatii support_uninstall:n",
fi = "OHJELMOINTIVIRHE: Setup.DesktopMenuItem vaatii support_uninstall:n",
fr = "BOGUE: 'Setup.DesktopMenuItem' exige 'support_uninstall'",
he = "באג: Setup.DesktopMenuItem דורש את support_uninstall",
hu = "BUG: Setup.DesktopMenuItem igényli a support_uninstall-t",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1129,7 +1134,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
en_CA = "BUG: Invalid format() string",
en_GB = "BUG: Invalid format() string",
es = "FALLO: Cadena format() no válida",
fi = "BUGI: Epäkelpo format()-merkkijono",
fi = "OHJELMOINTIVIRHE: Epäkelpo format()-merkkijono",
fr = "BUG: Chaîne format() invalide",
he = "באג: מחרוזת format() שגויה",
hu = "BUG: Helytelen format() sztring",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1166,7 +1171,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
en_CA = "BUG: stage returned wrong type",
en_GB = "BUG: stage returned wrong type",
es = "FALLO: la etapa ha devuelto tipo erróneo",
fi = "BUGI: vaihe palautti väärää tyyppiä",
fi = "OHJELMOINTIVIRHE: vaihe palautti väärää tyyppiä",
fr = "BUG: L'étape renvoie un mauvais type de données",
he = "באג: השלב החזיר סוג שגוי",
hu = "BUG: az állomás rossz típussal tért vissza",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1202,7 +1207,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
en_CA = "BUG: stage returned wrong value",
en_GB = "BUG: stage returned wrong value",
es = "FALLO: la etapa ha devuelto valor erróneo",
fi = "BUGI: vaihe palautti väärän arvon",
fi = "OHJELMOINTIVIRHE: vaihe palautti väärän arvon",
fr = "BUG: L'étape renvoie une mauvaise valeur",
he = "באג: השלב החזיר ערך שגוי",
hu = "BUG: az állomás rossz értékkel tért vissza",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1238,7 +1243,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
en_CA = "BUG: stepped back over start of stages",
en_GB = "BUG: stepped back over start of stages",
es = "FALLO: retroceso más atrás del inicio de las etapas",
fi = "BUGI: astuttiin ensimmäisen vaiheen taakse",
fi = "OHJELMOINTIVIRHE: astuttiin ensimmäisen vaiheen taakse",
fr = "BUG: Revenu au début des étapes",
he = "באג: צעד אחורה אל מעבר לשלבי ההתחלה",
hu = "BUG: visszalépés a kezdő állomás után",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1272,7 +1277,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
en_CA = "BUG: Unhandled data type",
en_GB = "BUG: Unhandled data type",
es = "FALLO: Tipo de datos sin manipular",
fi = "BUGI: Käsittelemätön datatyyppi",
fi = "OHJELMOINTIVIRHE: Käsittelemätön datatyyppi",
fr = "BUG: Type de fichier inconnu",
he = "באג: סוג הנתונים בלתי מטופל",
hu = "BUG: Lekezeletlen adattípus",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1308,7 +1313,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
en_CA = "BUG: Can't duplicate tar inputs",
en_GB = "BUG: Can't duplicate tar inputs",
es = "FALLO: No se pueden duplicar las entradas tar",
fi = "BUGI: tar-syötteitä ei voida kahdentaa",
fi = "OHJELMOINTIVIRHE: tar-syötteitä ei voida kahdentaa",
fr = "BUG: Impossible de dupliquer les entrées tar",
he = "באג: לא ניתן לשכפל פלט מסוג tar",
hu = "BUG: tar bemenet nem duplikálható",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1344,7 +1349,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
en_CA = "BUG: Unexpected value",
en_GB = "BUG: Unexpected value",
es = "FALLO: Valor inesperado",
fi = "BUGI: Odottamaton arvo",
fi = "OHJELMOINTIVIRHE: Odottamaton arvo",
fr = "BUG: Valeur inattendue",
he = "באג: ערך בלתי צפוי",
hu = "BUG: váratlan érték",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2045,6 +2050,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
hu = "Mégsem",
id = "Batal",
it = "Annulla",
ja = "キャンセル",
nb = "Avbryt",
nds = "Abbrechen",
nl = "Annuleren",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2081,6 +2087,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
hu = "Telepítés megszakítása",
id = "Batal instalasi",
it = "Annulla l'installazione",
ja = "インストールをキャンセル",
nb = "Avbryt installasjonen",
nds = "Installation abbrechen",
nl = "Installatie afbreken?",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2445,6 +2452,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
hu = "Mappa:",
id = "Folder:",
it = "Cartella:",
ja = "フォルダー:",
nb = "Katalog:",
nds = "Ordner:",
nl = "Map:",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2621,6 +2629,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
hu = "Végzetes hiba",
id = "Galat yang mematikan",
it = "Errore critico",
ja = "致命的なエラー",
nb = "Kritisk feil",
nds = "Fataler Fehler",
nl = "Fatale fout",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3823,7 +3832,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
en_CA = "The installer has crashed due to a bug.",
en_GB = "The installer has crashed due to a bug.",
es = "El instalador se ha bloqueado por un fallo.",
fi = "Bugi kaatoi asennusohjelman.",
fi = "Ohjelmointivirhe kaatoi asennusohjelman.",
fr = "L'installateur a quitté inopinément à cause d'un bogue.",
he = "תוכנית ההתקנה קרה עקב שגיאת תוכנה.",
hu = "A telepítő egy bug miatt összeomlott.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4732,7 +4741,7 @@ MojoSetup.localization = {
cs = "Minimalizovat",
de = "Minimieren",
el = "Ελαχιστοποίηση",
en_AU = "Minimize",
en_AU = "Minimise",
en_CA = "Minimize",
en_GB = "Minimise",
es = "Minimizar",
Expand Down

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